Love your bald head

Give me hair over the stats any day…

Research: Love your bald head
Men whose hairline starts receding at a young age are 45 per cent less likely to develop prostate cancer, according to a study at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle.
Researchers studied hair loss in 2000 men aged between 40 and 47, half of whom had suffered prostate cancer.
The theory is that premature balding is linked to higher levels of testosterone and this might explain the lower risk of tumours.
Sunday Times, 11/3/2012, page 34

» Research: Love your bald head
» Men whose hairline starts receding at a young age are 45 per cent less
» likely to develop prostate cancer, according to a study at the University
» of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle.
» Researchers studied hair loss in 2000 men aged between 40 and 47, half of
» whom had suffered prostate cancer.
» The theory is that premature balding is linked to higher levels of
» testosterone and this might explain the lower risk of tumours.
» Sunday Times, 11/3/2012, page 34

Why don’t you guys trust me …

» Give me hair over the stats any day…
» _______________________
» Research: Love your bald head
» Men whose hairline starts receding at a young age are 45 per cent less
» likely to develop prostate cancer, according to a study at the University
» of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle.
» Researchers studied hair loss in 2000 men aged between 40 and 47, half of
» whom had suffered prostate cancer.
» The theory is that premature balding is linked to higher levels of
» testosterone and this might explain the lower risk of tumours.
» Sunday Times, 11/3/2012, page 34

Bald men have high levels of testosterone? What is this–medieval science?

I thought being bald has nothing to do with testosterone levels; rather it has to do with follicles too weak to resist DHT.

I wonder if hairy men have a higher rise of tumors from having a lot of sex because they get more women?

And what about that business about bald men having more heart attacks? Remember how researchers were intent on finding some bio-chemical reason for it?

Jeez, all I have to do is take enough looks in the mirror and it will give me a heart attack. But nooooooooooo–it would be politically uncorrect to say that being bald of itself is the problem.

I’m pretty sure I’ve read studies which say just the opposite.

i.e. guys with baldness have higher not lower rates of prostate cancer.

also guys with crown balding have higher rates of heart attack. 3X higher.

this disease is truly a curse.