Pubic hair restoration 704 grafts

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Thank you!

I have only one question: WHY?!?

OMG !!!

This lady has proceed to this implantation so as to look younger. Over the years she has lost many pubic hairs (because of her age) and asked as to restore this area for aesthetic reasons.

Thank you for your comment!

This is as distasteful as it gets, I don’t know what you were thinking posting this in a public forum.

I found it interesting. The trend with young hip chicks these days is to shave, so to look younger, all the woman had to do was shave the few hairs she had left.

It’s interesting how people obsess on what they don’t have that everyone else has. It makes a big difference to people psychologically, even if nobody else in the world gives a darn. Being unique in a world full of clones requires belief in oneself and thick skin.

It looks weird, doesn’t look natural to me.

Dear all,

This is a hair restoration forum and this is a very unique body hair restoration case. Men also ask us to restore their beard,their scars all over their body as well as scars on their secret areas. Body hair restoration is happening and is not a secret or taboo.

Thank you.