My Pics and questions / hairsite / surgeons / anyone?

Well, I need to move from denial to action. The concealers are getting harder to apply and soon I will be painting my head. I have enclosed some pics and welcome comments. I would also ask David to use these to get some surgeons suggestions.
The quality is useless but the impression is clear enough I hope. I have enclosed the pics with concealer to show what I can achieve and what I would like to achieve but without the concealer. I am in my 40s and have a high density of donor hair but you can comment on where i am going!

The first pic bellow shows my hair with concealer about four years ago just before I started on avodart. After three years on avo, i had lost a lot of hair!!! I know you will not believe me but without the concealer I looked pretty bald because the intermediate hairs were so fine.

This is me with concealer now (bellow). I looks O.Kish but i have to cut my hair much shorter now (I do it myself) to give an even look after the concealer is applied. (It’s dermatch by the way)

Here are pics without concealer (bellow). Hmmm, I am getting there and that last bit of intermediate hair will be lost soon. I started loosing at 20ish (25 years ago) so as you can see it is a long painful process for me. I have and do use everything under the sun so don’t even bother with the treatment suggestions. I was using fin before it was even FDA approved in about 1991 so maybe it all got slowed down but actually I don’t think any of them helped me. I do use min foam now and also read my stars.
My take is that I will have a 100-120cm2 area to deal with in the end and also that I have about 80 to deal with now. I should have put a tape measure by my head but I didn’t. My father was a type 6 but he was bald about 10 years in front of me. I just edited the post and put some measurements in that give a slightly worse picture.:frowning: .

does this help? Roughly, it adds up to 100cm2 for a full treatment.

Roughly speaking I end up like this looking into the future (bellow). The measurements I put in are very slightly shorter in reality but I want to be realistic.
The measurement lines get deceptive because they are being drawn on a flat screen. The frontal section measurement actually would curve if drawn in a straght line and cover most of the hairline that seems to be missed. So the lines say. If your geometry is any good you’l see.

Crown (6 X 10) + (4 X 10) = 100cm2

Front = (6 X 6) + (4 X 6) = 60cm2

= 160cm2

At the moment the total area that could be transplanted is only 100cm2 so it just goes to show that a little extra loss at the periphery adds up to a big area!!!
Still at 50Fu / cm2 that is 8000. I have between 130cm2 and 160cm2 of safe donor so it would be a stretch!!! My donor density is high but this could change by the time I’m 70 and I will still want to look like james dean at 70 so it will be a stretch for sure!!!

The pics are a bit dark but it looks like 3 years of avodart wiped out your hair ! Is that possible? Why did you stay on Avo so long when you know it’s not working? I had bad Avodart shed and I stopped in less than 1 year.

» The pics are a bit dark but it looks like 3 years of avodart wiped out your
» hair ! Is that possible? Why did you stay on Avo so long when you know
» it’s not working? I had bad Avodart shed and I stopped in less than 1
» year.

Hi Frodo, no offence but I’d rather get into that in the dut forum. We can start a thread there. In this thread I really want to focus on the transplant. If you want to start a thread there I promise to go into details. Thanks.

Did the NW6 in your family have the same pattern of loss?
It is diffuse thinning, but maintaining a thin hair line.
Some might call it a Ludwig pattern.

You are right, your situation is very similar to this one.

You need to plan for the future - try to imagine what your transplant will look like when/if you progress to NW6.

Also, when transplanting into diffuse thinning like this, there is a chance that the transplant will accelerate your loss. If you have this reaction, after your transplant, you might end up looking the same as you do now. Instead of your natural hairs, the transplanted ones will be there. It might not happen, but it is something that you need to be aware of and consider.

Some of the ways that you can decrease the chance of acceleration of hair loss is to transplant in low densities, and go to a doctor who carefully makes each site so as not to traumatize the surrounding follicles (i.e. not in straight rows).

It might not be possible to thicken up the entire area even if you have outstanding donor availability. Try to define your goals and put them in order of importance. Reserve as much donor as you can; you cannot predict if you will need some touch ups later to keep up with your loss and maintain your look.

You have very good hair characteristics, so you have that going for you. That means you can achieve greater coverage with less hair. You might still need to use some concealer, depending on which options you choose, but you won’t have to “paint your head”, as you put it. :smiley:

You can send these pictures to doctors for free online consultations. The quality is good enough for a decent consult, but as always, an in-person consultation would be more accurate. Usually, you can find a form on the doctors’ website to submit your pics for online consultation. I think Hairsite knows how to go about this. Dr. Cole and Dr. Mwamba can both be reached on Hairsite knows the others, I think.

