
Self-medication is use of a drug with therapeutic intent but without professional advice or prescription.

There are legal constraints on self-medication, however: it may overlap with recreational drug use, and there is a psychiatric hypothesis by which it is linked to drug abuse and addiction.

Some drugs, including aspirin and paracetamol, are licensed for sale for self-medication, and licensed manufacturers (pharmaceutical companies) combine them with other substances to create a wide range of branded products sold over the counter.

Also, legal use may be made of drugs such as alcohol and tobacco which are not covered by drug control laws.

I use to self medicate…although it was a long time ago. Here are few that I prescribed to myself: Nembutal, Seconal, Tuinal, Quaalude, Morphine Sulfate, Heroin, Oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, Demoral, Eskatrol, Dexidrine, Dexamil,Desoxyn, Preludin, Valium, Xanax, Librium, Ativan, Dalmane, Restoril, MDA, LSD, psilocybin, Peyote, and others…all on a sesame seed bun.

Oh…I almost forgot to mention, catnip.

Self-medication is a normal practice when it comes to OTC medicines. For common colds, fevers, headaches and other common illnesses and discomforts; self-medication is easy and usually safe. The dangers come when someone self-medicates using prescription drugs. Many prescription drugs carry lots of side-effects and other risks that only a doctor can safely prescribe.

Diuretic drugs, also known as water pills, are commonly prescribed to treat high blood pressure, edema, and congestive heart failure. All diuretic drugs which are usually called diuretics cause a person to “lose water”. Diuretics work by different mechanisms, most commonly in following ways:

* By inhibiting the ability of kidney to reabsorb sodium, thus enhancing the loss of sodium in the urine. When sodium is lost in the urine, water goes with it. Diuretic which inhibits <a href="">reabsorbtion</a> of sodium is called a high-ceiling diuretic or a loop diuretic.
* By increasing the excretion of both sodium and chloride in the urine so that water is excreted with them. This is how the thiazide diuretics work.
* By blocking the exchange of sodium for potassium, resulting in excretion of sodium and potassium but relatively little loss of potassium. These diuretics are therefore termed potassium sparing diuretics.

Diuretic drugs are non habit forming. Diuretic drugs stimulate the kidneys to produce more urine, flushing excess fluids and minerals (e.g., sodium) from the body. There are four general types of diuretics: loop, osmotic, potassium-sparing and thiazide (or thiazide-like). It is important to know that none of these diuratics is recommended for pregnant women, and only potassium-sparing diuretics appear to be safe during breast feeding.