Not So Fast, Dr. Cotsarelis! UCLA Mice Hairgrowth Findings

If you look at Dr. Cotsarelis’ comments about the recent UCLA hairgrowth findings in mice, they are all negative…

Interesting that Cotsarelis is “cautioning” us not to expect too much, and not to expect any cures here, when EVERY SINGLE TIME one of his own “discoveries” is reported in the media, it is SPECIFICALLY REPORTED AS BEING A POTENTIAL CURE FOR MALE PATTERNED BALDNESS.

Also, he has totally overlooked the possiblity that hair follicle miniaturization caused by DHT, and hair follicle miniaturization caused by “stress” factors both feed into the same ultimate biochemical pathway to change the stem cells and cause miniaturization of the follicles.

Whatever “stress” means anyway – it could be almost ANYTHING – biochemical stress, toxins, fatigue, lack of sleep, too much physical activitiy, bad nutrition, etc. – Dr. Cotsarelis should know, and he should admit it to us, that scientists use the word “stress” to mean a lot of things, not just “life stress” or “headaches” or “job related” stress which is the common use of the term.

I find it ironic and unsettling that Cotsarelis is so quick to criticize other people’s discoveries, when he ALWAYS contacts the media and touts his own discoveries as potential MPB cures, and makes sure each little incremental discovery of his gets MASSIVE coverage in the media… CNN, BBC, newspapers, etc.

Also, has he never worked with mice himself, in his hairloss experiments? Why is he all of the sudden, out of the blue, implying that work on mice is irrelevant? If it’s irrelevant here, then ALL of the work he’s ever done with mice is irrelevant, and should never have been reported in the media… right?

I don’t think it’s irrelevant. There may be something to this UCLA discovery. On the other hand, there may not be.

But for Dr. Cotsarelis to criticize it so quickly, to me, shows that this is a man who always wants to be seen as the central point in ALL hair loss research today – he has single-handedly elevated himself to the “world’s most foremost expert” on MPB, and the facts just don’t bear that out.

What I see instead, I’m sorry to say, is a guy who loves media attention as long as it’s focused on him, and who also likes to make lots of incremental discoveries at his univeristy lab and then turn around and quickly “monetize” them – selling them for big bucks to private biotech companies, before they are completely proven to work.

To me, Dr. Cotsarelis may be good as a scientist, but his real forte is MARKETING.

At least, that is what Dr. Cotsarelis’ business methodology looks like to me!

The answer is pretty simple.

Lets assume you and me are researchers. You are Dr Cotsarelis and you find out something very promising. So your plans are to get it marketable as soon as you can right?

No i come on the spot and found some stress related things in mice and did return hairloss. What would you do? Yes you would be very pissed because right now its not only your other competition in the field, no there is ANOTHER one here to enter the market maybe some day.

Thats the reason why he also stated 5 to 10 years, its psychology because what if he would come up with something next year? Well then all goes to him.

A Hairloss cure makes people really greedy, i can tell you that, but thats beneficial for us because more and more people are getting interested in this subject.

But nevertheless bashing others finding is stupid and unprofesionell but it shows us that something really good is cooking.

We will hear those kind of stuff very often in the near future you can quote me on that

But Dr. George Cotsarelis, chairman of the dermatology department at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, said any treatment developed from the research would probably be useful only for hair loss related to stress, likes that caused by one-time events, rather than as a treatment for genetic baldness.

“It’s difficult to say that it’s going to lead to a new treatment,’’ he said.

I agree with cotsarelis… hair loss caused by stress isn´t the same of AAG
ps: hope that cotsarelis have something good to show us very soon

the only way we will know for sure is when Dr. Million injects this stuff into a balding/bald human head. as in bald from androgenic alopecia

perhaps someone can contact dr. million and ask him when he plans to do this.

Looks like the man with “Skills to Make Mills” also has some incentive to finding an MPB cure…

And he works at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA - Geffen is another guy who has the incentive!

» the only way we will know for sure is when Dr. Million injects this stuff
» into a balding/bald human head. as in bald from androgenic alopecia
» perhaps someone can contact dr. million and ask him when he plans to do
» this.

» But Dr. George Cotsarelis, chairman of the dermatology department at the
» University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, said any treatment developed
» from the research would probably be useful only for hair loss related to
» stress, likes that caused by one-time events, rather than as a treatment
» for genetic baldness.
» “It’s difficult to say that it’s going to lead to a new treatment,’’ he
» said.

