Norwood Class 6 patient after 4,487 grafts treated by Dr. Robert Bernstein (NYC)

Bernstein Medical - Center for Hair Restoration Patient MJL is a Norwood Class 6 with medium weight, wavy, salt & pepper hair. Photos taken after two hair transplant sessions of 2,520 and 1,967 grafts totaling 4,487 follicular units.

Before / After



Detail of Hairline

Note how the regular geometric line is translated into a soft, natural hairline. This is the “art” of Follicular Unit Transplantation.

Position of Hairline

After 1st Hair Transplant Session

Transition Over Two Hair Transplant Sessions

The before photo was taken on the day of MJL’s first procedure of 2,520 grafts. A second session of 1,967 grafts was performed two years later. The “After 2nd Session” photo was taken almost four years after the patient’s last procedure and six years after his first.

Before Hair Transplant

After 1st Session

After 2nd Session