I have found a solution to my hairloss and it appears that solution is permanent so I won’t see the rest of you very often. I’ll be busy living my life. But there is one thought I would like to leave with you celebrity hair gossipers. And this is that thought:
Why do you do it? Why do you come to the celebrity hair forum to ridicule celebrities who don’t want to lose their hair. You ridicule them and the total time you are all doing this you are also going into the other forums sniffing for hairloss cures at this very site. In other words, you can’t deal with your own hairloss, you are trying to get out of your own hairloss, yet you ridicule celebrities who don’t want to deal with it. Why do you that? Don’t you feel like at all like mean hypocrites? After all, you come to hairsite searching for hairloss cures because you don’t want to be bald and you feel sensitive about your own hairloss, and yet you tease and ridicule celebrities who are losing their own hair and/or doing something about their own hairloss. Your behavior is hypocricy, mean-spirited, and d-u-m-b dumb. It is so mean, hypocritical, and dumb for you all to know deep down inside that you feel bad about your own hairloss and then ridicule and tease other people about their hairloss and trying to do something about their hairloss. You guys at celebrity are what is called the “Rabble” because you are dumb thoughtless hypocrites who plod along like drones. You don’t even stop to think for even one second what a bunch of morons you are to tease and ridicule bald celebrities even as you yourselves are seeking hairloss cures because you yourselves don’t like being bald.
You do understand that you don’t like your own hairloss and you do understand that your own hairloss feels bad and yet you tease and ridicule celebrities about their hairloss and it makes no sense. I think you losers must be jealous of celebrities because of their superior wealth, fame, popularity and TALENT. All your carping must really get down to you guys being jealous losers is all it is…jealous losers who are mean-sprited and dumb hypocrites.
I’ll bet most of the bald guys here insulting bald celebrities are American because it is a typical “Ugly American” thing to do. I bet most of the non-American people who hang out at celebrity aren’t doing the ridiculing of celebrities that the Americans do. I bet if you look over the posts of everyone who comes to celebrity you will find that it is all Americans doing the nastiest meanest ridiculing and insulting of bald celebrities. I bet the non-Americans are being much more polite and intelligent in their posts about celebrities. It all gets down to 99% of Americans being the mean, dumb, slob, “Ugly American” type of people. I’m ashamed of the rest of you Americans. I am way more fond of Europeans and Canadians. I wish I were European or Canadian.