Our NEW forum is officially launched!

Thank you All for your patience.

Our latest and most advanced forum platform is now officially launched.

While we have used our best efforts to ensure the transition to be as smooth as possible, glitches and bugs are inevitable.

To help us quickly identify and resolve forum related issues, please report all glitches and bugs by emailing hairsite@gmail.com or you can simply post in the ADMIN categories here in the forum.

What we are using is the most cutting-edge in modern forum technology. We will prepare individual post in the following days to highlight some of the key enhancements that come with this new platform. You can find them in the ADMIN category.

Our old forum could no longer keep up with the demands in today’s environment. We have researched very thoroughly and extensively before launching this new interface for our community. We hope you will embrace this change as well as our efforts in furthering the legacy of HairSite.

Thank you.
HairSite Admin

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