» I agree with cotsarelis… hair loss caused by stress isn´t the same of

» ps: hope that cotsarelis have something good to show us very soon

Keep in mind that hair loss resulting from stress is Androgen related hair loss. You see, the body’s reaction to stress is to produce more hormone, including the androgens, so stress-related hair loss is androgen hair loss just like AGA. I don’t know what all this means but it seems to me that it means that it is possible that this new stuff could reverse stress-related hair loss and AGA too.

» The answer is pretty simple.
» Lets assume you and me are researchers. You are Dr Cotsarelis and you find
» out something very promising. So your plans are to get it marketable as
» soon as you can right?
» No i come on the spot and found some stress related things in mice and did
» return hairloss. What would you do? Yes you would be very pissed because
» right now its not only your other competition in the field, no there is
» ANOTHER one here to enter the market maybe some day.
» Thats the reason why he also stated 5 to 10 years, its psychology because
» what if he would come up with something next year? Well then all goes to
» him.
» A Hairloss cure makes people really greedy, i can tell you that, but thats
» beneficial for us because more and more people are getting interested in
» this subject.
» But nevertheless bashing others finding is stupid and unprofesionell but it
» shows us that something really good is cooking.
» We will hear those kind of stuff very often in the near future you can
» quote me on that

nice post

That is true, and the reverse – that androgen related hairloss is stress hairloss – is even more true.

For doctors, anything that is an assault on the body – whether it’s physical, traumatic, mechanical, chemical, biochemical, biological, psychological, etc. – is considered a “stress” and many of these stressors feed into thr same ultimate endocrine and biochemical pathways – e.g. , production of stress hormones like adrenalin (epinephrine) from the adrenal glands, and yes, including androgens. And they may produce the same ultimate effects by biochemical pathways that start out different, but merge together and – potentially – injure or impede HF stem cell production, which may then destroy follicles" ability to produce healthy hair.

Note that I am NOT promoting a completely “holistic” philosophy with this comment – something like, “bad nutrition, lack of vitamin and mineral supplememts are just as important in causing hairloss as DHT”. NO! That’s bullsh*t and I won’t go there.

I’m talking about the biochemical pathways involved, where different kind of stressors can lead to hormonal changes that affect hair growth. And DHT is a HUGE stressor, vastly more powerful than lack of proper nutrition (as you know, even poor people in the Third World and homeless people here usually DON’T lose their hair unless they have AGA pattern baldness, by far the most common cause of hairloss in humans.)

» » But Dr. George Cotsarelis, chairman of the dermatology department at
» the
» » University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, said any treatment
» developed
» » from the research would probably be useful only for hair loss related to
» » stress, likes that caused by one-time events, rather than as a treatment
» » for genetic baldness.
» »
» » “It’s difficult to say that it’s going to lead to a new treatment,’’ he
» » said.

» »
» » I agree with cotsarelis… hair loss caused by stress isn´t the same
» of
» » AAG

» » ps: hope that cotsarelis have something good to show us very soon
» Keep in mind that hair loss resulting from stress is Androgen related hair
» loss. You see, the body’s reaction to stress is to produce more hormone,
» including the androgens, so stress-related hair loss is androgen hair loss
» just like AGA. I don’t know what all this means but it seems to me that it
» means that it is possible that this new stuff could reverse stress-related
» hair loss and AGA too.

» I’m talking about the biochemical pathways involved, where different kind
» of stressors can lead to hormonal changes that affect hair growth. And DHT
» is a HUGE stressor, vastly more powerful than lack of proper nutrition (as
» you know, even poor people in the Third World and homeless people here
» usually DON’T lose their hair unless they have AGA pattern baldness, by far
» the most common cause of hairloss in humans.)

Ok Mr roger_that,
so PLEASE explain me just one point:

If a HT doctor is transplanting such hair grafts from the back of your head
into your balding areas …

… why, once they “take” in the recipient side and grow, WHY do they normally not fall out even you

  • have stress with IronMan;
  • stress with your wife/girlfriend;
  • a huge DHT level;
  • having hormonal changes like a dog ready to mate;
  • lack of proper nutrition;
  • syphilis;
  • ALL at once and whatever … ??

