Neogenesis / Rejuvination

Lots of comments posted in these threads stating Intercytex’s procedure is a combination of both neogenesis and rejuvination.

OK. What about scars? Has ICX-TRC been tested in any scars?
There is a market for burn victims that have lost hair and, of course, scarrred hair transplant patients that have donor area stretchback scarring from outdated strip excision methods.

Will ICX work in scar tissue if neogenesis is occuring, at least in part?

» Lots of comments posted in these threads stating Intercytex’s procedure is
» a combination of both neogenesis and rejuvination.
» OK. What about scars? Has ICX-TRC been tested in any scars?
» There is a market for burn victims that have lost hair and, of course,
» scarrred hair transplant patients that have donor area stretchback
» scarring from outdated strip excision methods.
» Will ICX work in scar tissue if neogenesis is occuring, at least in part?

This is a question I’ve wanted to raise since I came to this board but have been reluctant to do so as most guys here tend to lose their minds the second HM is questioned.

I have scarring at the back of my head thanks to the donor area being sutured to tight after the strip was removed.HM is my only solution so this is something I think about allot.
Scar tissue no longer contains hair so there are no pre existing hairs to be reborn or awoken.If it was that simple you could put rogaine on the scar tissue & hair would regrow.
However,the injected cells SHOULD grow NEW hairs in the scar tissue.
After all,Dr woods can make body hair that isn’t designed to grow in the scalp grow in scar tissue therefore ICX shouldn’t have problems making cells taken from your scalp grow in scar tissue.How badly you are scarred or burnt will play a huge factor in this as well.
It’s too soon for ICX to test to see if cells grow in scar tissue as they are still testing to see the results in a healthy normal bald scalp.Maybe there is no difference at all,maybe the cells grow rain,hail or shine.I am sure they are aware that this offers hope to buns & HTP victims.
I would like to see them treat victims of HTP surgery & burns victims first.

I had a dream last night that I went to Farjo & had hm.I went to the clinic & they injected my scar,crown & hairline with cells.3 months later I had a full head of hair & the scar was gone.My hair was really long so I went to a posh hairdressing salon to get my hair cut.I was so happy I was in a mad state; Singing,laughing & talking to everyone in the salon.The hairdressers couldn’t understand why I was so happy.They shampooed my hair & gave me a kick ass hair cut.I walked out of the salon with a huge grin on my face, everyone in the street was noticing how happy I was.I felt like a god walking down the street.I can’t ever recall a time in my life where I was so happy.I was crying tears of joy. I wanted to look up all my old friends…
Then I woke up : (