It\'s starting to look like Acell\'s results may not match the hope

First look at Histogen with its’ impressive phase 1 results. Then look at the “ater” pics we’ve seen so far regarding Acell + PRP. Compare the results of Histogen with the results of Acell + PRP, and I think that the latter may be turning into something of a dissapointment. I am starting to think that perhaps Acell really doesn’t produce the growth factors one would be hoping for - most notably WNTs. Some WNTs are really helpful in connection with growing hair and there are also other growth factors that are beneficial to hair growth. Histogen produces these growth factors in abundance and as a result Histogen is having splendid hair growth results, but so far Acell is simply not matching Histogen’s hair growth capabilities and the most logical reason for that is that Acell just doesn’t produce enough of, or any, of the best growth factors.

I know that the doctors are still tweaking Acell and they may find ways to improve the performance of Acels so the jury is still out on what Acell’s potential is, but right now, as the evidence up till this point is time is presented , I would have to say that for the purposeds of hair growth Acell’s results so far have not lived up to the hope, and Histogen like has a better amount of the better growth factors than Acell. I’m starting to think that Acell simply does not have enough of the right growth factors.

Comparing Acell to Histogen…No comment. BUT WAIT

You assume that Acell has failed and Histogen not. BUT THEN it would contradict everything you said here :

  1. You hyped a snake oil thing which was compared to Histogen FIRST

  2. Then it was compared to Acell as something which works better then Acell

So that does mean, if the early snake oil was compared to Histogen and been abandoned as crap this will mean in your words, that Histogen is a Failure because you can compare it to Acell.

Ahhhhh Snake Oil Seller gotta love em. I bet my Ass Dr Leatherface will next compare his SNake Oil to all WNT Proteins around the block.

You dont bring up valid points, its only bickering and crying therefore another useless thread with nothing to contribute

» Comparing Acell to Histogen…No comment. BUT WAIT
» You assume that Acell has failed and Histogen not. BUT THEN it would
» contradict everything you said here :
» 1) You hyped a snake oil thing which was compared to Histogen FIRST
» 2) Then it was compared to Acell as something which works better then
» Acell
» So that does mean, if the early snake oil was compared to Histogen and been
» abandoned as crap this will mean in your words, that Histogen is a Failure
» because you can compare it to Acell.
» Ahhhhh Snake Oil Seller gotta love em. I bet my Ass Dr Leatherface will
» next compare his SNake Oil to all WNT Proteins around the block.
» You dont bring up valid points, its only bickering and crying therefore
» another useless thread with nothing to contribute

Listen steviedee suckhair mm12 gmonasco or whatever you prefer to call yourself i noticed that your tactics is to harass people until they stop posting. Previous poster is merely expressing his opinion if you do not agree you do not have to accuse people of snake oil selling. The only snake oil seller in here seems to be you. You insist on acell. As previous poster did say the jury is out but so far is not so good.

The Jury is not out buddy, Acell tests exist but where are your magical Dr L product Tests or those asstress b tests so far?

» The Jury is not out buddy, Acell tests exist but where are your magical Dr
» L product Tests or those asstress b tests so far?

Never heard of dr. L and I am not interested i did say that before. As for astressin b in not a product. It is a peptide that can be made by different manufacturers so you can’t accuse me of snake oil selling can you. When it’s tested we will know will it work or not.

» Comparing Acell to Histogen…No comment. BUT WAIT
» You assume that Acell has failed and Histogen not. BUT THEN it would
» contradict everything you said here :
» 1) You hyped a snake oil thing which was compared to Histogen FIRST
» 2) Then it was compared to Acell as something which works better then
» Acell
» So that does mean, if the early snake oil was compared to Histogen and been
» abandoned as crap this will mean in your words, that Histogen is a Failure
» because you can compare it to Acell.
» Ahhhhh Snake Oil Seller gotta love em. I bet my Ass Dr Leatherface will
» next compare his SNake Oil to all WNT Proteins around the block.
» You dont bring up valid points, its only bickering and crying therefore
» another useless thread with nothing to contribute

are you mentally ill?
too paranoid.
I am not Lethermam.
Hitzig’s first pics depicted significant improvement but the second pics did not look so good. I don’t really know what to make of Acell + PRP yet? That is why I had posted different opinions about Acell and PRP. The reason is simple: the first pics showed significant hair re-growth so I said positive things about Acell + PRP after I saw those pics but the next round of pics showed little if any re-growth from Acell + PRP so my attitude about Acell + PRP went south after I saw the new pics.

Grow a brain! The new pics caused me to have a new attitude. New pics were bad = new bad attitude. They need to tweak Acell + PRP with WNTs and other agents perhaps.

» The Jury is not out buddy, Acell tests exist but where are your magical Dr
» L product Tests or those asstress b tests so far?

What difference does it make where Dr. L’s product is? I am not going to invest in it because I’m not 100% sure it even has real growth factors in it.

As far as astressin - b goes, well, that is being examined but just because we don’t know yet if astrssin - b works or not is not a reason for you to go off the deep end and make allegations that people are snake oiler simply because we have some doubts about Acell + PRP. How can any of us here be snake-oilers in connection with astressin - b when none of us here can sell it anyway? We would have to get it made by chemists; we ourselves do not have it for sale.

Regards Acell + PRP, my doubts are reasonable given the pics. Dr. Hitzig’s first posted pics showed significant regrowth but the second batch of pics (if you look at the pics just where the Acell + PRP was injected but no transplantation) showed no improvement that I can see. That’s my honest opinion. I’m dissapointed about it because I was starting to feel kind of giddy about Acell + PRP but they need to do more work with Acell + PRP because, in my opinion, it is not the “silver bullet” yet.