Please, explain me the science … :slight_smile:

» Ok Mr roger_that,
» so PLEASE explain me just one point:
» If a HT doctor is transplanting such hair grafts from the back of your
» head
» into your balding areas …
» … why, once they “take” in the recipient side and grow, WHY do they
» normally not fall out even you
» - have stress with IronMan;
» - stress with your wife/girlfriend;
» - a huge DHT level;
» - having hormonal changes like a dog ready to mate;
» - lack of proper nutrition;
» - syphilis;
» - ALL at once and whatever … ??
» Please, explain me the science … :slight_smile:

Thy question is: why is IM always trying to change every thread into a HT-Thread?

This is not a HT-Thread!!!

Move your questions about HT to th HT-Forum!!!

» If you look at Dr. Cotsarelis’ comments about the recent UCLA hairgrowth
» findings in mice, they are all negative…
» In Surprise Finding, Bald Mice Get Furry Again - The New York Times
» Interesting that Cotsarelis is “cautioning” us not to expect too much, and
» not to expect any cures here, when EVERY SINGLE TIME one of his own
» “discoveries” is reported in the media, it is SPECIFICALLY REPORTED AS
» Also, he has totally overlooked the possiblity that hair follicle
» miniaturization caused by DHT, and hair follicle miniaturization caused by
» “stress” factors both feed into the same ultimate biochemical pathway to
» change the stem cells and cause miniaturization of the follicles.
» Whatever “stress” means anyway – it could be almost ANYTHING –
» biochemical stress, toxins, fatigue, lack of sleep, too much physical
» activitiy, bad nutrition, etc. – Dr. Cotsarelis should know, and he should
» admit it to us, that scientists use the word “stress” to mean a lot of
» things, not just “life stress” or “headaches” or “job related” stress which
» is the common use of the term.
» I find it ironic and unsettling that Cotsarelis is so quick to criticize
» other people’s discoveries, when he ALWAYS contacts the media and touts his
» own discoveries as potential MPB cures, and makes sure each little
» incremental discovery of his gets MASSIVE coverage in the media… CNN,
» BBC, newspapers, etc.
» Also, has he never worked with mice himself, in his hairloss experiments?
» Why is he all of the sudden, out of the blue, implying that work on mice is
» irrelevant? If it’s irrelevant here, then ALL of the work he’s ever done
» with mice is irrelevant, and should never have been reported in the
» media… right?


» If you look at Dr. Cotsarelis’ comments about the recent UCLA hairgrowth
» findings in mice, they are all negative…
» In Surprise Finding, Bald Mice Get Furry Again - The New York Times
» Interesting that Cotsarelis is “cautioning” us not to expect too much, and
» not to expect any cures here, when EVERY SINGLE TIME one of his own
» “discoveries” is reported in the media, it is SPECIFICALLY REPORTED AS
» Also, he has totally overlooked the possiblity that hair follicle
» miniaturization caused by DHT, and hair follicle miniaturization caused by
» “stress” factors both feed into the same ultimate biochemical pathway to
» change the stem cells and cause miniaturization of the follicles.
» Whatever “stress” means anyway – it could be almost ANYTHING –
» biochemical stress, toxins, fatigue, lack of sleep, too much physical
» activitiy, bad nutrition, etc. – Dr. Cotsarelis should know, and he should
» admit it to us, that scientists use the word “stress” to mean a lot of
» things, not just “life stress” or “headaches” or “job related” stress which
» is the common use of the term.
» I find it ironic and unsettling that Cotsarelis is so quick to criticize
» other people’s discoveries, when he ALWAYS contacts the media and touts his
» own discoveries as potential MPB cures, and makes sure each little
» incremental discovery of his gets MASSIVE coverage in the media… CNN,
» BBC, newspapers, etc.
» Also, has he never worked with mice himself, in his hairloss experiments?
» Why is he all of the sudden, out of the blue, implying that work on mice is
» irrelevant? If it’s irrelevant here, then ALL of the work he’s ever done
» with mice is irrelevant, and should never have been reported in the
» media… right?
» I don’t think it’s irrelevant. There may be something to this UCLA
» discovery. On the other hand, there may not be.
» But for Dr. Cotsarelis to criticize it so quickly, to me, shows that this
» is a man who always wants to be seen as the central point in ALL hair loss
» research today – he has single-handedly elevated himself to the “world’s
» most foremost expert” on MPB, and the facts just don’t bear that out.
» What I see instead, I’m sorry to say, is a guy who loves media attention as
» long as it’s focused on him, and who also likes to make lots of incremental
» discoveries at his univeristy lab and then turn around and quickly
» “monetize” them – selling them for big bucks to private biotech companies,
» before they are completely proven to work.
» To me, Dr. Cotsarelis may be good as a scientist, but his real forte is
» At least, that is what Dr. Cotsarelis’ business methodology looks like to
» me!

