Should I be concerned with this world reputed surgeon?

I’m seriously considering a HT procedure, and was very happy to find out that a reputable surgeon is within driving distance to where I’m located. The specific doctor is not relevant, but I’m sure most of you have heard of him.

Previous clinics that I visited often drew black lines on my head, and then, naturally erases them before I leave. Most places do a great job of making sure that the marks are gone.

Not this “world class” surgeon. He had me draw a line where I would like my hairline. He then gave me a wet nap to remove it. However, during the consultation, he drew another line on top of my head in front of the crown. HE DIDN’T REMOVE IT!!! I went directly to a dinner with many friends in a dimly lit restaurant. I hope nobody noticed it. I went to the bathroom and to my shocking surprise, a dark line was drawn along the horseshoe. I gasped and quickly removed it using water and soap.

I can only imagine if someone called me out on it. I’m going through great measures to logically get a HT without drawing attention to it. Can you fathom what would happen if my friends asked what it was? It would be so obvious, and my dreams of having a successful HT would be immediately blown to bits.

How can this world class reputable surgeon make such a mistake? I noticed he was tired and yawning throughout the non-complimentary consultation, but is this cause for alarm? How would you feel about this? To make things worse, I’m short so many people can see the top of my head. I still do not know if my friends saw the line and are talking without me knowing.

My instinct says that I should stay away from this guy, but so many people rave about his talents.

Your thoughts?

If nobody commented, nobody saw it so don’t panic. I’d definately raise the issue if i saw a guy with a line running round his bald nugget.

Listen to your instincts. If you don’t feel comfortable with the doc, shop around. Take your time and don’t dive into this as its a life changing decision.

Post pics of your head here first before going to any doctor. Get an opinion from someone with no agenda (i.e. not a doctor or paid shill) like me and others. I’ll tell you my opinion on whether a HT will do you any good. I’m nobody special and I’ve never had a HT myself but I’ve been on here long enough.

» If nobody commented, nobody saw it so don’t panic. I’d definately raise
» the issue if i saw a guy with a line running round his bald nugget.
» Listen to your instincts. If you don’t feel comfortable with the doc, shop
» around. Take your time and don’t dive into this as its a life changing
» decision.
» Post pics of your head here first before going to any doctor. Get an
» opinion from someone with no agenda (i.e. not a doctor or paid shill) like
» me and others. I’ll tell you my opinion on whether a HT will do you any
» good. I’m nobody special and I’ve never had a HT myself but I’ve been on
» here long enough.

Thanks man. I appreciate the comment, and it does bring some comfort that you don’t think I’m acting irrationally. A member of another forum commented that I’m psychologically unfit for a HT if I’m bothered by this. I don’t see how anyone wouldn’t be bothered.

I posted my pictures on another thread, but your opinion would be greatly appreciated. Here’s the link:

» » If nobody commented, nobody saw it so don’t panic. I’d definately raise
» » the issue if i saw a guy with a line running round his bald nugget.
» »
» » Listen to your instincts. If you don’t feel comfortable with the doc,
» shop
» » around. Take your time and don’t dive into this as its a life changing
» » decision.
» »
» » Post pics of your head here first before going to any doctor. Get an
» » opinion from someone with no agenda (i.e. not a doctor or paid shill)
» like
» » me and others. I’ll tell you my opinion on whether a HT will do you any
» » good. I’m nobody special and I’ve never had a HT myself but I’ve been
» on
» » here long enough.
» Thanks man. I appreciate the comment, and it does bring some comfort that
» you don’t think I’m acting irrationally. A member of another forum
» commented that I’m psychologically unfit for a HT if I’m bothered by this.
» I don’t see how anyone wouldn’t be bothered.
» I posted my pictures on another thread, but your opinion would be greatly
» appreciated. Here’s the link:

dont choose a surgeon just because he is geographically close to you
thats a silly reason to go with a surgeon

although I know it seems logical

HT good surgeons are far from easy to find, there are not that many good ones

just because we have heard of a guy, doesnt mean he is a good surgeon, There are many surgeons on the board who are famous and held in high esteem that many posters think are not that great

» Thanks man. I appreciate the comment, and it does bring some comfort that
» you don’t think I’m acting irrationally. A member of another forum
» commented that I’m psychologically unfit for a HT if I’m bothered by this.
» I don’t see how anyone wouldn’t be bothered.

As I suggested to you, try Avodart & Minox 5% FIRST for 1.5 years before jumping into a transplant. You are going to HAVE to use it after you have a transplant anyway if you want any hope in hell of keeping your existing hair and not looking like a freak if the existing hair falls out and the transplants remain.

So get on it RIGHT AWAY without dilly dallying.