Question about HSI splash page (ethics)

All right, I think that Gho is not as perfect as Iron_Man makes him out to be, nor is he as much of a charlatan or conniver as Stevie.Dee states. He’s somewhere in between. I believe there is definitely some substance to HST, it’s more than a sc@m. I think it’s a real procedure… HOWEVER there are many things in Gho’s history, and even currently, that I take issue with and which suggest questionable ethics or at least a too-strong obsession with money, patenting things, and preventing others from understanding or emulating his work.

One thing that just jumped out at me when examining the main intro page (splash page) at

Look at the before/after photos in the circle at the right. On the “Before” photo, where the man has less hair, he also has what looks like a big longitudinal scar (or something), running at about an 80 degree angle, up and down the right side of his forehead (left side to the viewer), from below his hairline (or what was his hairline) down almost to his eye level.

On the “After” picture, the scar is GONE.

This is not an HT scar (it is not even close to the area where strip excission would be done), it looks like an accident wound or something.

What’s up with that? Did Gho remove the scar, too, when he added some hair to the guy’s head?

Did the patient get scar removal at some other clinic?

Or was the ENTIRE photo Photoshopped – both hair and forehead scar???

By the way, even for the most skilled wound repair surgeon, that would be an exceedingly difficult scar to remove or reduce. That’s why I tend to think something was done to the photo, and that in turn brings up questions like, “Was the entire photo doctored?”

Even worse, the “scar” might not even be a scar at all, but some kind of artifact of a bad Photoshop job on the “After” shot but not on the “Before” shot, which worries me even more.

This is really weird.

» This is really weird.

You call forehead wrinkles “scars”? That is really weird.

Maybe Botox and not “Photoshop” smoothed off his forehead wrinkles?

Maybe the patient lifted his head in general and not just his hair?
Is that so uncommon these days?

I dont see any scar.

you gho guys need medical help. you are way too obsessed with him.

this is just feeding ironman and steviedees arguments here.

i dont rly care about gho.

» » This is really weird.
» You call forehead wrinkles “scars”? That is really weird.

Iron_Man – I’m not talking about the lateral lines that are clearly forehead wrinkles.

There is something running lengthwise (up and down his forehead) on the left side of the photo (right side of his head), in the Before shot that does not appear in the After shot.

I’m calling it a “scar” because I don’t know what the f*ck else to call it. Like I said, maybe someone photoshopped the picture and left behind a bunch of junk.

It looks strange, too – like a bunch of lines, as if someone were drawing hairs. That side of his head and this object are a different color from the rest of his skin. Maybe on close examination it isn’t a scar. But, it is clearly visible. What would you call it?

» Maybe Botox and not “Photoshop” smoothed off his forehead wrinkles?
» Maybe the patient lifted his head in general and not just his hair?
» Is that so uncommon these days?

» I dont see any scar.

Dude, are you freaking blind? There is clearly something there.

I called it a scar because I don’t know what the h#ll else to call it.

There is a long “thing”, colored differently from the rest of his skin, on the left hand side of the photo (right side of his forehead). It looks like a bunch of lines, about 1.5 - 2 cm wide and about 8-10 cm long.

It’s only on the “Before” shot.

And yes, I do care very much about Gho. He is (fortunately or unfortunately) the most credible name in the HM game right now, including all HT doctors, all drug companies (big and small), and all products under development.

Gho is (apparently) performing a real live hair multiplication procedure as we speak.

» I think it’s a real procedure… HOWEVER
» there are many things in Gho’s history, and even currently, that I take
» issue with and which suggest questionable ethics or at least a too-strong
» obsession with money, patenting things, and preventing others from
» understanding or emulating his work.

That is a point I really love to talk about it and why I EXTREMELY respect Dr. Gho …

First, Dr. Gho’s intention has ALWAYS been (since its beginnings!) to find a MINIMAL INVASIVE solution against hair loss, to preserve the donor area. He mentioned this point explicitely in every paper he published - since its beginnings.

Something like “Follicular Unit Transplantation” (FUT strip procedures), has NEVER EVER been an option for Dr. Gho to offer such extremly invasive procedures patients or burns. He once heard about “FUE” - but he noticed that this procedure sucks too (the same reason why traditional “FUE” has never been an option for myself).

All the above has been one reason, WHY Gho’s old “Gho clinic” once went bankrupt - or have you ever heard that a HT clinic, who offers traditional HT procedures went bankrupt? Never heard - but I guess RARELY …

Secondly, in the past and until 1 - 2 years, WHY the hell Dr. Gho never ever offered any “Mega Sessions” in an attempt to earn a lot more money??

Anyway - please don’t tell me something about “ethics” in connection with “Gho” …

Here you can read what Dr. Gho explained almost 6 years ago concerning this whole issue (Dutch/English):

I seriously dont see anything wrong there. The thing that goes from the hairline down to the level of eyes IS a strand of hair.

I think the original GHO Clinic went bankrupt because of a chain of events set off by a big investment he received from the Dutch bank ABN-Amro. Gho used a lot of the money to open satellite clinics in Aruba, Madrid, and Prague, and then ABN-Amro got hit by the financial crisis and started having major liquidity problems (eventually ABN were bought out by a consortium, I believe led by the Royal Bank of Scotland and also including Banco Santander of Spain).

When ABN started having problems, they went hard on Gho and did a financial “workout” demanding returns… but Gho couldn’t produce at the time, so I believe under their contract, Gho lost the rights to both the name “GHO Clinic” and ALL THE ASSETS they invested in.

I don’t think it had much to do with that Gho was trying to go easy on patients by not charging them a lot.

I think it was too-rapid expansion when his HM or HST procedure wasn’t perfected yet.

