Questions About Acell

There have been many questions you guys have about Acell. I plan on calling sometime next week so please list any questions you have under this thread. It’s easier to remember them if they are all in place. Hopefully, they’re willing to speak with me and answer my questions.

Take Care,

» There have been many questions you guys have about Acell. I plan on
» calling sometime next week so please list any questions you have under this
» thread. It’s easier to remember them if they are all in place.
» Hopefully, they’re willing to speak with me and answer my questions.
» Take Care,
» Bill

  1. What denatures the ecm?
  2. Would the slightest denaturing put fibrous tissue were a hair follicle would be?

All the best, I think I speak for the majority when I sat we appreciate your effort.

  1. Have they seen Dr. Jones’ blog, what do they think of the results so far and is this typical?

  2. Any incidence of side effects, rejection from the immune system, complications of any kind ? Doesn’t have to be hair related, but in general.

thanks Willy

please ask them if they intend to release an acell gel, if so when, thanks

I think the only intelligent question is:
Do you have a confirm from some doctors using acell about a regrowth of hairs?

  1. When do they expect photos to be uploaded to their site?

  2. Would hyaluronic acid (HA) denature the acell ecm? I am wondering if keeping an acell covered wound moist with HA in addition or instead of saline would be a better option than just saline alone. (Willy, if unfamiliar with HA, do a simple google search and you’ll understand why I ask this question.)

  3. Will the acell gel be an injectable or just a topical.

Have they talked with Dr. Jones about or do they know what Dr. Jones’ plans are for future testing with Acell? When will he start a new experiment?

See if they’ll confirm if Acell has ever regrown functioning hair follicles on ANY part of the human body.

» See if they’ll confirm if Acell has ever regrown functioning hair follicles
» on ANY part of the human body.

Good question Ahab & I would bet my extensive collection of baseball caps that their answer is no.
Acell r just on a fishing expedition,that’s it.They don’t know anything.
They have been trying 2 regrow fingers 4 a year & STILL have had no luck…B.S…
U r a good guy Willy but Acell are not worth a moment of ur attention.


The only acceptable method for testing new protocols is a double blind study. Any data from anything less is suspect. If Acell thought this would work in this application, why aren’t they doing a real study?

Rational posters have been asking this question from day one, and we were called trolls. Now everyone is disappointed. Have any of you learned your lesson from this? Highly unlikely.

» » See if they’ll confirm if Acell has ever regrown functioning hair
» follicles
» » on ANY part of the human body.
» Good question Ahab & I would bet my extensive collection of baseball caps
» that their answer is no.
» Acell r just on a fishing expedition,that’s it.They don’t know anything.
» They have been trying 2 regrow fingers 4 a year & STILL have had no
» luck…B.S…
» U r a good guy Willy but Acell are not worth a moment of ur attention.

I believe we’ve heard secondhand–i.e., not directly from Acell–that Acell has regrown hair on on other parts of the body where it was applied to wounds.

But I would like to hear it straight from them.

» The only acceptable method for testing new protocols is a double blind
» study. Any data from anything less is suspect. If Acell thought this
» would work in this application, why aren’t they doing a real study?
» Rational posters have been asking this question from day one, and we were
» called trolls. Now everyone is disappointed. Have any of you learned your
» lesson from this? Highly unlikely.

It is a FDA approved application (not a drug that needs four phases), that has been approved for years with earlier versions, it doesn’t need clinical trials.

But say it did need a clinical trial that cost millions, maybe a few billion, have you ever heard of the word budget, have you ever heard of the word resource?

If you have heard of the word resource you would see what would be the point in putting all your resource into a clinical trial that is not needed, were when you do the trial you then run out of money for the manufactoring machinary?

» »
» » The only acceptable method for testing new protocols is a double blind
» » study. Any data from anything less is suspect. If Acell thought this
» » would work in this application, why aren’t they doing a real study?
» »
» » Rational posters have been asking this question from day one, and we
» were
» » called trolls. Now everyone is disappointed. Have any of you learned
» your
» » lesson from this? Highly unlikely.
» It is FDA approved application (not a drug that need four phases), that
» has been approved for years with earlier versions; doesn’t need clinical
» trials.
» But say it did need a clinical trial that cost millions, maybe a few
» billion, have you ever heard of the word budget, have you ever heard of the
» word resources?
» If you have heard of the word resource you would see what would be the
» point in putting all your resource into a clinical trial that is not
» needed, were when you do the trial you then run out of money for the
» manufactoring machinary?

Where did I say “FDA trial”? Where did I say it wasn’t approved? I said “double-blind study” to prove its EFFICACY for “this application”.

Clearly, english isn’t your first language. Since that’s the case, why would you post a reply like that? Your english compression is poor, and you’re going to ask me questions like, “have you ever heard of the word resources”? Don’t be an ass.

