Replicel results are in!

Here we go guys!! Just released hot off the press. Thoughts?

RepliCel Releases Positive Results from the Interim Analysis of Data from its First-in-man TS001-2009 Clinical Trial

» Thoughts?

Sure - exactly the BS I expected.

The efficacy of injections of autologous DSCC in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia was assessed through measurements of hair growth for those patients treated according to the protocol (16 patients). (Note that 3 patients were removed from this analysis because their injection products were shipped outside of the temperature range stated in the protocol). Relative to measurements taken prior to injection (baseline), the total hair density (the total number of hairs in a given area per cm2) at sites injected with autologous DSCC increased 6.1%. Vellus hair (small/intermediate sized-hair: approximately 10-40um thick) density and terminal hair (thick hair) density increased by 12.5% and 3.2%, respectively. Cumulative hair thickness per area (an estimate of scalp hair coverage; the sum of thickness of all hair diameters in a given area per cm2) also improved (by 4.3%) at DSCC-injected treatment sites relative to baseline measurements.

» Here we go guys!! Just released hot off the press. Thoughts?
» RepliCel Releases Positive Results from the Interim Analysis of Data from
» its First-in-man TS001-2009 Clinical Trial

Very disappointing.

On first glance and thought the percentages dont seem that fantastic but if its cumulative and further phases tweak it i guess its really good. But it works thats the main thing.

» Yeh im not sure about those precentages…

This is also something I expected. :smiley:

» Yeh im not sure about those precentages… It doesnt seem that fantastic
» but if its cumulative i guess its really good. But it works thats the main
» thing
» * the total hair density at sites injected with autologous DSCC increased
» 6.1%
» * Vellus hair density and terminal hair density increased by 12.5% and
» 3.2%, respectively.
» * Cumulative hair thickness per area (an estimate of scalp hair coverage;
» the sum of thickness of all hair diameters in a given area per cm2) also
» improved (by 4.3%) at DSCC-injected treatment sites relative to baseline
» measurements.

Ya no doubt better than nothing. But nothing I would spend more than like $500 on, but if it was out today I would no doubt go out and get it for that price.

Nobody’s head exploded which is great.

This is positive news and theyre going to phase two so consider this a win folks.

12% thickness increase in vellous is fairly decent.

» Ya no doubt better than nothing. But nothing I would spend more than like
» $500 on, but if it was out today I would no doubt go out and get it for
» that price.

No, I wouldn’t do this. For $500, I would rather buy 100 real funtional, thick, long, pigmented and PERMANENT hairs in the Netherlands - without any big loss in my donor area. This is NO JOKE!

» » Ya no doubt better than nothing. But nothing I would spend more than
» like
» » $500 on, but if it was out today I would no doubt go out and get it for
» » that price.
» No, I wouldn’t do this. For $500, I would rather buy 100 real funtional,
» thick, long and pigmented hairs in the Netherlands - without any big loss
» in my donor area. This is NO JOKE!

If I was in Europe I would do the same. Unfortunately $1000 flights makes such endeavors unrealistic. This is why we must push HT docs to adopt HST.

» » » Ya no doubt better than nothing. But nothing I would spend more than
» » like
» » » $500 on, but if it was out today I would no doubt go out and get it
» for
» » » that price.
» »
» » No, I wouldn’t do this. For $500, I would rather buy 100 real funtional,
» » thick, long and pigmented hairs in the Netherlands - without any big
» loss
» » in my donor area. This is NO JOKE!
» If I was in Europe I would do the same. Unfortunately $1000 flights makes
» such endeavors unrealistic. This is why we must push HT docs to adopt HST.


Finally, finally someone really said the truth, no speculations, no cryng, just how it is

What Replicel present here is well not even on par with what Ari or Histogen have shown so far, and THOSE two are not THAT awesome

3.2% increase in terminal hairs? Oh boy.

» 3.2% increase in terminal hairs? Oh boy.

That indicates new growth though or revived follicles

They are moving forward and that is a positive. I’m not sure what to think about the percentages…weren’t these safety trials?? I would think that they would work on efficacy in the next trial. We will see. AFTER READING SOME OF THE POSTS HERE…IT REALLY SEEMS AS THOUGH SOME PEOPLE HAVE AN AGENDA!!

But what these results don’t show is if Replicel can “immunize” follicles or at least prolong them. I believe that aspect warrants further investigation.

» Here we go guys!! Just released hot off the press. Thoughts?
» RepliCel Releases Positive Results from the Interim Analysis of Data from
» its First-in-man TS001-2009 Clinical Trial

It doesn’t sound too hot, but I’m glad to hear Replicel’s confident in further trials. The real concern’s whether or not they’re able to achieve optimum dosing during PII. That also seems to be a major hurdle for Aderans.

» » 3.2% increase in terminal hairs? Oh boy.
» That indicates new growth though or revived follicles

Better than nothing, but it’s nothing that is going to stop me from getting on Propecia in the next few months.

posted by Willy, 02.05.2012, 09:38

They are moving forward and that is a positive. I’m not sure what to think about the percentages…weren’t these safety trials?? I would think that they would work on efficacy in the next trial. We will see. AFTER READING SOME OF THE POSTS HERE…IT REALLY SEEMS AS THOUGH SOME PEOPLE HAVE AN AGENDA!!

Isn’t that the truth.

» » Thoughts?
» >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
» The efficacy of injections of autologous DSCC in the treatment of
» androgenetic alopecia was assessed through measurements of hair growth for
» those patients treated according to the protocol (16 patients). (Note that
» 3 patients were removed from this analysis because their injection products
» were shipped outside of the temperature range stated in the protocol).
» Relative to measurements taken prior to injection (baseline), the total
» hair density (the total number of hairs in a given area per cm2) at sites
» injected with autologous DSCC increased 6.1%. Vellus hair
» (small/intermediate sized-hair: approximately 10-40um thick) density and
» terminal hair (thick hair) density increased by 12.5% and 3.2%,
» respectively. Cumulative hair thickness per area (an estimate of scalp hair
» coverage; the sum of thickness of all hair diameters in a given area per
» cm2) also improved (by 4.3%) at DSCC-injected treatment sites relative to
» baseline measurements.
» <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Guys, we shouldn’t quarrel about who was right or who was wrong - it makes no sense.
From a scientific point of view, Dr. Colin Jahoda (the real inventor of Replicel’s procedure) was right all along:

Neither the Replicel guys themselves (according to their paper in 2003) nor Dr. Jahoda (response paper in 2003) - both are right: There is basically NO DIFFERENCE between the DP cell compartment and the DSC cell compartment concerning the effectiveness. In other words, these initial clinical trail findings by the Replicel guys - just represent “Intercytex results” - nothing more, nothing less. And they FAILED also in phase II trails. In my opinion, the Replicel guys should rather do what Jahoda suggests - more RESEARCH is necessary. But the latter costs TIME and MONEY.

» » 3.2% increase in terminal hairs? Oh boy.
» That indicates new growth though or revived follicles

Or it could mean it woke up early a few of the follicles in the normal and periodic resting stage, which would have awakened on their own in another month or two anyway.

» Or it could mean it woke up early a few of the follicles in the normal and
» periodic resting stage, which would have awakened on their own in another
» month or two anyway.

argh never thought of it that way hehe.

I actually dont know what to make of these results.