Hope that helps.

» Did the NW6 in your family have the same pattern of loss?

BTW, I just edited my post and placed some pics with measurements.

Yes sort of, but much more aggressive. My father was at about my stage at 32 so his loss was maybe three times more rapid. The most interesting difference is that my hair has cycled down. Until about two years ago I had every terminal hair left on my head but each year it has got shorter by a few mm. Also (and I think many will not believe this but I have lost up to 600-1000 hairs a day in the thinning areas for many years). In other words the cycling of my hair just accelerated which is unusual maybe. All the same it is male pattern baldness. My father on the other hand didn’t seem to have this slow cycling down but he did have the same pattern.
» You need to plan for the future - try to imagine what your transplant will
» look like when/if you progress to NW6.

I would like it to look like a cross between elvis presley and james dean but slightly thinner. :lol2:

» Also, when transplanting into diffuse thinning like this, there is a
» chance that the transplant will accelerate your loss. If you have this
» reaction, after your transplant, you might end up looking the same as you
» do now. Instead of your natural hairs, the transplanted ones will be
» there. It might not happen, but it is something that you need to be aware
» of and consider.

Well, I will look at that in detail with a surgeon but if I have as many hairs but they are not going to fall out and will grow longer and will be less fine in the type V area then that’s what it’s all about. Actually my option may be to ignore the existing hair in certain areas. IT IS GOING TO FALL OUT. It’s going to be slow and painful so I’d rather replace it with something I don’t feel like checking every 5 minutes.

» Some of the ways that you can decrease the chance of acceleration of hair
» loss is to transplant in low densities, and go to a doctor who carefully
» makes each site so as not to traumatize the surrounding follicles (i.e.
» not in straight rows).

If you see my hair in person you will see that in the balding area there is still very closely packed follicles (my donor density is 170 follicular units / cm2 in the non balding area which is, of cause high but it is quite fine.

The density question is a mine field and I have even board myself silly discussing this on the forum. Ask your colleague Fit2btied.

» It might not be possible to thicken up the entire area even if you have
» outstanding donor availability. Try to define your goals and put them in
» order of importance. Reserve as much donor as you can; you cannot predict
» if you will need some touch ups later to keep up with your loss and
» maintain your look.

Well Cr. Armani said I have 40,000 follicles in my donor and suggested that it means there are 20000 that could be removed. I am not saying that I agree or disagree with him but again the whole question of donor availability is another mine field.

I have to admit that I have become sickened by asking a number of sensible questions around these areas and no surgeon has given a straight answer which is very disappointing.

1: I want a type one hairline as I almost have now.I have a small forehead and the hairline would not work another way. I don’t mind a type 2 but the centre would need to be set as low as it is now. Because I have a small narrow forehead it the extra on the temporal region won’t cost a lot more grafts.

2: I want NO bald areas so complete coverage is important ON THE FIRST HIT sacrificing density if needed. But I never get a straight answer from the surgeons relating to the numbers or density that can or should be transplanted in a session.

I think that 3500 might cover me for now and another 3000 for later. I think that will cover me for about 12-15 years.

» You have very good hair characteristics, so you have that going for you.
» That means you can achieve greater coverage with less hair. You might
» still need to use some concealer, depending on which options you choose,
» but you won’t have to “paint your head”, as you put it. :smiley:

That’s fine.
» You can send these pictures to doctors for free online consultations. The
» quality is good enough for a decent consult, but as always, an in-person
» consultation would be more accurate. Usually, you can find a form on the
» doctors’ website to submit your pics for online consultation. I think
» Hairsite knows how to go about this. Dr. Cole and Dr. Mwamba can both be
» reached on Hairsite knows the others, I think.
» Hope that helps.

I sent you a pm. Let me know if you get it.


Sorry that you lost a lot of hair while using Avodart. I can only imagine how devastating it must have been for you.

Not a problem. I will get as many doctor as possible review your case and let you know their opinions.

Don’t rush into anything just yet. You still have a fair amount of hair. One thing that crossed my mind is possible shock loss if you try to fill in between existing hairs. The risk is probably not that high for you, but still something to keep in mind.

Also, since your hair loss has progressed so precipitously the past three years, you may want to wait another year or so before taking the plunge. If you proceed to have a hair transplant at a time when your hair loss is still progressing rapidly, it would be like chasing a moving target, not a good idea.

