Isn\'t this thought logical?

Hello to everyone

If Intercytex indeed starts next year the small comercialization of trc, then it seems very logical to me that they before this, they will provide some photos (their no existence till now has risen so much controversity in the forum) to the publicity in order to prove their product’s efficiency.

To attract clients, not just trialists, there must be something to attract them and justify the money they will ask them.

What’ s your opinion on this?

» Hello to everyone
» If Intercytex indeed starts next year the small comercialization of trc,
» then it seems very logical to me that they before this, they will provide
» some photos (their no existence till now has risen so much controversity
» in the forum) to the publicity in order to prove their product’s
» efficiency.
» To attract clients, not just trialists, there must be something to attract
» them and justify the money they will ask them.
» What’ s your opinion on this?

At present the Farjo Clinic are taking names and numbers for future reference,maybe theres the reason.This is when you phone regarding trials!

I would of thought evidence would get shown before small scale commercialization,or they would get no takers.

I don’t think we are going to see ICX TRC adverts on billboards or such. The top plastic surgeons don’t have to advertise (in the UK anyway), in fact it’s seen as a little low class. Their reputation speaks for itself and the customer comes to them.

I think we will see some media articles, much like we have so far, TV interviews with Kemp and co with a few test cases. Let’s face it they only need one guy with ‘wow’ results willing to be interviewed, poked and prodded by journos to get people interested.

Remember, there’s many many more guys out there who don’t follow ICX development, and will be surprised and excited when they read about it in a paper or see a clip on TV. They are not wrapped up in it like guys here, and as will consider it good as long as it has been deemed safe and results look good. They couldn’t give two shits that ICX took too long for Phase 2. It’s not as if a groundbreaking MPB treatment will suffer from a lack of potential customers, is it?

» Hello to everyone
» If Intercytex indeed starts next year the small comercialization of trc,
» then it seems very logical to me that they before this, they will provide
» some photos (their no existence till now has risen so much controversity
» in the forum) to the publicity in order to prove their product’s
» efficiency.
» To attract clients, not just trialists, there must be something to attract
» them and justify the money they will ask them.
» What’ s your opinion on this?

Not necessarily. I don’t think “small scale commercialization” involves a big campaign to attract patients. I think we’re talking about VERY small scale commercialization, of the type where just word-of-mouth will provide enough patients, mainly from the local area around the 1 or 2 clinics that I think will be involved.

I’ve been meaning to mention this before, and this is a good time, but if you look at the release dates for Vavelta you see that they are doing Phase 2 and then going to release, but in a statement by, I believe, Nick Higgins, he says “oh blah blah blah we will continue to obtain and evaluate furthur data” and he names a date past release. I will have to check this up when I get more time. The basic gist I took is that it would be a “commercialised phase 3”. Obviously this is the only way they could possibly release in 2008.

If this is the case (and it may well not be, this is an interpretation based on available info, but not THAT far fetched), then I imagine it will be in 1 or 2 clinics only (maybe even Farjo only).

» Hello to everyone
» If Intercytex indeed starts next year the small comercialization of trc,
» then it seems very logical to me that they before this, they will provide
» some photos (their no existence till now has risen so much controversity
» in the forum) to the publicity in order to prove their product’s
» efficiency.
» To attract clients, not just trialists, there must be something to attract
» them and justify the money they will ask them.
» What’ s your opinion on this?

My personal opinion is that :
a) 2008 is a pipe dream, it will be in-house commercialisation at best. I see it end 2009 at best, taking into account the smallest delays ever.
b) There won’t be any photo until when commercialization is very very near to be released. Facts are Katharine Harris confirmed me there would not be photos during phase II.

» I’ve been meaning to mention this before, and this is a good time, but if
» you look at the release dates for Vavelta you see that they are doing
» Phase 2 and then going to release, but in a statement by, I believe, Nick
» Higgins, he says “oh blah blah blah we will continue to obtain and
» evaluate furthur data” and he names a date past release. I will have to
» check this up when I get more time. The basic gist I took is that it
» would be a “commercialised phase 3”. Obviously this is the only way they
» could possibly release in 2008.
» If this is the case (and it may well not be, this is an interpretation
» based on available info, but not THAT far fetched), then I imagine it will
» be in 1 or 2 clinics only (maybe even Farjo only).

Yes - that is essentially what I mean: a commercialized phase III. It doesn’t mean commercialization as a SUBSTITUTE for phase III, it means very small-scale commercialization in conjunction with phase III, with the data accrued from these patients supplementing the other phase III data.