Q&A with Dr. Nigam re: Stem Cell Hair Multiplication

The recent discussions re: Dr. Nigam and his stem cell hair multiplication procedures have gotten hopelessly confusing.

If you have a question for Dr. Nigam, please post them in this thread. One question at a time. Do not use this thread for anything else, no chit-chat, no bickering. Just a simple question-and-answer.

Do not use this thread for anything other than to raise a question.

Dr. Nigam will respond to the questions here in an orderly fashion.

Please be advised that at this point we know very little about Dr. Nigam and his work. Please do not proceed with a procedure unless you have thoroughly investigated everything to your satisfaction. As with all medical procedures, there are risks involved especially with a new and still unproven protocol.

Thank you.

For those who are not familiar with this, please review the following threads:

First thread: Dr. Nigam, first stem cell hair multiplication in the world?

Second thread: Dr. Nigam stem cell hair multiplication patient result

Third thread - OBI’s visit to Dr. Nigam’s clinic

Can you tell us the average number of injections for a HM session and the average number of new hairs that grow as a result of each injection?

I am sorry if this has already been answered but please don’t make me go through the older threads, I have no time for that.

My questions:

  1. how many patients have been treated with hair multiplication using stem cells so far? Where are the before and after pictures?

  2. what is Dr. Nigam’s background and credentials, how come I have never heard of his name before? How long has he been doing hair transplants?

  3. what is “Hair Activation” that I read on this link, what is the difference between Hair Activation and Hair Multiplication?

  4. how do you extract the 300 hair grafts? same as how they do it in FUE or do you plug the hair follicles?

It sounds like this is all experimental, whatever Dr. Nigam is doing is still unproven and with no consistent results, am I correct?

DR Nigam treated aprox 500 patients with HM.

No photos backing up his claim, I find it amazing

out of 250 patients who had great results not a single convincing photo

He underestimated forum members inteligence,

» No photos backing up his claim, I find it amazing
» out of 250 patients who had great results not a single convincing photo

Actually, he did have some photos but every single one of them were faked. :wink: Unfortunately, once you do something like that, you lose all credibility.

On top of that, I think anyone who offers synthetic hair implants and personally undergoes a FUT procedure, while at the same time claiming to offer both hair multiplication and “hair doubling,” is a charlatan.

I think the posters on here would be wise not to pay too much attention to this fraud. There’s a lot of desperate hairloss sufferers out there but you can’t allow yourself to be conned or put in a dangerous position.

Dear Smurf,we inject 10ml HM solution ,most of the solution, on balding and thinning areas.You don’t have to worry about pain ,since we numb the scalp with EMLA cream,dermajet ,ouchless needle,vapocoolant and before we inject,nerve block can be given to make the whole scalp numb.One injection per two sqcm.At present i cannot specifically predict the hair growth in different parts and different scalps.My clinical experience and observation is ,i have noticed less growth only on temples and sometimes on vertex,all over the scalp ,hair growth is quite obvious,even with naked eye. » Can you tell us the average number of injections for a HM session and the
» average number of new hairs that grow as a result of each injection?

