My case - Micropigmentation at HIS HAIR CLINIC

Hello everybody,

As I mentioned in previous threads I was recently undergoing my own SMP procedure at HIS HAIR CLINIC in Marbella, Spain.

For those who dont know my case here you can see a summary of all the procedures that I had by chronological order.

As you can see in the photos it was a long trip since my first procedure with a butcher in Spain, I had suffered a lot through the whole experience nonetheless I was blessed with the opportunity to recover a normal appearance and with this recent procedure of SMP I think that I can be more than satisfied of where I am nowadays.








Escar, your strip scar is very small, why not go for a repair using FUE grafts?

[quote][postedby]Originally Posted by NeverAgain[/postedby]
» Escar, your strip scar is very small, why not go for a repair using FUE
» grafts?[/quote]

Hi NA,

I had already an scar revision and some grafts placed in the scar but seems that they did not had good growth, however they were very few, around 50 BH grafts from the leg, in the link that I posted at the top of the page you can see the whole evolution since the first Ht, here the link: Resumen cronológico de mis operaciones capilares - Recuperar El Pelo - Foro sobre la caída del cabello, experiencias y consejos para tener pelo


Escar what about beard hair? Did you use any beard grafts to repair the strip scar? I think beard hair is the only donor that works in scar repair.

Hi NA,

No, I didn’t tried with Beard Hair, never heard that about Beard Hair was the only donor that will works well in scar repairs, sounds interesting, the truth is that my Bh donor is very reduced and poor quality with mainly 1 single hair follicle, maybe beard it can be a resource, what about pubic hair?, did you heard something?

Hello to everybody,

Below you can examine some photos taken 3 weeks after my last session.

3 weeks postop

The scar is still a damn beast, but is much better than before the treatment and infinitely better than what the first “surgeon” produced in my first procedure

Here a close-up view.

I can hardly tell that you have a scar in the back of your head.

what a great improvement! how much the procedure?

Thank you guys for the comments,

The price for a treatment like this one would be 3.000€


[quote][postedby]Originally Posted by escar[/postedby]
Thank you guys for the comments,

The price for a treatment like this one would be 3.000€


That is expensive, that’s how much my budget is to fix my strip scar (US$4000 max) using fue grafts.

Im sorry but I have to say that based on the average prices for such procedure in the industry of SMP in general, the price of HIS HAIR is a normal price and even cheaper than average considering that you don’t need to do a retouch every year, nonetheless if you believe that for you the way of FUE it will be better for you then I recommend you to follow your plan and good luck.

Additionaly in some scars FUE+SMP it will be the best solution.

Thank you!

[quote][postedby]Originally Posted by escar[/postedby]
Thank you guys for the comments,

The price for a treatment like this one would be 3.000€

Thanks,[/quote] cant believe how much better that looks. u look like a new freakn man!

how long did you have to wait after getting the 2nd and 3rd procedure? what was the down time for healing between each procedure.

that wud be my only concern about flying to Europe and havn to fly there again to repeat the procedure. if I cud get it done in 2-3 weeks id just stay there that long. thanx

Looking good so far

Hello GNX,

The period to wait between sessions its around one week.

But you dont need to come to Europe, HIS HAIR has offices in many major cities of USA.

Please contact me in private if you need further details about your case.

And thank you guys for the comments!

[quote][postedby]Originally Posted by escar[/postedby]
Hello GNX,

The period to wait between sessions its around one week.

But you dont need to come to Europe, HIS HAIR has offices in many major cities of USA.

Please contact me in private if you need further details about your case.

And thank you guys for the comments![/quote] ok thanx