On another note, as long as you keep your expectations realistic, I can see that you are a very good candidate for hair transplant once your hair loss has stabilized. If your donor is as good as you described, you will probably be fine even if one day you become a NW 4 or 5. Just plan and design the first procedure carefully, try not to be too aggressive. Go with the “less-is-more” strategy if I were you.

Anyway, I am NOT a doctor. Just my opinions. Will email you shortly once I have set up a case for you with all the doctors.

By the way, I have brightened some of your pictures:

Looks like you will need 4000-5000 grafts in the crown area(up to the midscalp point) and 3000-4000 from midscalp towards the hairline. Alot has to do with how agressive you want to be but Hairsite had really good advice. You know that you will lose more . If you are able and willing financially you can follow it as it progresses over the years. At least we have that option now with FUE . There is always that bit of gamble if your pattern hasnt fully progressed.

17,000 Actively Growing BHT by Dr Umar

» Marco,
» Looks like you will need 4000-5000 grafts in the crown area(up to the
» midscalp point) and 3000-4000 from midscalp towards the hairline. Alot
» has to do with how agressive you want to be but Hairsite had really good
» advice. You know that you will lose more . If you are able and willing
» financially you can follow it as it progresses over the years. At least we
» have that option now with FUE . There is always that bit of gamble if your
» pattern hasnt fully progressed.
» 17,000 Actively Growing BHT by Dr Umar

Hi All,

There is a bit of confusion about the influence of of dutasteride on my hair and also the acceleration of hairloss over the last 4 years during the time that I took dut. I did take some pics without concealer at the beginning of my dut experience but a well known courier company lost my computer when it was taken for a repair and I didn’t have a backup of the pics.

The “before pic” is with concealer and as I said you would be very surprised how much worse it looked without concealer.In that pic, my hair was at its maximum possible length just as it is now. In short 10 years ago, the maximum length of the worst areas was about 1.5 inches about 5 years ago it was about 0.8 and now it is about .4 inches or 1 cm. The area effected has likewise grow slowly and steadily. I think I can now determine the final extent and it is worse than it is now.

All in all there has been a very slow and very steady loss for 25 years!!! Dut gave it a jump (ie made the loss worse) in the first 6 months loosing about a years worth of hair at the constant rate I have been progressing and then the rate of loss went back to the same as before.

Hi Marco,
Always wondered what you looked like; can’t really get the full picture, but it looks like a handsome lad might be hiding behind that square! :slight_smile:
BTW, other than the posterior crown loss, our patterns are quite similar. Mine was pretty much like yours in the frontal 2/3 with a lot of miniaturized hairs which I had given up on keeping. It sounds like yours have undergone the loss of caliber as well as length, is that what you were implying?
I am lucky to have coarse, curly, salt and pepper hair, that covers well (which I keep short, about one to two inches max), and after two transplants (1300 + 2000 = 3300) most folks think I have a decent head of hair, and they really don’t see me as a balding or even thinning guy. Relative to your situation, this would be analagous to grafting your entire area minus the more posterior region of the vertex. One caveat, my central zone, that is the frontal forelock and that midline strip of two cm or so, was a little stronger than yours appears.
It is interesting that when I scan my transplanted areas with a scope, the density is not very high, in the 40 to 60 range. Goes to show what good characteristics will do. Granted, there are some miniaturized hairs in there, but I don’t really count them as they provide little to no coverage any more.
So if I’m doing OK with the 3300 in the frontal 2/3, I would imagine that another 3000 to the crown would do me right if my loss THERE was like yours. Again, I’m assuming that your characteristics are similar, if not the numbers would be higher. I just have had to realize that the existing hairs in the balding areas are no good to me for coverage and that I am willing to sacrifice them for the greater good, as it were.
BTW, my donor density is OK, about 90 to 100 FU’s per cm2.
As far as the dutasteride thing, I have had periods of fairly agressive loss both on and off these drugs. I have also had periods of seeming dormancy of the condition. It’s a mystery. Hopefully you can find a way to get that overall coverage you desire, knowing that the existing hairs are probably on their way out, especially if you graft around them.
BTW, my donor follicular density is pretty good, in the 90 to 100 range.

I don’t have much to contribute since you said you had tried all hair loss products already. Just want to say that you have a nice shape head. It’s very smart of you to wear your hair so short. The buzz cut works wonderfully well for you :slight_smile: dont grow your hair long.

Hi Fit2,

I think that my donor density is very high actually but the hair is fine, definitely not coarse except for the occipital ridge and there abouts (the bump at the back of my head) which is also more curly.