Hopefully the docs will be able to tweak Acell + PRP by adding more agents but that is something that will require more time to determine. I suggest they look at the idea of producing WNTs, and any other growth factors produced by Histogen, into the mix.

The point is that Histogen is looking very effective and Acell has some potential because Acell also does have some growth factors, but perhaps Acell needs to have some more growth factors added into the mix somehow, someway.

» » Comparing Acell to Histogen…No comment. BUT WAIT
» »
» » You assume that Acell has failed and Histogen not. BUT THEN it would
» » contradict everything you said here :
» »
» » 1) You hyped a snake oil thing which was compared to Histogen FIRST
» »
» » 2) Then it was compared to Acell as something which works better then
» » Acell
» »
» » So that does mean, if the early snake oil was compared to Histogen and
» been
» » abandoned as crap this will mean in your words, that Histogen is a
» Failure
» » because you can compare it to Acell.
» »
» » Ahhhhh Snake Oil Seller gotta love em. I bet my Ass Dr Leatherface will
» » next compare his SNake Oil to all WNT Proteins around the block.
» »
» » You dont bring up valid points, its only bickering and crying therefore
» » another useless thread with nothing to contribute
» are you mentally ill?
» too paranoid.
» I am not Lethermam.
» Hitzig’s first pics depicted significant improvement but the second pics
» did not look so good. I don’t really know what to make of Acell + PRP yet?
» That is why I had posted different opinions about Acell and PRP. The
» reason is simple: the first pics showed significant hair re-growth so I
» said positive things about Acell + PRP after I saw those pics but the next
» round of pics showed little if any re-growth from Acell + PRP so my
» attitude about Acell + PRP went south after I saw the new pics.
» Grow a brain! The new pics caused me to have a new attitude. New pics
» were bad = new bad attitude. They need to tweak Acell + PRP with WNTs and
» other agents perhaps.

My question to these “doctors” is this: where are the hair counts? Photos mean NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. Why won’t they do hair counts? They’re easy to do.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Its funny, if they show hair counts, everyone is like FOTOS or GTFO

If they show Fotos everyone is like HAIRCOUNTS or GTFO

» Its funny, if they show hair counts, everyone is like FOTOS or GTFO
» If they show Fotos everyone is like HAIRCOUNTS or GTFO

I am not concerned about the hair counts. I am concerned that the second round of photos (Acell + PRP only) do not show notewothy hair regrowth. The first round of pics did but the 2nd round of pics do not. Look at at pics 4, 5, and 9 in the following link:

There is no significant change from pic 4 to pics 5 and 9. The # 4 pic is the before pic and the #s 5 and 9 pics are the after pics. There is little, if any, regrowth. I think the patient may have lost hair in the Acell + PRP injected areas.

I am not saying that Acell + PRP is useless but I am saying they need to consider tweaking the treatment…add more growth factors. They need to try to add more growth factors…try to turn it into Histogen.

» I am not saying that Acell + PRP is useless but I am saying they need to
» consider tweaking the treatment…add more growth factors. They need to
» try to add more growth factors…try to turn it into Histogen.

Hmmmm …

[…] Cotsarelis’ recognition that “… to date there has been no evidence that extracellular Wnt ligands can promote actual hair follicle neogenesis in adult skin” (Ito et al. 2007, Nature 447:316-321 , at p. 319) remains correct.

Thus, while Wnt signaling has generated interest, its role in hair follicle stem cell and follicle development and hair growth is, at best, unclear. […]

» » I am not saying that Acell + PRP is useless but I am saying they need to
» » consider tweaking the treatment…add more growth factors. They need to
» » try to add more growth factors…try to turn it into Histogen.
» Hmmmm …
» -------------------------
» […] Cotsarelis’ recognition that “… to date there has been
» no evidence that extracellular Wnt ligands can promote actual hair follicle
» neogenesis in adult skin” (Ito et al. 2007, Nature 447:316-321 , at p. 319)
» remains correct.
» Thus, while Wnt signaling has generated interest, its role in hair follicle
» stem cell and follicle development and hair growth is, at best, unclear.
» […]
» -------------------------

So guys you see Dr Cotsarelis is right because he is actually smarter then the reast. He knows this stuff from the scratch.

THIS guy had actually regrow in mice guys and what can Histogen provide so far? Only some hairs in humans.

I really believe Dr Cotsarelis because he knows his stuff :slight_smile:


Dr Cotsarelis…EXPLAIN

I smell “Someone is pissed that his ideas have spread to Histogen” :slight_smile:

» Its funny, if they show hair counts, everyone is like FOTOS or GTFO
» If they show Fotos everyone is like HAIRCOUNTS or GTFO

I’ve never asked for photos - they’re totally meaningless (which is why these docs use them to sell hair transplants). Hair counts are the only thing that can be objectively measured (which is why these docs never give them).

<<I’ve never asked for photos - they’re totally meaningless (which is why
these docs use them to sell hair transplants). Hair counts are the only
thing that can be objectively measured>>

You kind of need both, unless you’d be happy with something that could grow lots of new vellus hairs on your head …

» Its funny, if they show hair counts, everyone is like FOTOS or GTFO
» If they show Fotos everyone is like HAIRCOUNTS or GTFO

If they show fotos, they show very poor fotos. I haven`t seen a single serious foto.

It can`t be that difficult to take some pics with the same position of the head and the same lights.