Check this out… … -5730.html

“PGD2 showed a significant inhibition of the CRF-induced ACTH secretion from rat anterior pituitary cells.
CRF induce ACTH
PGD2 inhibit ACTH”

This source says PGD2 induces CRF… Pg. 271 on the right hand side. … rf&f=false

“PGD2, PGF2, and TXA2 also induce CRF.”

Astressin-b = FTW

» Check this out…
» … -5730.html
» “PGD2 showed a significant inhibition of the CRF-induced ACTH secretion
» from rat anterior pituitary cells.
» Actions
» CRF induce ACTH
» PGD2 inhibit ACTH”
» This source says PGD2 induces CRF… Pg. 271 on the right hand side.
» … rf&f=false
» “PGD2, PGF2, and TXA2 also induce CRF.”
» Astressin-b = FTW

Makes sense to me. There does seem to be a relationship here that bears investigation. Looks like you’re doing Dr. Cotsarelis’ research for him!

» » Ok Mr roger_that,
» » so PLEASE explain me just one point:
» »
» » If a HT doctor is transplanting such hair grafts from the back of your
» » head
» » into your balding areas …
» »
» » … why, once they “take” in the recipient side and grow, WHY do they
» » normally not fall out even you
» »
» » - have stress with IronMan;
» » - stress with your wife/girlfriend;
» » - a huge DHT level;
» » - having hormonal changes like a dog ready to mate;
» » - lack of proper nutrition;
» » - syphilis;
» » - ALL at once and whatever … ??
» »
» » Please, explain me the science … :slight_smile:
» Thy question is: why is IM always trying to change every thread into a
» HT-Thread?

Because I tried to explain, what today scientists like Cotsarelis try to find out and finally try explain in all their papers. But if there is a rich mix of psychos, desperate baldies etc etc - no way to explain something “normal guys”.

» » If you look at Dr. Cotsarelis’ comments about the recent UCLA hairgrowth
» » findings in mice, they are all negative…
» »
» »
» In Surprise Finding, Bald Mice Get Furry Again - The New York Times
» »
» » Interesting that Cotsarelis is “cautioning” us not to expect too much,
» and
» » not to expect any cures here, when EVERY SINGLE TIME one of his own
» » “discoveries” is reported in the media, it is SPECIFICALLY REPORTED AS
» »
» » Also, he has totally overlooked the possiblity that hair follicle
» » miniaturization caused by DHT, and hair follicle miniaturization caused
» by
» » “stress” factors both feed into the same ultimate biochemical pathway to
» » change the stem cells and cause miniaturization of the follicles.
» »
» » Whatever “stress” means anyway – it could be almost ANYTHING –
» » biochemical stress, toxins, fatigue, lack of sleep, too much physical
» » activitiy, bad nutrition, etc. – Dr. Cotsarelis should know, and he
» should
» » admit it to us, that scientists use the word “stress” to mean a lot of
» » things, not just “life stress” or “headaches” or “job related” stress
» which
» » is the common use of the term.
» »
» » I find it ironic and unsettling that Cotsarelis is so quick to criticize
» » other people’s discoveries, when he ALWAYS contacts the media and touts
» his
» » own discoveries as potential MPB cures, and makes sure each little
» » incremental discovery of his gets MASSIVE coverage in the media… CNN,
» » BBC, newspapers, etc.
» »
» » Also, has he never worked with mice himself, in his hairloss experiments?
» » Why is he all of the sudden, out of the blue, implying that work on mice
» is
» » irrelevant? If it’s irrelevant here, then ALL of the work he’s ever
» done
» » with mice is irrelevant, and should never have been reported in the
» » media… right?
» »
» » I don’t think it’s irrelevant. There may be something to this UCLA
» » discovery. On the other hand, there may not be.
» »
» » But for Dr. Cotsarelis to criticize it so quickly, to me, shows that
» this
» » is a man who always wants to be seen as the central point in ALL hair
» loss
» » research today – he has single-handedly elevated himself to the
» “world’s
» » most foremost expert” on MPB, and the facts just don’t bear that out.
» »
» » What I see instead, I’m sorry to say, is a guy who loves media attention
» as
» » long as it’s focused on him, and who also likes to make lots of
» incremental
» » discoveries at his univeristy lab and then turn around and quickly
» » “monetize” them – selling them for big bucks to private biotech
» companies,
» » before they are completely proven to work.
» »
» » To me, Dr. Cotsarelis may be good as a scientist, but his real forte is
» »
» » At least, that is what Dr. Cotsarelis’ business methodology looks like
» to
» » me!
» Check this out…
» … -5730.html
» “PGD2 showed a significant inhibition of the CRF-induced ACTH secretion
» from rat anterior pituitary cells.
» Actions
» CRF induce ACTH
» PGD2 inhibit ACTH”
» This source says PGD2 induces CRF… Pg. 271 on the right hand side.
» … rf&f=false
» “PGD2, PGF2, and TXA2 also induce CRF.”
» Astressin-b = FTW

