R71- (B/A pictures) 3284 strip/FUHT grafts (46 months update) Dr. A\'s Clinic

R71 - Repair HT (nickname) underwent 3270 strip FUHT + 14 Beard grafts (46 months update) - Dr. A’s Clinic

Comparison pictures

Before pictures

After pictures

R71 - (nickname) underwent (Repair HT) 3270 strip FUHT + 14 Beard grafts (46 months update) - Dr. A’s Clinic

R71 - (Repair HT ) 3270 strip FUHT + 14 Beard grafts (46 months update) - Dr. A's Clinic from Arvind poswal on Vimeo.

Was this a repair? It looked as if he had plugs all over the hairline in the before pics.

@HMorHT- Yes, this was a repair case.
Patient had an unsuccessful HT before with some wrongly placed grafts.

Dear forum readers,
Repairing unaesthetic hair transplants performed elsewhere is indeed a large part of our work.
Apart from the wrongly placed grafts, it is the amount of donor wastage in such patients that worries me.
Like this patient’s entire donor area was harvested (in his previous procedure), but there is comparatively limited growth to show for it.

Donor hair is finite/limited in quantity.

Therefore, I always advise patients to do a thorough research and where possible meet real patients before deciding to go forward with their hair transplant.

Dr. A

Find a good doctor, do it right the very first time and you never have to worry about that again. Or better yet, don’t start the hair transplant journey at all, it’s better to be bald than to have scars all over your head.