Paras - 3500 FUHT - 1 year result (Dr. A\'s Clinic)

Patient nickname - Paras

Paras has a broad forehead and fine calibre, straight hair.
In his first stage, hair were transplanted in the frontal areas to frame the face and recreate a moderate hairline.
He is pleased with the outcome and plans to go for further transplants to fill the vertex area.

120+ beard hair grafts were also transplanted at the 1st session alongwith the 3500+ strip FUHT grafts. The beard hair grafts were transplanted in the inside rows, mixed with the scalp hair.

Immediately post extraction

Beard donor area after 1 year


all pics clear and in good lighting but top down shot missing!!!

healing in beard area looks really good!!

where is the AFTER picture with a bird’s eye view?

why does every picture have to be taken from the most deceptive angle? i.e. from the front at a -30 degree elevation.