hey your links are broken. can you fix them please?

» hey your links are broken. can you fix them please?

They’re not so import for a Dorftrottel like you anyhow, whereby both links are just “wanna-be google scientist” links. oh wait, are you trying to be a wanna-be scientist? Or do you just try to imply to be smart and that you fully understand the posted science?

» » hey your links are broken. can you fix them please?
» They’re not so import for a Dorftrottel like you anyhow, whereby both links
» are just “wanna-be google scientist” links. oh wait, are you trying to be a
» wanna-be scientist? Or do you just try to imply to be smart and that you
» fully understand the posted science?

contrary to you i in fact DO have a scientific university degree, which i have offered to send you multiple times. The offer still stands. I’d gladly scan it along with a copy of my ID card. The average grade point average in Physics was 1.6).

I can send you my diploma thesis too if you like.

Just do as our lord has said ‘Ask and you will be given’.

» » » If you look at Dr. Cotsarelis’ comments about the recent UCLA
» hairgrowth
» » » findings in mice, they are all negative…
» » »
» » »
» »
» In Surprise Finding, Bald Mice Get Furry Again - The New York Times
» » »
» » » Interesting that Cotsarelis is “cautioning” us not to expect too much,
» » and
» » » not to expect any cures here, when EVERY SINGLE TIME one of his own
» » » “discoveries” is reported in the media, it is SPECIFICALLY REPORTED AS
» » »
» » » Also, he has totally overlooked the possiblity that hair follicle
» » » miniaturization caused by DHT, and hair follicle miniaturization
» caused
» » by
» » » “stress” factors both feed into the same ultimate biochemical pathway
» to
» » » change the stem cells and cause miniaturization of the follicles.
» » »
» » » Whatever “stress” means anyway – it could be almost ANYTHING –
» » » biochemical stress, toxins, fatigue, lack of sleep, too much physical
» » » activitiy, bad nutrition, etc. – Dr. Cotsarelis should know, and he
» » should
» » » admit it to us, that scientists use the word “stress” to mean a lot of
» » » things, not just “life stress” or “headaches” or “job related” stress
» » which
» » » is the common use of the term.
» » »
» » » I find it ironic and unsettling that Cotsarelis is so quick to
» criticize
» » » other people’s discoveries, when he ALWAYS contacts the media and
» touts
» » his
» » » own discoveries as potential MPB cures, and makes sure each little
» » » incremental discovery of his gets MASSIVE coverage in the media…
» CNN,
» » » BBC, newspapers, etc.
» » »
» » » Also, has he never worked with mice himself, in his hairloss
» experiments?
» »
» » » Why is he all of the sudden, out of the blue, implying that work on
» mice
» » is
» » » irrelevant? If it’s irrelevant here, then ALL of the work he’s ever
» » done
» » » with mice is irrelevant, and should never have been reported in the
» » » media… right?
» » »
» » » I don’t think it’s irrelevant. There may be something to this UCLA
» » » discovery. On the other hand, there may not be.
» » »
» » » But for Dr. Cotsarelis to criticize it so quickly, to me, shows that
» » this
» » » is a man who always wants to be seen as the central point in ALL hair
» » loss
» » » research today – he has single-handedly elevated himself to the
» » “world’s
» » » most foremost expert” on MPB, and the facts just don’t bear that out.
» » »
» » » What I see instead, I’m sorry to say, is a guy who loves media
» attention
» » as
» » » long as it’s focused on him, and who also likes to make lots of
» » incremental
» » » discoveries at his univeristy lab and then turn around and quickly
» » » “monetize” them – selling them for big bucks to private biotech
» » companies,
» » » before they are completely proven to work.
» » »
» » » To me, Dr. Cotsarelis may be good as a scientist, but his real forte
» is
» » »
» » » At least, that is what Dr. Cotsarelis’ business methodology looks like
» » to
» » » me!
» »
» »
» » Check this out…
» »
» » … -5730.html
» »
» » “PGD2 showed a significant inhibition of the CRF-induced ACTH secretion
» » from rat anterior pituitary cells.
» » Actions
» » CRF induce ACTH
» » PGD2 inhibit ACTH”
» »
» » This source says PGD2 induces CRF… Pg. 271 on the right hand side.
» »
» » … rf&f=false
» »
» » “PGD2, PGF2, and TXA2 also induce CRF.”
» »
» » Astressin-b = FTW
» hey your links are broken. can you fix them please?