I totally agree about sacrificing the intermediate hair. A lot of surgeons don’t like to do this but that is more to do with satisfaction levels from slightly naive patients after the loss. IT REALLY IS ON ITS WAY OUT.

Your numbers are about the same as my predictions but that area at the front is maybe 50cm2 now so 3300 should give 60/cm. you had a little more hair in that area so I wonder why you got 40-60/cm. I wonder what the realities of yield really are in general although I do have quite a narrow forehead which may explain this difference.

You know, all those arguments and discussions about donor damage, recipient yield, instrument types angulation consistency are fun and the lack of direct answers and the differing answers from surgeons are all very amusing until you actually need a F-ing straight answer so that you can make an informed decision.


There’s just a couple of things I’d like to say in regards to shedding & hairloss because it’s a topic that keeps coming up.
I do not believe that Fin/Dut will accelerate or cause balding.You may shed whilst on these meds but that is completely normal.Shedding is a normal part of a hairs life cycle.As long as you are just shedding,your hair will grow back,you just have to be patient.The more your panic,the worse the shedding will look in your mind and to your eyes.Fin/Dut may not even be the cause of your shedding,people shed due to a change of season.You can loose your summer hair in winter & the other way around.
If your hairs are miniaturising then you are not shedding,your balding and your hairs wont grow back.Meds don’t work for everyone and you can become aclimated to them.I think people are to quick to blame meds for an acceleration of their hair loss.

I know your not going to listen to me,but the buzz cut suits you,leave your hair as it is & be done with it.HTP will not make your hair look as thick as it is when you spray concealer on your hair.Believe me,you will never be satisfied with the coverage you will get from a HTP.You will never gain a full head of hear from a HTP.Leave your hair as it is in the pics,get a sun tan and be done with it.No meds,no surgery no hassle.You’ll get strange looks/comments from your friends & co workers for a couple of days,you yourself will feel uncomfortable for a while but you will get used to it.
I know I am only wasting my breath but I urge you just to let nature take it course & live your life.It’s better to look like your naturally bald then to spend the rest of your life miserable becasue you have to hide scaring & obvious grafts.

Personally if your regimen, be it natural or drugs…makes you shed
change regimens

I have never had a shed caused by any addition to my regimen, if I Did i would be worried

i have heard many shed horror stories

personally i would never try meds, I would stick with the naturals, if you are trying to save your hair, by any means, and you are not on one of the super hair vitamins, and you are not taking 2000mcg timed released Biotin every day, you are missing out on a lot of healthy hair
if you are not on MSM or horstail, same thing,

you guys that just take meds and dont take super hair supplements, heck even spirolina, …try lots of stuff,you are missing out on revitalizing your hair
without my supplments my hair would look on the verge of being dead
now it looks super

» There’s just a couple of things I’d like to say in regards to shedding &
» hairloss because it’s a topic that keeps coming up.
» I do not believe that Fin/Dut will accelerate or cause balding.You may
» shed whilst on these meds but that is completely normal.Shedding is a
» normal part of a hairs life cycle.As long as you are just shedding,your
» hair will grow back,you just have to be patient.The more your panic,the
» worse the shedding will look in your mind and to your eyes.Fin/Dut may not
» even be the cause of your shedding,people shed due to a change of
» season.You can loose your summer hair in winter & the other way around.
» If your hairs are miniaturising then you are not shedding,your
» balding and your hairs wont grow back.Meds don’t work for everyone and you
» can become aclimated to them.I think people are to quick to blame meds for
» an acceleration of their hair loss.
» I know your not going to listen to me,but the buzz cut suits you,leave
» your hair as it is & be done with it.HTP will not make your hair look as
» thick as it is when you spray concealer on your hair.Believe me,you will
» never be satisfied with the coverage you will get from a HTP.You will
» never gain a full head of hear from a HTP.Leave your hair as it is in the
» pics,get a sun tan and be done with it.No meds,no surgery no hassle.You’ll
» get strange looks/comments from your friends & co workers for a couple of
» days,you yourself will feel uncomfortable for a while but you will get
» used to it.
» I know I am only wasting my breath but I urge you just to let nature take
» it course & live your life.It’s better to look like your naturally bald
» then to spend the rest of your life miserable becasue you have to hide
» scaring & obvious grafts.

I have lost count on the number of times I have asked for pics of your hair but I’ll ask again since you mention how super it looks. We want to see.

