Juvista update


whiel it didnt do so well in phase 2 there gona re-evaluate using 2 dosages

» http://www.forbes.com/afxnewslimited/feeds/afx/2008/03/03/afx4720967.html
» whiel it didnt do so well in phase 2 there gona re-evaluate using 2
» dosages

I give it 5 hours at most and someone will bring ACELL topic back :smiley:

This is great news !!! Even if it cant regrow hair, I am glad they are working on this for scar reduction…this would be a huge improvement in HT’s if it works

» This is great news !!! Even if it cant regrow hair, I am glad they are
» working on this for scar reduction…this would be a huge improvement in
» HT’s if it works

I have to say, I never heard of it.
I’ll have to read up on it.
