It looks like Stemson Therapeutics has just about cured hair loss

It looks like Stemson Therapeutics is almost to the “hair loss cure” finish line. They even talk about taking an allogenice approach which could mean the follicles produced could be young and never exposed to DHT rather than using your own cells which might produce older follicles with only a small number of cycles remaining.

I think Roger-That is really going to like this.

I think Tsuji is making a big mistake by delaying his studies because Stemson Therapeutics could beat him to market if he doesn’t get the lead out.

Could this technology be cell-based enough for fast-tracking in Asia???

Good news.
looks like iPS cells is the way forward after all.
and they don’t even need your hair to create more hair for you.
I think Dr.P Kemp should read more into this.

Ricken-Tsuji approach already looks obsolete comparing to this one.

Very impressive - they are pushing the technology to the maximum extent. If they can pull this off, using iPSCs, then it really will be a cure.

At this time they would need your cells but they can get your cells from your blood. They believe that they could eventually do the iPS cell procedure without using your cells but that would take more research. More research = more time. I think they should quickly bring the tech to market using your own cells and bring the tech to market that doesn’t require your own cells later.

They sould hire Dr. Acula for the blood part… Hahaha!

I agree they try to should roll out the autologous part using your own cells first, and perfect the allogenic part later. Trying to do it all at once will slow it down a lot.

Of course they need your own cells in order to manufacture differentiated and relevant cells. but they don’t need a single healthy hair follicle.

@Otter they are actually talking about a version where they could potentially use a different person’s blood cells (an allogenic process), but that would probably come later. The first version would likely use blood cells from the same patient.

I think with iSP cells there is much less of a chance of immune rejection when using foreign cells (compared to say, if they were to transplant mature cells from one person to another like mature DP or follicle cells), but this would still take extra research and I think a whole separate trial and approval process for that.

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Hello everyone,

I think this is pretty serious. They had their research accepted in a serious stem cells conference not even a dedicated conference for dermatology which means that their work could have important implications for the entire medical World.
They say they mastered the 3D challenge which was a major milestone years ago.

I would like to update our old summary page of the main research projects related to MPB but could not find it.

Best Wishes.

HI Guys, how long do you think that will take to see this amazing innovation on the market ?

5 Years! :crazy_face:

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I hope noooooo :frowning:

It’s up to them how quickly they want to bring this treatment to the market. If they stick with US only - “bang” five years.
plus, I’m pretty sure they are going to license technology once it’s ready. they are too small to launch it on their own. that would add extra time.

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Sad but truth

Do we know how this is going to be administered? Are they going to inject cells into the scalp, or are they going to grow hair follicles in the lab and then implant them?

If this is the real deal, then it will not take five years. If it takes five years then this is just fake news! It only takes five years when they just think it will work. Either it works or it doesn’t. It sounds like it works just need to create a robotic device that can implant rapidly and efficiently. Doctors are injecting stems cell currently for all kinds of problems. This should be no different since they will be using your own stem cells… On another note, I would love invest some money in this company!

@News They are going to grow follicles in the lab and then implant them inside of a biodegradable scaffold. The scaffold stays intact while the follicle takes root and orients in the proper direction, and then the scaffold dissolves.