I’m not certain of its importance, but did anyone else catch the fact that Dr. Stenn has ties to Follica, Inc.?
Here’s an excerpt from one of the articles that came out the middle of last month…
“Follica Inc., a privately held medical device company, was co-founded by PureTech Ventures and a group of world renowned experts in hair follicle biology and medicine. In addition to hair loss, Follica has intellectual property and development programs in various skin and follicle related indications. Additional Follica contributors include Dr. Kurt Stenn (Aderans Research, formerly of J & J, Yale) member of Follica’s scientific advisory board; Dr. Ron Cape (PureTech partner, founder Cetus, former board member Neutrogena) Follica board member; and Dr. Steve Prouty (former J&J skin biology) Follica director of research. http://www.follicabio.com/”
Also, I’m curious to know why Dr. Elaine Fuchs hasn’t furthered the study of wnt signaling as it pertains to hair growth. She knew of its importance back in 2004. Now it appears that Dr. Cotsarelis will take things to the next level after his wound healing experiments reconfirmed the significance of wnt in hair follicle growth.
If memory serves me correctly, at one point in time Fuchs said all they had to do was “tweak” their formula to get hair to grow without succumbing to the adverse effects of wnt pathway manipulation (i.e. tumor development). I wonder if they ran into road blocks and gave up?
With that said, I wonder if Cotsarelis will face the same road blocks…?