Just a basic informational post for anyone new to baldness.
Finasteride is marketed as Proscar, Propecia, Fincar, Finpecia, Finax, Finast, Finara, Finalo, Prosteride – amongst many others (see below).
Propecia and Proscar is made by the American company Merck, the creator of the drug Finasteride. A Proscar tablet has 5 milligrams of Finasteride and Propecia has 1 milligram-- Propecia is intended for Hairloss and Proscar is intended for Prostate treatment (BPH specifically). Many people cut the 5 milligram Finasteride tablets into fifths, taking 1 mg/day for their hairloss. This option can save money on buying the pills, and is often thought to be just as effective.
Fincar and Finpecia are Indian generic versions of Proscar and Propecia, made by the Indian Pharmaceutical company Cipla. Cipla is a very large Pharmaceutical company in India, founded in 1935. Fincar (5mg) is Cipla’s version of Proscar, Finpecia (1mg) is their version of Propecia.
Finax and Finast are made by Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Inc., the second largest Indian Pharmaceutical company. Finax is the 1 milligram Finasteride tablet, and Finast is the 5 milligram tablet.
Finara is made by Ranbaxy Laboratories, India’s largest Pharmacuetical company, a top 10 sized Generic Drug manufacturer, founded in 1961. Finara is a 5 milligram Finasteride tablet-- just as Proscar, Fincar, and Finast.
Finalo is made by Intas Inc., another Indian Pharma co., founded in 1970. Finalo is a 1 milligram Finasteride tablet.
Prosteride is made by Aleppo Pharmaceutical Industries, also called ALPHA. Aleppo is a Syrian company, incorporated in 1990. Prosteride comes in the 1 milligram kind for Hairloss, as well as the 5 milligram kind for the Prostate.
Other Internationl Brand Names of Finasteride are below as well as their country of origin. The letters in parentheses are Country abbreviations indicating the country of origin of the drug. To find out which country code is what country, here’s a list of country codes, look here: http://ftp.uspto.gov/patft/help/helpctry.htm
Alfasin® (BR); Anatine® (AR); Andropel® (AR); Avertex® (AR); Chibro-Proscar® (FR); Conef® (AR); Dilaprost® (TR); Eucoprost® (ES); Eutiz® (AR); Finarid® (TR); Finasterin® (AR); Finastid® (IT); Finastil® (BR); Finex® (CZ); Finired® (ID); Finpro® (ID); Finprostat® (AR); Fistrin® (CO); Flaxin® (BR); Flutiamik® (AR); Gefina® (FI); Genaprost® (IT); Gropecia® (AR); HPB Panalab® (AR); Nasterid-A® (BR); Nasterid® (BR); Nasteril® (AR); Nasterol® (BR, CO); Pelicrep® (AR); Penester® (CZ, PL); Pro-Cure® (IL); Prohair® (CL); Pronor® (BD); Propeshia® (MX); Prosfin® (BD); Prosh® (ID); Prosmin® (AR); Prostacom® (ID); Prostanovag® (AR); Prostasax® (DO); Prostene® (AR); Prosterid® (HU); Prosterit® (TR); Prostide® (BR, IT, SI); Reprostom® (ID); Rowesteride® (EC); Sutrico® (AR); Tealep® (AR); Tricofarma® (AR)
As you can see Finasteride is widely produced and available, though there is debate about the quality and efficacy of generic International Brand Finasteride. However, International Generic Brands are typically much cheaper than Propecia and Proscar-- the Real McCoy, and many people have also found them to be just as effective as Propecia and Proscar.