Replicels retractions and results

so they released those retractions because they were disappointed with the results themselves. Certainly appears that way argh

» so they released those retractions because they were disappointed with the
» results themselves. Certainly appears that way argh

Replicel failed on friday afternoon just I predicted.

» Friday :
» Now :

Also predicted the above, you guys have been beating the dead horse so much this weekend and will continue for the next few years.

God that horse picture is horrible.

I think the retraction would have been necessary even if the results had been in the range predicted by Hallsy; the increase in price some of those sources were predicting was downright unrealistic for a 6 month phase I result imo.

Stock pumpers did more to damage their share price & company image than the modest Phase I results.

You were right about replicel, but can you please stop repeatedly showing the same pictures? I have posted joke pictures before on HairSite, but I don’t overdo it. If you have a funny pic, post it once and then LET IT GO. Some people on this forum have the maturity level of elementary school kids.