That should do it. And just ignore IM, not worth it.

» » » hey your links are broken. can you fix them please?
» »
» » They’re not so import for a Dorftrottel like you anyhow, whereby both
» links
» » are just “wanna-be google scientist” links. oh wait, are you trying to be
» a
» » wanna-be scientist? Or do you just try to imply to be smart and that you
» » fully understand the posted science?
» contrary to you i in fact DO have a scientific university degree,
» which i have offered to send you multiple times. The offer still stands.
» I’d gladly scan it along with a copy of my ID card. The average grade point
» average in Physics was 1.6).
» I can send you my diploma thesis too if you like.
» Just do as our lord has said ‘Ask and you will be given’.

There is no such thing as a “dear lord” and most accomplished physicists know this.

And 1.6 is not a good gpa. 4.0 = a; 3.0 = b; 2.0 = c; 1.0 = d. A 1.6 gpa is a mid C grade. By human standards a 1.6 is nothing to brag about but as a tree-dweller you should be proud. Want a banana?

» » » » hey your links are broken. can you fix them please?
» » »
» » » They’re not so import for a Dorftrottel like you anyhow, whereby both
» » links
» » » are just “wanna-be google scientist” links. oh wait, are you trying to
» be
» » a
» » » wanna-be scientist? Or do you just try to imply to be smart and that
» you
» » » fully understand the posted science?
» »
» »
» » contrary to you i in fact DO have a scientific university degree,
» » which i have offered to send you multiple times. The offer still stands.
» » I’d gladly scan it along with a copy of my ID card. The average grade
» point
» » average in Physics was 1.6).
» »
» » I can send you my diploma thesis too if you like.
» »
» » Just do as our lord has said ‘Ask and you will be given’.
» There is no such thing as a “dear lord” and most accomplished physicists
» know this.
» And 1.6 is not a good gpa. 4.0 = a; 3.0 = b; 2.0 = c; 1.0 = d. A 1.6 gpa
» is a mid C grade. By human standards a 1.6 is nothing to brag about but as
» a tree-dweller you should be proud. Want a banana?

Dear SHARK jumper jarjanbix…1.6 is actually quite good in germany…the best in germany is 1.

I hold a master’s in physics with a 3.5 american gpa…but i think it’s not something out of this world…it’s just a lot of work. Also it is a big mistake to graduate with a physics degree…hard to find a job unless youre super genius and have lot of experience in research.

One can certainly learn a lot from google…in fact i am learning other things b/c i plan to launch a business online (totally unrelated to hair) . But without a professor or an education institution there are MANY MANY things that you will overlook when writing a paper or an opinion about a certain
subject. I woulda HAVE never understood physics without going to college.

There is certainly geniuses in this world though, they do not need college or anything. BUT i’ve never met one of them, its hard to find.

and About this cotsarelis…we should know if it works or not. I know some people who are working on getting this setiprinant w/e the hell the name is in powder form .