One doc is currently try hard to save himself

Isnt Dr W kinda cute? First he gets people banned from answering in his threads hen they areclearly smarter then him and hen thats done he asks stupid questions to discredit Gho :slight_smile: and then he tries so hard to save his lousy as* by presenting old cases he had shown before and active guys like diamon6 (obvious paid shill). Me thinks Dr W ill soon be out of business and i will send him a letter with a cat at the beach sying " Wish You were here

» Isnt Dr W kinda cute? First he gets people banned from answering in his
» threads hen they areclearly smarter then him and hen thats done he asks
» stupid questions to discredit Gho :slight_smile: and then he tries so hard to save his
» lousy as* by presenting old cases he had shown before and active guys like
» diamon6 (obvious paid shill). Me thinks Dr W ill soon be out of business
» and i will send him a letter with a cat at the beach sying " Wish You were
» here

He knows that FUE time is almost gone and patients are asking for better methods. Now that Dr Cole is looking into it he thinks, ‘mayb HST is real deal so better remain neutral’. HST has potential to destroy FUE/FUT if marketed right, cureent docs will either have to adopt technique or they will be out of business
as Woods said strip surgeons were so happy 10 yrs ago when they realized that fUE isnt scarless, meaning they will stay in business, now hst is thretening everyone!!!

I wanna hear from Dr Umar and Dr A as they are one of the more prominent FUE docs

Dr Cole is smart, he will make big bucks just bc he isnt as stubborn as other guys
he cld end up profiting from hst more than Gho as he is better businessman

» Isnt Dr W kinda cute? First he gets people banned from answering in his
» threads hen they areclearly smarter then him and hen thats done he asks
» stupid questions to discredit Gho :slight_smile: and then he tries so hard to save his
» lousy as* by presenting old cases he had shown before and active guys like
» diamon6 (obvious paid shill). Me thinks Dr W ill soon be out of business
» and i will send him a letter with a cat at the beach sying " Wish You were
» here

I don’t understand your posts. Why you posting crap?

We won the war, it’s over man. Time to move on.

Mate can you please shut up, for strange reason, one guy did get the point from this posting but i will explain it to you.

Dr W got his as* handed back to him and now he tries to make himself a saint by posting old repair cases. DO YOU GET IT NOW? Or Should i post some internet cat meme picture for you

» Mate can you please shut up, for strange reason, one guy did get the point
» from this posting but i will explain it to you.
» Dr W got his as* handed back to him and now he tries to make himself a
» saint by posting old repair cases. DO YOU GET IT NOW? Or Should i post some
» internet cat meme picture for you

I understand everything. I can see everythiing and I foresaw this happening before the summer hit in. Do you remember ? I said they would start looking like asses and some of them will admit it works.

Like I said, any imbecile who is not convinced of HST deserves to be bald for the rest of their life.\

It’s so fukin obvious at this point.

Time to move on and work on getting our procedures ourselves.

Not as long as we have people like diamond6 (a Woods shill) or morons like topcat (the prime example of a real stupid baldie imho) also its actually fun to get HST done and still be a HST promoter. As i said Dr Cole is the only wise doc right now and i bet he will really make millions in the future, for sure. Thats just a fact and i think he deserve it.

I really think that Gho and Cole share some similarities in their workings

  1. both do smaller sessions for healing reasons
  2. both extract from smaller diameter syringes
  3. both extract not too deeply

Well when i compare this ith Dr Woods who charges more thn 16 bucks for one Graft i begin to laugh out loud, guys like Woods and Rassman deserve to be punished publically. Btw i still wonder who this medication scandal went for Woods, i mean no one would go to a heart surgeon who had some problems with medication in the past, but people here still promote Dr Woods :slight_smile: right

» Not as long as we have people like diamond6 (a Woods shill) or morons like
» topcat (the prime example of a real stupid baldie imho) also its actually
» fun to get HST done and still be a HST promoter. As i said Dr Cole is the
» only wise doc right now and i bet he will really make millions in the
» future, for sure. Thats just a fact and i think he deserve it.
» I really think that Gho and Cole share some similarities in their workings
» 1) both do smaller sessions for healing reasons
» 2) both extract from smaller diameter syringes
» 3) both extract not too deeply
» Well when i compare this ith Dr Woods who charges more thn 16 bucks for one
» Graft i begin to laugh out loud, guys like Woods and Rassman deserve to be
» punished publically. Btw i still wonder who this medication scandal went
» for Woods, i mean no one would go to a heart surgeon who had some problems
» with medication in the past, but people here still promote Dr Woods :slight_smile:
» right

There will always ALWAYS be retards saying it doesn’t work even if you tell them everything (Gho said this himself).

Woods and topcat don’t want to be convinced they will do everything and look for any little thing to criticize Gho. They will never surrender one was butchered by docs the other can’t let go of his technique. Let them live in the old world, posting sh1t like this won’t help at all.

Time to move on. Get our procedures done and get away from the baldness world.

How about a picture of a follicle split in two?

» How about a picture of a follicle split in two?

Then what’s next, how about a picture of a stem cell split in two?
How about ingredients of that medium?
How about a picture of that split follicle growing two hairs?

Usual answer: I just want that first one.

A picture of a split follicle lying in a petri dish, showing the condition of the bulb, should reveal more about the success or failure of this procedure.

» A picture of a split follicle lying in a petri dish, showing the condition
» of the bulb, should reveal more about the success or failure of this
» procedure.

There is a picture already in Gho’s papers and some user posted a big pictures of thousands of his stuff as well.

Look around the old posts, you will find it.

Oh, let me guess. What’s next?

Any details? Color? angle? light? HD video? Zooming in?

Gho haters have been requesting tons of stuff and they have all been provided with gc.

The old umar BS is done with GC, so now EVERYONE JUMP on the Woods BS:

“Picture of the bulb split in two”. That will spread like wildfire among butchers in the HT industry I guess or maybe not, and should buy you some time while you butcher and ruin the lives of many poor bald patients.

1 year later

What’s next? Lol


Ahhh now its the whole Woods bulb BS stuff. Funny how Woods Shills come up with this right now. Seriously fordham, i really hope you ill become so desperate that you get a FUT and then become a cry bybay afterwards :slight_smile:

Sorry, I don’t understand the hostility you are directing towards me. As a balding man, I would benefit if Gho has truly discovered a way to make addditional follicles. So, I hope he’s done it, but admittedly I am skeptical, just as I was skeptical of Dr. Hitzig and his follicle plucking technique. I watched Kobren’s interview with Gho where he used a model of a follicle to demonstrate his technique, a model is not the same as a clear photograph of a follicle that has been cut during surgery.

For what it’s worth, I think there is something to the use of ACell to improve healing in the donor, and that improved storage solutions (instead of saline) probably do improve graft yield.

Bla bla yadda yadda mate go suck some Woods wood. Always the same “balding brothers” talk " I am also balding bla bla yadda yadda"