Propeica question

Ok, so the general knowledge is that propecia does not stop, but only slows down hair loss. This is not news. So, if that is true, could you slow it down even more by taking it at morning and night. And since this is expensive, I mean with finpecia.

» Ok, so the general knowledge is that propecia does not stop, but only slows
» down hair loss. This is not news. So, if that is true, could you slow it
» down even more by taking it at morning and night. And since this is
» expensive, I mean with finpecia.

I take Proscar but I have also added Saw Palmetto. Its a natural DHT blocker and I pair it uyp with the proscar I am taking.

» » Ok, so the general knowledge is that propecia does not stop, but only
» slows
» » down hair loss. This is not news. So, if that is true, could you slow
» it
» » down even more by taking it at morning and night. And since this is
» » expensive, I mean with finpecia.
» I take Proscar but I have also added Saw Palmetto. Its a natural DHT
» blocker and I pair it uyp with the proscar I am taking.

Yeah, I take that also, at night, and propecia in the morning. Was thinking about taking finpecia at night, and palmetto mid day

yes, and if i eat 10lbs of carrots everyday, i’ll be able to see 100miles away…

i think you’ll understand what I"m trying to say…

» » » Ok, so the general knowledge is that propecia does not stop, but only
» » slows
» » » down hair loss. This is not news. So, if that is true, could you slow
» » it
» » » down even more by taking it at morning and night. And since this is
» » » expensive, I mean with finpecia.
» »
» » I take Proscar but I have also added Saw Palmetto. Its a natural DHT
» » blocker and I pair it uyp with the proscar I am taking.
» Yeah, I take that also, at night, and propecia in the morning. Was
» thinking about taking finpecia at night, and palmetto mid day

I take one Saw Palmetto pill in the morning and one in the evening.

The benefits of taking propecia drug were a slow down in mpb (male pattern baldness). I noticed that less hairs in the M shape were falling out. It also regrew some of the hair that was lost for several years ago in the crown area. I also noticed that thin, weak hairs regrew stronger and thicker.

» Ok, so the general knowledge is that propecia does not stop, but only slows
» down hair loss. This is not news. So, if that is true, could you slow it
» down even more by taking it at morning and night. And since this is
» expensive, I mean with finpecia.

the answer is yes.

the more DHT you inhibit, the better for your hair.

but instead of doing the above, take Avodart. That inhibits a far higher amount of DHT by blocking both iso-enzymes of alpha-5-reductase (which catalyse the conversion of testosterone into DHT).

This is a drug available off prescription only.

You also should be aware that it has a very long half life (5 months!) compared to propecia which is only 8 to 12 hours or so i think. So if you are planning on having kids, switch back to propecia 10 months or better yet 1 year in advance just to be sure since no studies have been done on reproduction while on Dutasteride. At best we can say we’d not had any bad news of anyone on dutasteride having abnormal offspring but why chance it. Propecia + reproduction however has been cataloged and is apparently fine (but I’d go off of it 2 days prior to doing the lady).