The Evil face of hair transplantation industry

can be seen here. This is by far the most shocking thing i ever read.

Hi, having read lots on this forum about dr Gho’s procedure I decided to email many top surgeons for some input about hair stem cell transplantation and whether they would consider speaking to dr gho and look into it. I sent the following email:

Hi I wondered if you are offering this treatment or will be offering it soon. It’s advertised by coen gho as hair stem cell transplantation and uses partial follicular unit extraction to multiply hairs from the donor region.

There was an interview by Spencer kobren on the bald truth talk radio show with Dr Gho back in July where he stated he would be willing to share his technique with other doctors.

His website is and he has published a paper on this: Donor hair follicle preservation by partial follicular unit extraction. A method to optimize hair transplantation - PubMed

I am contacting a number of leading surgeons regarding this as I feel the more involvement there is the better! There is certainly a demand for such a procedure!

I would be very grateful for your input!

Many thanks,

here are two responses

So far I have received two replies:

Dr konior:I do not offer treatments that have not undergone strict scientific scrutiny. Good luck with your research.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Dr kabaker:
Dream on. We are no way near a method to multiply hairs. The clinical paper you sent essentially supports this. It only shows that a partial hair unit that might be harvested with poor technique has a better than expected survival potential when transplanted. Maybe someday in the distant future we can produce more hairs than exist on individual.

Sheldon S. Kabaker MD. ********Sent from my iPhone

And SpanishDude and his hairman2 posse are actually supporting those kind of surgeons.

SpanishDude would applaude and put a comment especially under the second statement because retards like SpanishDude find “dream on” funny funny like Rassman