Dear HMORHT ,Approx. 500 HM performed so far.I am the CMD of a cosmetic surgery company called ,DR. NIGAM’S GOODHEALTH PVT.LTD.we are a team of surgeons,my focus is on stemcell hair multiplication,and donor doubling with activated stem cells,my other team members are into fue,fut and rest of the cosmetic surgeries.Our team also includes dermatologisst,other doctors,anaesthetists and technicians.We are the only doctors,as far as we know ,who have their own GMP certified stemcell lab.,with tissue engineers and biotechnologists,in MUMBAI ,INDIA.For before after pics ,please visit my website.Kindly understand hairtransplant industry consumer awareness is not as robust as in the western world,hence hairtransplant surgeons communicate to the consumers in easy to understand language and evidence,internet is not the main source of reaching to the patients in my country,but as promised i am gradually uploading evidences required by the forum members,6 months should be a good time to provide following to the members…1)HD photos with semipermanent ink markings ,with same angle and lighting before after pic’s and videos. 2)scientific publication of my documented results in a journal or congress3)since safety approval of aderans and histogen is already cleared by USFDA,by their phase one clinical trials,the same documents are excepted by my regulatory body.Since i am not into marketing stem cell as adrug like histogen hence regulations are softer for me ,since any treatment is followed up under the direct monitoring of board certified doctors,there r few other doctors across the globe who r also working like me at their clinic level,though i am the only one having specialised lab with my clinic.we have a 15 bedded hairtransplant centre ,spread across 8000 sq.ft.with a staff strength of 100plus.Hair activation means,we extract hg and isolate stemcells, than activate them with specific growth factors plus extracellular matrix and inject it back to the scalp the same day. TIn HM ,the isolated stemcells are multiplied into millions and activated for next 2months and than injected back to the scalp,as per our new protocol.At present we use fue to extract grafts but few months down the line we will start extracting stemcells through donor doubling. » I am sorry if this has already been answered but please don’t make me go
» through the older threads, I have no time for that.
» My questions:
» 1. how many patients have been treated with hair multiplication using stem
» cells so far? Where are the before and after pictures?
» 2. what is Dr. Nigam’s background and credentials, how come I have never
» heard of his name before? How long has he been doing hair transplants?
» 3. what is “Hair Activation” that I read on this link, what is the
» difference between Hair Activation and Hair Multiplication?
» http://www.drnigams.net/procedure.html
» 4. how do you extract the 300 hair grafts? same as how they do it in FUE or
» do you plug the hair follicles?

yes u are correct,it’s still few years to perfect the HM, but even if i am able to give u activated dormant telogen or new hair follicles,though number may vary,with the present success of HM,it can be used in combination of other techniques to get denser HT.And specially if u inject stem cells into normal donor and recipient of fue and donor doubling ,the results should improve even in traditional techniques.Every month we r improving,and some patients have amazing results.What u r going to experience, when histogen and aderans are going to come in the market by 2017,now u can experience a percentage of it in 2012 in MUMBAI…now…!I don’t charge if u don’t get hair.Take my word ,in the future like pathological labs,grafts will be sent by doc’s to the lab and injected back,there will be chain of lab’s competing among themselves to provide better HM process. » It sounds like this is all experimental, whatever Dr. Nigam is doing » still unproven and with no consistent results, am I correct?

moopookoo,2 photos, of HM in the last thread were commented by u as ok…YOU,have underestimated the intelligence of my patients from India and the western world,who come to my clinic,with 100 plus transplants per clinic per month,please don’t waste your time on this thread, since u r too intelligent for this thread,reconsider ur prejudiced,biased,analytical skills,trying to behave like a doctor inspite of not being one,half doctors r more dangerous than not being a doctor.

treated aprox 500 patients with HM.u have underestimated the intelligence of
» No photos backing up his claim, I find it amazing
» out of 250 patients who had great results not a single convincing photo
» He underestimated forum members inteligence,

JJJ,i preffered stem cell graft extraction the second time with a small fut strip,as required by the lab,i extended the strip little more so that i can fill up my vertex.if a patient wants fue only ,i will give them the same.donor doubling will be commercially available and promoted 4 months from now,what should a doctor offer to alopecia totallis, burnt scalp,lichen planus,broque and other autoimmune scalps,ofcourse no option,but biofibres,after due test patch testing for 3months to rule out any rejection.if u think i have lost credibility for u,it’s better u don’t visit this thread ,till i get back credibility in ur mind.thank god,for letting me know ,what i am here for ,ur so intelligent,how can anyone con u…!

» » No photos backing up his claim, I find it amazing
» »
» » out of 250 patients who had great results not a single convincing photo
» Actually, he did have some photos but every single one of them were faked.
» :wink: Unfortunately, once you do something like that, you lose all
» credibility.
» On top of that, I think anyone who offers synthetic hair implants and
» personally undergoes a FUT procedure, while at the same time claiming to
» offer both hair multiplication and “hair doubling,” is a charlatan.
» I think the posters on here would be wise not to pay too much attention to
» this fraud. There’s a lot of desperate hairloss
» sufferers out there but you can’t allow yourself to be conned or put in a
» dangerous position.

