Shaved Head FUE

I keep my hair buzzed. I would like to get FUE…any docs with good pics?

I assume it takes far less FUE to achieve a stubble look.

all I really want is the look of a hair line. I have no plan to grow my hair any longer than a buzz.

Help? Doctors? Pictures? FUE count?


» I keep my hair buzzed. I would like to get FUE…any docs with good pics?
» I assume it takes far less FUE to achieve a stubble look.
» all I really want is the look of a hair line. I have no plan to grow my
» hair any longer than a buzz.
» Help? Doctors? Pictures? FUE count?
» Thanks

Great question.I’d like an answer to this as well.

I shave what hair I have left down with balding clippers,all I’d really like is more of a hair line.Stuble looks good!

FUE is perfect if you want to wear your hair short. There are plenty in the archives, the first one that came to mind is Baldimore, he is one of Dr. Cole’s patients. This one is after just 1500 grafts. He didn’t really shave his head, but he did keep it quite short when these pics were taken.





Thanks for the reply …but I am talking Vin Diesel short…stubble look

Any docs? Pictures?


Here’s another one, from GHI.

that’s a great job…thanks

hairsite what are the details on this particular case?

» hairsite what are the details on this particular case?

what about the donor-area. how does it look like after such a fue.

» » hairsite what are the details on this particular case?
» what about the donor-area. how does it look like after such a fue.

Some of the better docs for FUE are Dr. Cole, Dr. Armani and Dr. Umar. You are right when you shave your head with an HT you can go for the less is more look so you may not need as many grafts to get an eye pleasing look.