Question and Answer on Hair Loss Myth

When we are on our journey to seek for hair loss treatment, most of the people would be eager to try everything they can to help with their hair loss issues. One would try medication, lifestyle changes, alternative methods, or any other things that are claimed to help treat hair loss. Here, let us look at some question and answer on hair loss, hoping that this will help you dispel some myth and seek the correct way to hair loss treatment.

Does drinking wine helps to stimulate hair growth?

Wine or alcohol makes the blood vessels to dilate, and some people thought this can help with blood circulation and allow hair growth. Some remedies even taught people to rub wine or brandy into the scalp to promote hair growth. Unfortunately, this does not help at all. So do not waste your wine on your hair.

Is taking too much salt bad for hair?

Some people said that taking too much salt or food that contains lots of salt can cause hair loss. Again this is not true. But too much salt in the diet can cause high blood pressure, and hence should be avoided.

Does taking MSG cause hair loss?

MSG is a flavoring agent used in cooking to make dishes tastier. But there is no scientific finding that shows MSG and hair loss are related. However, some people do complain of hair loss after taking MSG for a long period of time. So try to take in moderation and avoid taking MSG for extended period of time.

You can always add a little pigeon dung to that olive oil hairdo for the ultimate in hairgrowth. :stuck_out_tongue:

» » Does drinking wine helps to stimulate hair growth?

No, but it sure helps you forget about being a chrome dome.

» » Is taking too much salt bad for hair?

No, but it tastes good on the rim of a margarita glass (see #1 above)

» » Does taking MSG cause hair loss?

No, but rumor has it that it gave you severe hemorrhoids (which is why you
need #1 and #2 above a lot more than the average chrome dome)

» » Secret Techniques Hollywood Actors use to Naturally Re-grow Lost Hair @

As recommended by Bruce Willis and Dr. Andrew Weil.

One of the most famous actors in the world

One of the most famous natural healers in the world

» Is taking too much salt bad for hair?
» Some people said that taking too much salt or food that contains lots of
» salt can cause hair loss. Again this is not true. But too much salt in the
» diet can cause high blood pressure, and hence should be avoided.

too much sodium accumulates in the tissues surrounding the follicles, causing them to shed hair. this IS NOT A MYTH

dont believe it? Try eating about 5000mg of sodium for a few days, and watch your hair rain like a waterfall in the sink. It will fall out in your hands if you just run your fingers through your hair

I have tested this time and time again, excess sodium in your diet WILL CAUSE A LOT OF EXTRA FALLOUT
Body Chemistry And Hair Loss
Fast Oxidation
Fast oxidizers have elevated sodium levels. Sodium is eliminated in part through the skin and hair. You may notice a salty taste to your skin if you are a fast oxidizer.
The first inch or two of the hair represents a section of active growth where minerals can be stored and called upon during stressful periods. As sodium accumulates in the tissue, it can ‘petrify’ the hair follicle resulting in hair loss.
Fast oxidizers are also prone to a deficiency of copper and zinc, which may contribute to hair loss. Excessive male hormone production by the adrenal glands is also associated with a fast oxidation rate.
Fast oxidizers have low glycogen reserves and commonly convert some of their body protein to sugar to burn as fuel. Thinning hair in fast oxidizers can be due to the breakdown of hair protein for fuel. A loss of the hair protein is much better than loss of protein from vital organs and tissues