If your regimen works as well as you say it does I think others would greatly benefit from ‘seeing’ what effect the regimen has and not just hearing about it .You could change alot of lives . Now that you have established yourself over the past few days as a leader in the nutritional support movement to prevent male pattern baldness I think now would be a great time for your inspirational pics.

17,000 Actively Growing BHT by Dr Umar

well the problem is …first of all there is a segment of the population out there who see pics as moving targets and want PROOF of regrowth…or else they say the pics suck…they want before and afters in perfect lighting from all different angles or else they say the pics are bogus, they prove nothing, etc etc etc etc

Personally i dont like pics of myself online…I once posted a recent pic that i had taken about a year and a half ago, just to show how good my frontal hairline looked 25 yrs after i started thinning, and with no transplant. My dad even after looking at the pic, accused me of wearing a toupee in the pic…I said no dad i dont wear a toupee,

All I got was, endless requests for more pics, different angles, then the snipes started up saying those are not me…its fake, etc etc

personally i did not post the pic to show before after miracles i just posted it to say, here is how good my hair still looks.

I did not show the crown since the crown basically has not regrown, since it is dead. That did not stop the endless requests for pics from 20 different angles etc

plus, the fact that my crown is with a bald spot, guys see that as proof my regimen does not work, never mind the fact that my crown died 15 yrs before i found DHT blockers,

so basically I thought, after all the snipes and accusations of fake, etc, why bother, if guys do not believe what I say, its of no consequence. Posting pics
if you could just post a pic and be done with it, fine but, once u post your a pic you are a target…

Plently of guys have gotten on the ULTRA hair or Maxi hair, and if you have not tried it, or the MSM or Horsetail you would be shocked at the difference. If you are not on Biotin, 2000mcg you will be surprised at the differnce that makes too
i tried every combination of nutrients under the sun for 15 yrs when i had NO DHT blockers, so my hair was EXTREMELY SENSITIVE TO DIET AND SUPPLEMENTS since that is ALL i had to use to fight my problem. no rogaine nothing

i found that 2000mcg biotin NON TIMED RELEASE did me absolutely no good at all. Why Im not sure, Jacob argues that timed release is not necessary, my experience is it makes a huge difference

If you look at the most popular hair vitamins on the market
they are all PACKED with Bs, and are all timed release and they all have 2000 mcg Biotin and also MSM and horsetail is getting popular to put in there

this is not a coinidence whats in those vitamins, they put the supplements in there\ because THEY WORK…And they have long time satisfied customers that buy from them for years and years and years, once a new customer sees results he buys over and over like Me. Businesses survive on repeat customers you cant run a business on first time customers. If people buy it and see no difference in their hair, they wont buy it again.

Maxi hair is half the price of Ultra hair that is why I use it…Ultra hair is too expensive

All of my diet and supplement advice is personal trial and error, I have come to these conclusions by watching my own hair react to these supplements and diet changes

after i added DHT blockers in 1999, my hair became way less sensitive to diet and if i ate too much sugar or salt or red meat, my hair didnt all fallout the next day, but it was still important
If i stop my supplements even now, within 2yrs i will be bald on top.

I may send if i trusted someone on the board not to post it, a photo of my hair, but not sure if i can trust someone not to .

posting photos is more trouble than its worth

» Hangin,
» I have lost count on the number of times I have asked for pics of your
» hair but I’ll ask again since you mention how super it looks. We want to
» see.
» If your regimen works as well as you say it does I think others would
» greatly benefit from ‘seeing’ what effect the regimen has and not just
» hearing about it .You could change alot of lives . Now that you have
» established yourself over the past few days as a leader in the nutritional
» support movement to prevent male pattern baldness I think now would be a
» great time for your inspirational pics.
» 17,000 Actively Growing BHT by Dr Umar

» Hi Fit2,
» Your numbers are about the same as my predictions but that area at the
» front is maybe 50cm2 now so 3300 should give 60/cm. you had a little more
» hair in that area so I wonder why you got 40-60/cm. I wonder what the
» realities of yield really are in general although I do have quite a narrow
» forehead which may explain this difference.

» You know, all those arguments and discussions about donor damage,
» recipient yield, instrument types angulation consistency are fun and the
» lack of direct answers and the differing answers from surgeons are all
» very amusing until you actually need a F-ing straight answer so that you
» can make an informed decision.
» Cheers.

Yeah, I think the diff may be in our heads’ shapes. My forehead is not super wide, but I have a very long head (anterior-posterior dimension), so I think the region from my crown to my hairline is quite extended, if you get my drift. I could potentially be about 65 or more cm2 in that region!

