Should we fund Intercytex?

» Intercytex has investors and has already received £1.85M from the
» government. They look like a well run prudent company who will only spend
» if need be.
» I can remember when the government grant was awarded to intercytex there
» was outcry in the press from people who worked in the NHS saying y money is
» being spent on something which is not life threatening. It gets me so angry
» when people say such things. The british government spends £2000 on a
» single set of braces to straighten the teeth of children. Now is having
» bent teeth life threatening ?? The simple answer is NO.

In fact, baldness can be life threatening, as many people try to cure it using risky drugs and methods that can be life threatening (some of them FDA-approved). And we are talking about many millions of persons. Not a joke.

» I can remember when the government grant was awarded to intercytex there
» was outcry in the press from people who worked in the NHS saying y money is
» being spent on something which is not life threatening. It gets me so angry
» when people say such things. The british government spends £2000 on a
» single set of braces to straighten the teeth of children. Now is having
» bent teeth life threatening ?? The simple answer is NO.

The biggest problem is that people see it as normal (unattractive usually - but normal), because they have always seen bald men around them. That has been the biggest factor working against hairloss research. Ironically, the same people who say its ok start panicking once they start losing hair themselves.