» » »
» » » The only acceptable method for testing new protocols is a double
» blind
» » » study. Any data from anything less is suspect. If Acell thought
» this
» » » would work in this application, why aren’t they doing a real study?
» » »
» » » Rational posters have been asking this question from day one, and we
» » were
» » » called trolls. Now everyone is disappointed. Have any of you
» learned
» » your
» » » lesson from this? Highly unlikely.
» »
» » It is FDA approved application (not a drug that need four phases), that
» » has been approved for years with earlier versions; doesn’t need
» clinical
» » trials.
» »
» » But say it did need a clinical trial that cost millions, maybe a few
» » billion, have you ever heard of the word budget, have you ever heard of
» the
» » word resources?
» »
» » If you have heard of the word resource you would see what would be the
» » point in putting all your resource into a clinical trial that is not
» » needed, were when you do the trial you then run out of money for the
» » manufactoring machinary?
» Where did I say “FDA trial”? Where did I say it wasn’t approved? I said
» “double-blind study” to prove its EFFICACY for “this application”.
» Clearly, english isn’t your first language. Since that’s the case, why
» would you post a reply like that? Your english compression is poor, and
» you’re going to ask me questions like, “have you ever heard of the word
» resources”? Don’t be an ass.

you might want to check your post before bashing other guys

english compression?

» » »
» » » The only acceptable method for testing new protocols is a double
» blind
» » » study. Any data from anything less is suspect. If Acell thought
» this
» » » would work in this application, why aren’t they doing a real study?
» » »
» » » Rational posters have been asking this question from day one, and we
» » were
» » » called trolls. Now everyone is disappointed. Have any of you
» learned
» » your
» » » lesson from this? Highly unlikely.
» »
» » It is FDA approved application (not a drug that need four phases), that
» » has been approved for years with earlier versions; doesn’t need
» clinical
» » trials.
» »
» » But say it did need a clinical trial that cost millions, maybe a few
» » billion, have you ever heard of the word budget, have you ever heard of
» the
» » word resources?
» »
» » If you have heard of the word resource you would see what would be the
» » point in putting all your resource into a clinical trial that is not
» » needed, were when you do the trial you then run out of money for the
» » manufactoring machinary?
» Where did I say “FDA trial”? Where did I say it wasn’t approved? I said
» “double-blind study” to prove its EFFICACY for “this application”.
» Clearly, english isn’t your first language. Since that’s the case, why
» would you post a reply like that? Your english compression is poor, and
» you’re going to ask me questions like, “have you ever heard of the word
» resources”? Don’t be an ass.

Stop quibbling with people over semantics. It makes you look like a bitter, little, husk of balding flesh.

Now let’s examine what fred123 meant:

  1. Whether you call it testing, a double-blind study, or a full-fledge trial you can rest assured it will cost money. 02) Acell has the potential for exponential uses 03) Like all firms, Acell does not have exponential resources 04) What better way to validate a need for an internal study than by giving some product to someone in the hairloss business… someone with a unique understanding of hairloss protocols.

So there you have it, fred123’s comments were understandable… especially if you chose to give him a break rather throw a hissy fit over general linguistics.

» Stop quibbling with people over semantics. It makes you look like a
» bitter, little, husk of balding flesh.
» Now let’s examine what fred123 meant:
» 01) Whether you call it testing, a double-blind study, or a full-fledge
» trial you can rest assured it will cost money. 02) Acell has the potential
» for exponential uses 03) Like all firms, Acell does not have exponential
» resources 04) What better way to validate a need for an internal study than
» by giving some product to someone in the hairloss business… someone with
» a unique understanding of hairloss protocols.
» So there you have it, fred123’s comments were understandable… especially
» if you chose to give him a break rather throw a hissy fit over general
» linguistics.

  1. Yeah, credibility costs money, but conducting a small study to test efficacy is different than funding a 10 year FDA trial. If the product had promise, securing funding for that relatively small amount of capital would be easy.

  2. Says who? Based on what proof? All we know is that it may or may not work on animals.

  3. Who said you need “exponential” resources? See point #1. By the by, words have meaning, and their meaning is important. Under no context did you employ the word “exponential” properly (you probably meant “unlimited” ). That’s why I “squabble” over semantics - so I don’t end up making malapropisms like the one you did.

  4. Gee, I don’t know…running a double-blind study with a proper sample size administered by people who don’t have a vested interest in the outcome?

  5. Another Friday night all by your lonesome, Revtard? I have a reason for being home on a Friday night (and a wife to keep me company) - what’s yours, my lonely little friend?

fckhrls, before you do a double blind study with a reasonable sample size you should try it first. you cant start with a double blind study. if you know something about science, then you know that you first must to develope a hypothesis and then you can test it. excactly that is doing dr. jones. he makes a test to see what happpens based on which you can create a hypotheses about acell and hairloss. like someone else said, there is just not the money to start with a double blind study and its even scientifical not the right way.

» 5) Another Friday night all by your lonesome, Revtard? I have a reason
» for being home on a Friday night (and a wife to keep me company) - what’s
» yours, my lonely little friend?


» » 5) Another Friday night all by your lonesome, Revtard? I have a reason
» » for being home on a Friday night (and a wife to keep me company) -
» what’s
» » yours, my lonely little friend?

Is that your wife though? :slight_smile:

» » » 5) Another Friday night all by your lonesome, Revtard? I have a
» reason
» » » for being home on a Friday night (and a wife to keep me company) -
» » what’s
» » » yours, my lonely little friend?
» Is that your wife though? :slight_smile:

Haha. She came with the photo in his wallet.

Face it, the guy can’t get the day right (Saturday/ not Friday), how many countries he’s travelled or whether he does or does not have a “full head of hair” (seriously). I wouldn’t be surprised if his “wife” was a figment of his imagination. Besides, no woman would keep his company… especially if she knew what he does on hairsite.