Question on BHT

Regarding FUE beard hair transplants. When extracting the hair, is it advisable to go above the jaw line? In all the photos posted on the forum, it appears that only hair below the jawline is harvested, I’m curious as to whether we can go above the line. I can see how the “white dot problem” could pose an issue.

Furthermore, how much hair can be harvested from the beard below the jawline? BHR Clinic says that 30% is the limit for donor are, but in case of beard hair, say you want to get rid of all of your beard hair, is it feasible to harvest all the hair below the jawline? I suppose the “white dot problem” would not be as prominent if it was below the line.

The 30% you referred to is relative to scalp FUE, with beard it can be different. In theory it should be possible to remove every hair over time but trauma to the skin and potential scarring has to be taken into consideration so in reality probably not possible.

I’ve had about 1400 from the beard now from the sides, chin and under the jaw bone and up the sideburn areas, obviously my beard is and looks thinner in areas but as the ops were over time and not in one go there is no actual visible scarring to see. I could easily have more taken but everyone is different. We had patients were we have managed to take over 2000 where others struggle to hit 1000 so it really depends.

» Regarding FUE beard hair transplants. When extracting the hair, is it
» advisable to go above the jaw line? In all the photos posted on the forum,
» it appears that only hair below the jawline is harvested,

We have harvested facial hair grafts from above the jawline, including in one patient, from the moustache.

Some examples
Zayden’s case

Francis’ case

Pop’s case

Vineet’s case

Veer’s case - 2850 beard grafts

Arjun’s case

Thanks for both the replies.

My question is then - I see the examples, what is stopping the doctor from going ahead and harvesting all/nearly all of the facial hair and transplanting it to scalp? Many men have very thick facial and body hair, and in theory the transplant should only be limited by the amount of face/body hair? Am I mistaken.

» Thanks for both the replies.
» My question is then - I see the examples, what is stopping the doctor from
» going ahead and harvesting all/nearly all of the facial hair and
» transplanting it to scalp? Many men have very thick facial and body hair,
» and in theory the transplant should only be limited by the amount of
» face/body hair? Am I mistaken.

I’ve had over 1000 beard grafts extracted and all have been below the jawline. There has been no visible scarring. I’m an ideal candidate, due to my pale complexion. Whereas dark hair and pale skin is the worst possible combination someone can have for contrast on their scalp, it is ideal when concerned with white dot scarring due to beard extraction. What one has to consider with beard hair is the blend, as in the ratio of beard hair used to scalp hair, if the ratio is not right then your beard hair will be noticeable, which is why it is ideal for strip scars and as filler in the scalp.

There really are no limitations as to how much of your beard hair can be harvested, the limitation is how much of it can be used in relation to scalp hair so that the end result is natural looking. And that is another reason why the doctor using beard hair should be experienced in its use so that the end result is as natural looking as possible.

» » Thanks for both the replies.
» »
» »
» » My question is then - I see the examples, what is stopping the doctor
» from
» » going ahead and harvesting all/nearly all of the facial hair and
» » transplanting it to scalp? Many men have very thick facial and body
» hair,
» » and in theory the transplant should only be limited by the amount of
» » face/body hair? Am I mistaken.
» I’ve had over 1000 beard grafts extracted and all have been below the
» jawline. There has been no visible scarring. I’m an ideal candidate, due to
» my pale complexion. Whereas dark hair and pale skin is the worst possible
» combination someone can have for contrast on their scalp, it is ideal when
» concerned with white dot scarring due to beard extraction. What one has to
» consider with beard hair is the blend, as in the ratio of beard hair used
» to scalp hair, if the ratio is not right then your beard hair will be
» noticeable, which is why it is ideal for strip scars and as filler in the
» scalp.
» There really are no limitations as to how much of your beard hair can be
» harvested, the limitation is how much of it can be used in relation to
» scalp hair so that the end result is natural looking. And that is another
» reason why the doctor using beard hair should be experienced in its use so
» that the end result is as natural looking as possible.

Does the beard hair changes over time once it is on scalp or it remains exactly the same as it was before transplant?