Tang28 - Strip scar repair using FUE

Strip scar repair - Tang28 background and pics.

Picture was taken approximately three years ago. The scar was only about a year old at the time. That’s why it looks this red. The scar on the side of his head and above his ear is virtually the same color of his scalp and is very hard to detect.

before FUE repair

before FUE repair

before FUE repair

before FUE repair

Pictures provided by Tang28. Pics were taken approx Jun 2007. Over the past 3 years, Tang28 had approx 1000 FUE grafts planted into his strip scar, done by different doctors.

Again, pics are provided by Tang28. In his own words:

“In my opinion the photo’s don’t show much. I believe it looks a lot better in person. Either way, let me know what you think and could you please post the new and old photo’s side by side, so people can compare them. Thanks” - Tang28

After 992 FUE grafts planted into strip scar by different doctors

After 992 FUE grafts planted into strip scar by different doctors

After 992 FUE grafts planted into strip scar by different doctors

After 992 FUE grafts planted into strip scar by different doctors

After 992 FUE grafts planted into strip scar by different doctors

After 992 FUE grafts planted into strip scar by different doctors

After 992 FUE grafts planted into strip scar by different doctors

Do you have a shot of the back of his entire head before the grafting? I see the one after the grafting.

I was requested to do a side-by-side, but the pictures are NOT to scale. Sorry if they are not very clear.

» Do you have a shot of the back of his entire head before the grafting? I
» see the one after the grafting.

I have a shot of his head AFTER, but not before. Sorry

Much better I am sure. I wish he had a before shot…I can barely see it but it must be tons better than before. But I tell you what… this is a good case why FUE works well for his issue. Why go back and do a strip to correct a strip when you can do just what this fellow did. Good job. :slight_smile:

» Much better I am sure. I wish he had a before shot…I can barely see it
» but it must be tons better than before. But I tell you what… this is a
» good case why FUE works well for his issue. Why go back and do a strip to
» correct a strip when you can do just what this fellow did. Good job. :slight_smile:

All I see lately are repair patients trying to remedy their scars. This is a tell tell sign that hair transplant is not really as effective as they are advertised to be. Buyers beware.

And why the heck was this guy getting a hair transplant in the first place? His hairloss has barely begun, he still has plenty of hair, and he looks quite young. Why would a doc even touch this guy? I mean, aside from the money. :slight_smile:

Well you answered your question Xray… and it burns me up too… Money. Money and greed are the drivers of this industry… sorry to have be so narrow minded but I saw it first hand on the inside and it disgusted me.

» Well you answered your question Xray… and it burns me up too… Money.
» Money and greed are the drivers of this industry… sorry to have be so
» narrow minded but I saw it first hand on the inside and it disgusted me.

Why he did not go for a Tricho closure for repair? In that way he would have saved those 992 grafts for future and he would have gotten some more grafts to add density in the front.

Sure tricho can work good. But in the right hands. It is not a fix all in all situations. There are pics out on the internet that show scar stretching even with tricho. Do not think it is a fix all. This patient looks ok with the route he took.

» Why he did not go for a Tricho closure for repair? In that way he would
» have saved those 992 grafts for future and he would have gotten some more
» grafts to add density in the front.

He had a scar revision before. It worked initially but the scar stretched again soon afterwards.

This may be a dumb question, but is the scar only on the right side or is it across his whole head?

He probably did not need much in terms of a transplant so they just took it on that side.