Dr Nigam----Could you try plucking hairs from the donor site and dipping them in the hair multipipication cell solution then implant them like a regular FUE transplant. The plucked hairs have some stem cells clinging to the follice root but not enough to grow. With the extra stem cells from the solution the plucked folicle would have a better chance to grow. The plucked hair from the donor site will grow back so there would be ulimited donor hair (except for the 200 FUE to make the hair multipication solution)

Thanks Mell

» Dear Smurf,we inject 10ml HM solution ,most of the solution, on balding and
» thinning areas.You don’t have to worry about pain ,since we numb the scalp
» with EMLA cream,dermajet ,ouchless needle,vapocoolant and before we
» inject,nerve block can be given to make the whole scalp numb.One injection
» per two sqcm.At present i cannot specifically predict the hair growth in
» different parts and different scalps.My clinical experience and observation
» is ,i have noticed less growth only on temples and sometimes on vertex,all
» over the scalp ,hair growth is quite obvious,even with naked eye.
» » Can you tell us the average number of injections for
» a HM session and the
» » average number of new hairs that grow as a result of each injection?

Back in 2006, Dr. Paul Kemp of Intercytex claimed to grow 66 new hairs using 100 injections, and in Aderans November presentation they describe a protocol of 10 injections per cm2 that grew 13 new hairs per cm2. Both of these pieces of information tell us HM will grow around 1 hair per injection.

If my bald spot is 40 cm2:

With Aderans protocol, I receive 400 injections for an average of 520 new hairs.

With your protocol, I receive 20 injections for an average of X new hairs?

What is X? The only hair count information we have to go on is your website which says you’ve seen growth of 30,000 new hairs on some patients.

How do you explain the fact that you are growing so many more hairs with so few injections per cm2?

Dr. Nigam…
With all respect, you should try an approach to some of this companies that are researching this (follica, aderans, histogen, replicel) to make an association with some of them
it´ll be good to you, to them and to us!

Fantastic , MELL,actually for these feedbacks i had come to this forum,not to promote dr nigam, which some of the critics cannot understand.I will definitely try this and document and give u a feedback, theoretically it makes sense.we are already the only clinic i suppose, who is putting antibiotics like gentamicin,antimycotic into the graft storage medium,for waiting grafts in fue,because unlike most of the clinics, even if their is a minimal infection of the grafts, while they r waiting to be implanted ,results will be poor.similarly,we put arterial 250 ml PRP(not 10ml) into the graft solution even in fue ,to nourish the waiting grafts and give them the same serum environment as in the scalp,because anyway the grafts are supported by serum in the scalp till neo vascularity develops.we also put stemcell inducing growth factors ,the same that we use in our lab to improve quality of fue hg.instead of just dipping ,i prefer,activated stemcell injections on normal donor and recipient site of fue,even in non HM patients.Actually the stemcells in the plucked grafts ,as claimed by dr.gho, cannot be activated unless isolated with biological markers in a lab,that’s the advantage of having a lab with the clinic. » Dr Nigam----Could you try plucking hairs from the donor site and dipping
» them in the hair multipipication cell solution then implant them like a
» regular FUE transplant. The plucked hairs have some stem cells clinging to
» the follice root but not enough to grow. With the extra stem cells from
» the solution the plucked folicle would have a better chance to grow. The
» plucked hair from the donor site will grow back so there would be ulimited
» donor hair (except for the 200 FUE to make the hair multipication
» solution)
» Thanks Mell

» Fantastic , MELL,actually for these feedbacks i had come to this forum,not
» to promote dr nigam, which some of the critics cannot understand.I will
» definitely try this and document and give u a feedback, theoretically it
» makes sense.we are already the only clinic i suppose, who is putting
» antibiotics like gentamicin,antimycotic into the graft storage medium,for
» waiting grafts in fue,because unlike most of the clinics, even if their is
» a minimal infection of the grafts, while they r waiting to be implanted
» ,results will be poor.similarly,we put arterial 250 ml PRP(not 10ml) into
» the graft solution even in fue ,to nourish the waiting grafts and give them
» the same serum environment as in the scalp,because anyway the grafts are
» supported by serum in the scalp till neo vascularity develops.we also put
» stemcell inducing growth factors ,the same that we use in our lab to
» improve quality of fue hg.instead of just dipping ,i prefer,activated
» stemcell injections on normal donor and recipient site of fue,even in non
» HM patients.Actually the stemcells in the plucked grafts ,as claimed by
» dr.gho, cannot be activated unless isolated with biological markers in a
» lab,that’s the advantage of having a lab with the clinic. »

