Overview and Self Care on Hair Loss by Dr. Batra’s

Receding hairline? Way too many hair stands in your hairbrush? More and more of your scalp peeping at you in the mirror?
After successfully treating more than 2,50,000 hair loss cases with the winning combination of Homeopathy, Trichology and Technology, Dr. Batra’s can assure you of safe, effective and lasting solutions for your hair loss problems. Advanced diagnostic technique such as Video Microscopy, the expertise of our London-trained Trichologists and the use of technology such as Low level Laser comb & Piler light therapy form an amalgamation that is a reliable treatment for hair loss. Go ahead and experience the joy of finding a perfect solution for your hair loss problem.
In addition to Homeopathy and the successful use of technology in treating our patients, we also extend our rich experience in providing self care tips to our patients. These have been clinically verified time and again and are backed by scientific studies.
This is what our nutritionists recommend:
Avoid red meat since it’s a DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) activator and therefore aggravates hair loss
Include more of green tea and soya in your diet since these are natural DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) inhibitors and therefore help to control hair loss
Pumpkin seeds (sun-dried or roasted) taken daily helps control hair loss
Black dates, Halim seeds (gardencress), black raisins, fenugreek, eggs, nuts, cods are good for treating hair loss due to anemia
Limit intake of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and lentils if you are hypothyroid and its causing you to lose hair
For controlling hair loss due to dandruff (scaly scalp), take 2 tbsp of roasted powdered flax seeds daily. Yogurt also reduces intensity of scaling
Reduce / stop smoking
There are few more things you can do to control your hair loss:
Wash hair regularly with lukewarm to cold water to keep the scalp clean and healthy - but avoid washing hair too frequently
Condition hair regularly to prevent hair loss due to breakage
Avoid blow drying hair especially with high heat since it leads to easy breakage of hair. Let the hair dry naturally
Avoid rubbing wet hair vigorously with a towel - just gently pat them dry
Avoid combing hair when wet since it is prone to breakage at such time
Use a wide-toothed comb instead of a hair brush
Don’t choose hairstyles that put pressure on hair - e.g. tight ponytails, buns, etc
If you must color your hair, choose ammonia-free products
Avoid damage to hair as caused by chemical treatment, perming, straightening, ironing, etc.