Minox and Fin topical Combo

Hello all, does anyone now where I can purchase 15% Minoxidl and finasteride topical, like the one Dr. Lee sold ? As some of you may or may not know his site has been shut down and I can no longer purchase his products. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

» Hello all, does anyone now where I can purchase 15% Minoxidl and
» finasteride topical, like the one Dr. Lee sold ? As some of you may or may
» not know his site has been shut down and I can no longer purchase his
» products. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I mix 2 proscar tablets in with my bottle of minox 5%.

I fold a piece of A4 paper, put two tablets in the fold and put it flat on the table. I hammer it into powder with a hammer and into my 5% minox bottle it goes. I don’t imagine Dr. Lee is doing anything different.

I’m not sure how chemically stable the finaseride is in minoxidil solution but hell, its worth a shot i figure.

» » Hello all, does anyone now where I can purchase 15% Minoxidl and
» » finasteride topical, like the one Dr. Lee sold ? As some of you may or
» may
» » not know his site has been shut down and I can no longer purchase his
» » products. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
» I mix 2 proscar tablets in with my bottle of minox 5%.
» I fold a piece of A4 paper, put two tablets in the fold and put it flat on
» the table. I hammer it into powder with a hammer and into my 5% minox
» bottle it goes. I don’t imagine Dr. Lee is doing anything different.
» I’m not sure how chemically stable the finaseride is in minoxidil solution
» but hell, its worth a shot i figure.

How has this worked for you, how big is the Minox bottle , is a 65ML bottle ?

Freddie, do you really think those crushed pills get completely dissolved into your minoxsolution? If not then there’s no way your scalp will absorb the finasteride.

» I mix 2 proscar tablets in with my bottle of minox 5%.
» I fold a piece of A4 paper, put two tablets in the fold and put it flat on
» the table. I hammer it into powder with a hammer and into my 5% minox
» bottle it goes. I don’t imagine Dr. Lee is doing anything different.
» I’m not sure how chemically stable the finaseride is in minoxidil solution
» but hell, its worth a shot i figure.

» How has this worked for you, how big is the Minox bottle , is a 65ML bottle
» ?

Its working OK but I take Avodart orally as well and that has practially put a halt on my hair loss. Hardly any hair falls out in my hand when I’m rubbing in the minox so I know its working.

Yea I just put it (propecia) into a regular minox bottle after crushing it up.

To the poster above, I shake the bottle up really well and I don’t see any powder floating around in the minox after that. So I assume it has been dissolved. Whether any of it actually gets through the scalp is anyone’s guess. I rub the minox in really well and tap it in with my two fingers to really ram it through. I read of this ‘tapping it in’ idea from a guy who posted amazing pictures of hair regrowth on finasteride & minoxidil (look in the Activ-M Shampoo & Tonic thread I created to see pics of the guy and his regiment). The tapping thing got my attention so that’s why I don’t just rub it in, I tap as well.

Hay Freddie can i ask what side effects have you experienced on Avodart, im thinking of going on… Did you make the change over from fin to dust?

I think im definitely going to add fin/minox mixture

Hey man,

Do you take dut everyday? . . read a few people posting they take it once or twice a week and regular finasteride the other days with pretty good results??

How long you been on it?? did you notice any sheds??? any thickening or improvement yet???

sorry for all the questions, just thinkin of switching myself?