And yes, straight answers would be nice. I think there exists in this field a paranoia and defensiveness, that probably comes from so much professional “espionage” and back-stabbing over the years. It’s damn shame, and everyone suffers because of it, docs and patients alike.

» And yes, straight answers would be nice. I think there exists in this
» field a paranoia and defensiveness, that probably comes from so much
» professional “espionage” and back-stabbing over the years. It’s damn
» shame, and everyone suffers because of it, docs and patients alike.

That’s about it

First let me thank you for at least addressing this picture issue of yourself and not avoiding it as you normally do . For someone who offers his analysis so frequently and will never seek out transplant work - I have always wanted and asked many times to see a picture of your own hair/balding pattern . You seemed very sincere in your answer and not once did you call me a moron. That was impressive in itself.

I just want to say this to you . I hope that you will read what you yourself wrote.

" so basically I thought, after all the snipes and accusations of fake, etc,
» why bother, if guys do not believe what I say, its of no consequence.
» Posting pics » if you could just post a pic and be done with it, fine but, once u post» your a pic you are a target…"

“» well the problem is …first of all there is a segment of the
» population out there who see pics as moving targets and want PROOF of
» regrowth…or else they say the pics suck…they want before and
» afters in perfect lighting from all different angles or else they say the
» pics are bogus, they prove nothing, etc etc etc etc”

I have been on this forum for 2 years since the beginning of my body hair transplant work and god only knows how many times I have had it out with you about your responses and misinterpretations that you make towards people’s pics. I actually consider you one of the top -if not the born leader- of the population that you spoke of as you stated below :

(first of all there is a segment of the population out there who see pics as moving targets)

I hope that you will look at your own words and remember this in the future. You are not willing to post your pics because of how people will interprete your pics - while others are willing to put themselves out there as targets to be judged by others .

Honestly I appreciate you admitting that are not willing to post your pics openly. Deep down inside (I had to reach really really deep) a part of me actually respects you for at least admitting it. But I hope that you will remember this as others post pics of their transplant work in the future and remember that they were at least confident enough to put themselves out there for people to see and become a target .

17,000 Actively Growing BHT grafts by Dr Umar

personally your results are in the top 3 of body hair on the board, so I dont know why you feel that others are saying they are not good,

now that one guy i did say that his looked much thicker than anyone elses but as I said im a bit suspicious of his 6000 or so body hairs but as you say it may have been more hair present before the transplant,

still even if that was 6000 or so scalp hairs his would be an amazing result
something to me is still fishy about those numbers, perhaps his body hair was similar to king kong, who knows

as i said i did once post my pic then took it down after all the sniping comments…which was “proof” to the snipers that they were fake not me etc etc etc

» First let me thank you for at least addressing this picture issue of
» yourself and not avoiding it as you normally do . For someone who offers
» his analysis so frequently and will never seek out transplant work - I
» have always wanted and asked many times to see a picture of your own
» hair/balding pattern . You seemed very sincere in your answer and not
» once did you call me a moron. That was impressive in itself.
» I just want to say this to you . I hope that you will read what you
» yourself wrote.
» " so basically I thought, after all the snipes and accusations of fake,
» etc,
» » why bother, if guys do not believe what I say, its of no consequence.
» » Posting pics » if you could just post a pic and be done with it, fine
» but, once u post» your a pic you are a target…"
» “» well the problem is …first of all there is a segment of the
» » population out there who see pics as moving targets and want PROOF of
» » regrowth…or else they say the pics suck…they want before
» and
» » afters in perfect lighting from all different angles or else they say
» the
» » pics are bogus, they prove nothing, etc etc etc etc”
» I have been on this forum for 2 years since the beginning of my body
» hair transplant work and god only knows how many times I have had it out
» with you about your responses and misinterpretations that you make towards
» people’s pics. I actually consider you one of the top -if not the born
» leader- of the population that you spoke of as you stated below :
» (first of all there is a segment of the population out there who see pics
» as moving targets)
» I hope that you will look at your own words and remember this in the
» future. You are not willing to post your pics because of how people will
» interprete your pics - while others are willing to put themselves out
» there as targets to be judged by others .
» Honestly I appreciate you admitting that are not willing to post your
» pics openly. Deep down inside (I had to reach really really deep) a part
» of me actually respects you for at least admitting it. But I hope that you
» will remember this as others post pics of their transplant work in the
» future and remember that they were at least confident enough to put
» themselves out there for people to see and become a target .
» 17,000 Actively Growing BHT grafts by Dr Umar