I also think he may have had some regulatory problems with the Dutch government, which may have earlier disallowed his working with “stem cells” (because they are highly regulated).

That last part is just my speculation but it’s something I’ve believed for a long time.

Now, I think the Dutch government has backed off and they’ve obviously clarified what can be done with stem cells, and Gho’s HST does not violate their regulations. He is not proliferating, multiplying or manipulating stem cells, he’s only removing them (along with half a hair follicle) and repositioning the follicle.

And by the way, I’m not saying that the Dutch or EU governments ban doing those things with stem cells, I’m just saying that they impose a higher degree of regulation on them, and that previously, in the GHO Clinic, Gho was not being clear on what he was doing with the cells, and, once he called public attention to the notion that he was involved with “stem cells”, he “invited” some unwelcome intrusions by the Dutch regulators.

» I seriously dont see anything wrong there. The thing that goes from the
» hairline down to the level of eyes IS a strand of hair.

I’ve never seen a strand of hair the color of skin and 2 cm wide.

» » I seriously dont see anything wrong there. The thing that goes from the
» » hairline down to the level of eyes IS a strand of hair.
» I’ve never seen a strand of hair the color of skin and 2 cm wide.

its not color of his skin. its grayish

you have to have something wrong with your colour settings on your monitor.

Sorry if I singled him out.

» I think the original GHO Clinic went bankrupt because of a chain of events
» set off by a big investment he received from the Dutch bank ABN-Amro. Gho
» used a lot of the money to open satellite clinics in Aruba, Madrid, and
» Prague, and then ABN-Amro got hit by the financial crisis and started
» having major liquidity problems (eventually ABN were bought out by a
» consortium, I believe led by the Royal Bank of Scotland and also including
» Banco Santander of Spain).

roger_that – your interpretation sucks a bit …

Here is what the guys behind the “Gho Clinic” explained …

… and here is what Dr. Gho said thereafter concerning the report and the guys behind the “Gho clinic” :

So what?

I didn’t have all the details, but both statements essentially confirm and validate what I said.

The whole thing was a dispute about MONEY. First, Gho convinced ABN-Amro (his original big investors – not mentioned here, of course, because why should they mention their own name when they can easily hide behind the name “GHO Clinic”?) invested money. Then Gho made these “overambitious” expansions which they refer to. They didn’t question or challenge these expansions while they were happening; only after the fact, after they saw that there wasn’t enough MONEY coming their way. So, in retrospect they call it “overambitious”.

I did get the timing wrong, it happened a couple of years before the financial crisis and before the RBS/Santander takeover of ABN-Amro. But, my guess is that – like a lot of banks in the US and Europe – ABN-Amro was having big structural problems with overlending years before the crisis hit in summer-autumn 2007.

The fact that this happened just confirmed that ABN was making shaky investments for a while.

The whole dispute was about money, not ethics. In the banking world, whatever makes money is by definition good “ethics”… until you get caught.

Gho is quite lucky he found a new group of investors to open HSI. That’s quite an accomplishment. Don’t know if that was due to his original business manager, Jos Fleskens, or what.

» The whole thing was a dispute about MONEY. First, Gho convinced ABN-Amro
» (his original big investors – not mentioned here, of course, because why
» should they mention their own name when they can easily hide behind the
» name “GHO Clinic”?) invested money. Then Gho made these “overambitious”
» expansions which they refer to. They didn’t question or challenge these
» expansions while they were happening; only after the fact, after they saw
» that there wasn’t enough MONEY coming their way. So, in retrospect they
» call it “overambitious”.

Maybe you’re right, who knows? On the other hand, who cares?

Anyway, I find the following part highly interesting …

You may not know that the former GHO Clinic was part of a Holding Company with 2 divisions i.e. hair transplant clinics (Clinic) and R&D for a drug BMOV and HM (Pharma) . Drug development being a challenging activity, it is also highly capital intensive and risky. Substantial capital was invested between 2000-2002 into that activity with one conclusion: the goals of the founder of GHO Holding were overambitious and lacking realism. A majority of the financial issues GHO Holding faced by end of 2004 resulted from the wrong focus and chasing a dream called Hair Multiplication. The results as reported by the founder were weak and not based on solid medical fact finding according to experts. Present management and shareholders do not make promises they cannot deliver. With integrity high on our list, we decided to terminate the HM research project altogether. This in spite of the fact that patents including HM were included in the purchase by the re-started GHOclinic from the State Receiver and legal Dutch authorities as per the official transaction of 01-14-2005. Our vision is HM research should be done in professional labs where top specialists with the right education do research, following solid medical protocols.

Source: 抚州灼中影视文化发展公司

Ok, for instance, here you will find

  • the professional labs;
  • top specialists with the right education …
  • … following solid medical protocols:

Founded July 2002.

Where is the cure?

The guys behind the “Gho Clinic” made a BIG mistake …

» » » I seriously dont see anything wrong there. The thing that goes from
» the
» » » hairline down to the level of eyes IS a strand of hair.
» »
» » I’ve never seen a strand of hair the color of skin and 2 cm wide.
» its not color of his skin. its grayish
» you have to have something wrong with your colour settings on your monitor.

i totally agree its a freakin strand of hair… have your eyes checked bro.

» » » » I seriously dont see anything wrong there. The thing that goes from
» » the
» » » » hairline down to the level of eyes IS a strand of hair.
» » »
» » » I’ve never seen a strand of hair the color of skin and 2 cm wide.
» »
» » its not color of his skin. its grayish
» »
» » you have to have something wrong with your colour settings on your
» monitor.
» i totally agree its a freakin strand of hair… have your eyes checked bro.

its ridiculous that this thread here exists. i mean, lol.
