My Second Procedure With Umar

I would be remiss if I didn’t post an update. It is late Saturday evening, 6/29. And, it happens to be one year since my first procedure. Dr Umar transplanted 1200+ bht today to add density and to soften the hairline created by my last procedure. Photos are forthcoming.

This procedure was similar to my first one in many ways, but different in several notable aspects. I received excellent care in every way just like last time. Dr. Umar arrived on time and was very hands-on throughout the entire procedure. I continue to be impressed by his amazing patient care and sincere desire to understand and achieve the patient’s goals. One major difference is the improvement in efficiency. He did about the same number of grafts in one day as last time, but we finished way earlier. It was great to be done before 9:00 as opposed to the wee hours of the morning.

I feel great. I honestly have no complaints about my procedure. I am very very happy with my decision to go with Dr Umar and I would highly recommend him to anyone considering HT.

Happy trails to everyone!

disclaimer: I was not asked to post this update from Dr Umar nor was I asked by anyone else working for his clinic. This post is my attempt to provide helpful feedback to anyone seeking HT.

Looking forward to seeing your pics and frontal area work .

17,000 Body Hair grafts by Dr Umar