I’ve shown reactions to penicillin, and I believe cefaclor even gave me a rash the last time I used it even though I used it as a child. How do I know I won’t get an allergic reaction from these antibiotics?

Good question Murf,your question has an important clue to improve HM,future studies on HM will answer this. Let me explain u,at present my protocol is concentrated 10ml HM stemcell solution on the bald patch. if the bald patch is more i.e NW6,7,than i dilute my solution ,so that i have more ml to inject,but as i dilute the solution, my concentration reduces, and hence the result.Kindly let me know, aderans one injection is how much ml and approx.number of multiplied hair stemcell in one injection of aderans.it is not the nuber of injections per sqcm, but the dose or number of multiplied stemcells which r important .Since last one week i have changed my protocol,for the same reason u mentioned.To get good number of stemcells after multiplication, we r now giving HM 2nd injection after 2 months, unless the patient desires otherwise, due to shortage of time ,earlier.we don’t end our treatment after injecting 2nd shot, but prefer injecting every month the inducing stemcell growth factors, extracellullar matrix and or prp.and if require repeat the HM 2to 3times in the coming months.i cannot guarantee that after x amt of dose y amt of hair will come,because i don’t know, some times the scalp is full of hair with same dose, sometimes no result.
Can you tell us the average number of injections
» for
» » a HM session and the
» » » average number of new hairs that grow as a result of each injection?
» Back in 2006, Dr. Paul Kemp of Intercytex claimed to grow 66 new hairs
» using 100 injections, and in Aderans November presentation they describe a
» protocol of 10 injections per cm2 that grew 13 new hairs per cm2. Both of
» these pieces of information tell us HM will grow around 1 hair per
» injection.
» If my bald spot is 40 cm2:
» With Aderans protocol, I receive 400 injections for an average of 520 new
» hairs.
» With your protocol, I receive 20 injections for an average of X new hairs?
» What is X? The only hair count information we have to go on is your
» website which says you’ve seen growth of 30,000 new hairs on some
» patients.
» How do you explain the fact that you are growing so many more hairs with so
» few injections per cm2?

That’s why we take history of drugallergy,and accordingly antibiotics can be used,that should not be a problem.» »
» I’ve shown reactions to penicillin, and I believe cefaclor even gave me a
» rash the last time I used it even though I used it as a child. How do I
» know I won’t get an allergic reaction from these antibiotics?

Gerdner,the co paper presenter with roland, is coming with his ceo in jan end to mumbai,just confirmed yesterday.definitely i will be approaching these companies shortly,Dear i am not just after money, after having earned so much from u all, it is the intellectual appreciation and recognition which excites and motivates me to research, otherwise money alone cannot motivate.and i want to make HM affordable. » With all respect, you should try an approach to some of this companies that
» are researching this (follica, aderans, histogen, replicel) to make an
» association with some of them
» it´ll be good to you, to them and to us!
» thanks

» Gerdner,the co paper presenter with roland, is coming with his ceo in jan
» end to mumbai,just confirmed yesterday.definitely i will be approaching
» these companies shortly,Dear i am not just after money, after having earned
» so much from u all, it is the intellectual appreciation and recognition
» which excites and motivates me to research, otherwise money alone cannot
» motivate.and i want to make HM affordable. » With all respect, you should
» try an approach to some of this companies that
» » are researching this (follica, aderans, histogen, replicel) to make an
» » association with some of them
» » it´ll be good to you, to them and to us!
» » thanks

Dr. Nigam,

Have you responded to the people at the other forum about an interview?

I see from the last post by the moderators they were still waiting for a reply as of Dec 8th
