
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA–(Marketwire -06/11/12)- RepliCel Life Sciences Inc. (the “Company” or “RepliCel”) (REPCF) presented significant new data from its Phase I/IIa first-in-man clinical trial at its Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of Shareholders held on Monday, June 11, 2012. To view a copy of the presentation, please click here.

David Hall, RepliCel’s President and CEO, stated, “As previously reported, a 6-month interim analysis of data from RepliCel’s first-in-man clinical trial revealed that the RepliCel™ treatment is safe and effective. This news is significant, as it allows us to move forward with our Phase II dosing trial. RepliCel’s team is working with European regulators to finalize protocols for the Phase IIb clinical trial application, expected to commence in late 2012. The Phase IIb clinical trial will be designed to optimize treatment regimen for hair growth. Several different treatment regimens will be tested, including different concentrations of cells and different treatment schedules, including single and repeat injections.” Mr. Hall further stated, “The Company is also focused on optimizing the RepliCel™ procedure with the objectives of enhancing cell yield and isolation from scalp biopsies and improving cell replication yield and processing time.”

Over the past six months, the Company has raised over USD$2.8 million through a series of private placements. These funds will be used for the continued advancement of the RepliCel™ technology.

About RepliCel Life Sciences Inc.

The Company has developed RepliCel™, a patented natural hair cell replication technology that has the potential to become the world’s first, minimally invasive solution for androgenetic alopecia and general hair loss in men and women. RepliCel™ is based on autologous cell implantation technology that replicates a patient’s hair cells from their own healthy hair follicles and, when reintroduced into areas of hair loss, initiates natural hair regeneration. The Company is currently conducting first-in-man clinical trials. Additional information on RepliCel is available at

Funny, they are walking in Aderans footprint :slight_smile:

» Funny, they are walking in Aderans footprint :slight_smile:


» » I’ve noticed on the presentation towards the end on the developmental pathway section, that they have a pathway #2 and it’s basically geared towards improvement in order to make the process more automated. but look where it says PHASE 2 AND 3 AGAIN!!! We have to get this clarified- does it mean a repeat of trials or would they do that simultaneously.

Those ‘‘results’’ are pathetic. It’s literally nothing.

» Those ‘‘results’’ are pathetic. It’s literally nothing.

shut the hell up. it’s 20% in 6 months. Sure, 2015 date is almost impossible at this point but I’m sure eventually they’ll nail it… Histogen would have released their treatment first either way

» » Those ‘‘results’’ are pathetic. It’s literally nothing.
» shut the hell up. it’s 20% in 6 months. Sure, 2015 date is almost
» impossible at this point but I’m sure eventually they’ll nail it…
» Histogen would have released their treatment first either way

he’s talking about replicel man

» » Those ‘‘results’’ are pathetic. It’s literally nothing.
» shut the hell up. it’s 20% in 6 months. Sure, 2015 date is almost
» impossible at this point but I’m sure eventually they’ll nail it…
» Histogen would have released their treatment first either way

Funny thing is that none of them are going to release anything :wink:

Replicel is my perfect example for US Snake oil companies who really and obiously only care about monaaaayyy

» Replicel is my perfect example for US Snake oil companies who really and
» obiously only care about monaaaayyy

This could be replicel’s real representative:

This is replicel in a nutshell:

They don’t even plan to market their procedure. They want to sell their patents and if by some miracle somebody buys that BS, then it will be even harder for that company who buys it to market that procedure and will take too long.

We are better off with Histogen. So if any investors are reading this now, DITCH REPLICEL and INVEST ON HSC.

I can’t quite see what the difference is - either positive or negative.

Strange how it works so wonderfully in mice but shows near zero impact in humans.

Something very subtle is missing - either in the delivery mechanism or the cell culturing or the fact that the cells are not aggregated when injected or something.

Its gotta be something simple as I can’t believe it works 100% of the time in mice but not humans.

The only good news for Replicel is they are now cleared for testing in humans.