Iron_Man, would you please stop bumping up 3-year old threads on this board?

Iron_Man, would you please stop bumping up 3-year old threads to the top of this board? This is another way of disrupting the discussions on this forum. You will probably say, “Well, when I bump up the old threads some people respond with comments.” That’s a lame excuse because of course some people will do that when you shove an opportunity in front of their face. That’s not a good enough reason.

The truth I’d there is a good reason these threads ended in 2009. It’s because the news is very old and the discussion has been superseded by something more fresh. You are still disrupting the forum and you know it. PLEASE stop doing this. OLD comment threads should be RETIRED.

IMO retiring Iron Man would be a far more effective solution overall.

» IMO retiring Iron Man would be a far more effective solution overall.

banning his ass wouldn’t do any good right now. We need IronMan in the HST section, but if you could ban him from the Hair Multiplication section that would be nice.

» » IMO retiring Iron Man would be a far more effective solution overall.
» banning his ass wouldn’t do any good right now. We need IronMan in the HST
» section, but if you could ban him from the Hair Multiplication section that
» would be nice.

Iron Man is a staple at hairsite, great reference guy to the community. He’s the oil in the engine most of the time, he has diplomatic immunity here, lol

Concerning my post from 2010, “The NEWS that is coming”…

That post was based on real information (unlike most of Iron_Man’s posts which are dredged up from his florid imagination), and I will explain part of it here. The rest of the information I will give to HairSite.

That post was based on information that came to my attention that provoked me to contact another HairSite HM forum poster (who is an attorney with a big law firm in New York).

This information indicated that certain American HT doctors may be deliberately interfering with the FDA applications of certain HM companies such as ARI (and previously Intercytex, and possibly others).

I am not accusing these HT doctors of doing anything illegal, but perhaps they are doing something unethical. In fact, we can’t publicly accuse anyone specifically of doing anything, until we have all the facts, and that is exactly what it was our intent to get.

Under US law and FDA regulations, any medical doctor can lawfully contact the FDA and file a complaint or “comment”, criticizing any ongoing clinical trials for any medical reason. If the reasons given by the doctor writing the letter are seen as valid by the FDA (or even if the reasons are just “reasonable” or remotely “plausible” ), the FDA must investigate the claim and initiate some action to either change the clinical trial, force the company ocnducting the trials do provide additional or different data, or even end the clinical trial. Because the risk of inaction might put patients’ lives or health at risk, there is a strong presumed duty on the part of the FDA to investigate or take action on any complaint or comment made by a qualified expert.

In 2010, I and this formerly regular HairSite poster got the idea of filing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the Office of Biologicals in the FDA, to ask FDA to send us copies of any and all contact from any US hair transplant doctors, clinics, or even the ISHRS (or any doctor affiliated with ISHRS – I won’t mention any names here, but many of you will know some of the doctors I’m referring to.)

Under the FOIA law, the FDA would be obligated to release any relevant information to us. They could remove (redact) any proprietary information, e.g., trade secrets which a company wishes to keep confidential, of course, but if there was any contact from the listed doctors, or even from any HT doctor, they would have to give us at least a list of the communications and some of the details, e.g., subject matter, sender, etc.

In any event, in 2010, this attorney and I were in contact and the plan was for him to file FOIA request. We had several discussions about this.

Some time went on and I understood from him he had filed the FOIA request with the FDA and was expecting a response.

Then after about 6 months or so he disappeared from HairSite. I waited a long time and expected him to reappear with the infrmation, and he never did. I have not been in contact with him since sometime in early 2011, I think.

I will share his screen name with HairSite. Unfortunately I lost his real name and contact information in one of my BlackBerrys which broke.

So, my post was based on some very valid facts of a plan we did have to expose certain people in the US hair transplant industry who we believed (and I still believe) are trying to slow down the progress of clinical trials being conducted by companies like Aderans, increase the bureacratic oversight, raise concerns about health problems like “tumors” associated with HM experiments, and increase the costs of the clinical trials, ALL TO BUY TIME FOR THE HAIR TRANSPLANT DOCTORS AND THEIR INDUSTRY.

These HT doctors know that HM is coming, but we believe they are trying to slow it down by working behind the scenes to throw some spanners in the approval process.

I repeat: these doctors KNOW they cannot stop HM, but they KNOW THEY CAN SLOW IT DOWN, and that would buy them a lot of time to keep peddling harmful and poor HT.

Now, the typical refrain of many HairSite forum members here, which frankly I’m tired of hearing because it is so repetetive and doesn’t even make any sense, is “Why would HT doctors try to slow down HM when they can all be part of it, and they could all do it in their offices and it’ll just bring extra business to them and they’ll love the H*ll out of it???”

There you are absolutely wrong!

Let me put an end to that faulty line of reasoning once and for all.

If ARI were to enter the market with a workable HM procedure, all HT doctors would NOT benefit from it, because ARI has a specific agreement with Bosley, in fact, Bosley is part of ARI.

All those HT doctors and clinics which are not part of Bosley would be completely at Bosley’s and ARI’s mercy, and there is no reason at all to believe that Bosley and ARI would “cut them in” and license the procedure to them, or share it with them in any way. Why would they, when they could easily service all patients within their own network?

This reason is PRECISELY why US hair transplant doctors, we believe, are secretly working behind the scenes to slow down, or block any and all US-based HM trials.

Same reasoning applies to RepliCel, of course. Only at the time my friend filed the FOIA request, we didn’t knout RepliCel.

Another thing: Some will ask, if some US hair transplant docs are secretly working to slow down or sabotage HM trials, then why doesn’t the victim (e.g., ARI or whoever) come out publicly and “out” them?

Answer: They can’t do this, otherwise they will be accused by the FDA of interfering with the integrity of the trials and approval process and trying to undermine established procedures intended to protect patients.

If anyone has any questions for me about this, please post them here.

For Iron_Man – I understand why you are bumped up my post. You are trying (desperately) to show that I, too, make useless posts on this board, and that I am the equivalent of you.

I know I am not. Your history shows you to be a big, big SPAMMER here on this board. You constantly sabotage threads with irrelevant information. I believe your spamming this forum with irrelevant information is DELIBERATE… you know exactly what you are doing – meaning that you have a conscious, deliberate agenda to ruin this forum. You know exactly what you are doing.

I have not even begun to deal with you, and your forum-sabotaging spam, but I dare you to BRING IT, and I will.

This goes for that forum disruptor, 2020, too.

That is all.


» » If ARI were to enter the market with a workable HM procedure,
» all HT doctors would NOT benefit from it, because
» ARI has a specific agreement with Bosley, in fact, Bosley is part of ARI.
» All those HT doctors and clinics which are not part of Bosley would be
» completely at Bosley’s and ARI’s mercy, and there is no reason at all to
» believe that Bosley and ARI would “cut them in” and license the procedure
» to them, or share it with them in any way. Why would they, when they
» could easily service all patients within their own network?

Yes, aderans is a part of bosley and it will be this company that washenik said would be the original distribting network, but you have to go back to wasenik’s Toyko investor presentation and listen to where he discusses the “ready made” platform. He also says that when the technology is adopted it could also become available thru a dermatologist, thru a bosley license agreement etc. So that’s ouside the bosley circle. Plus I don’t care if it would only be bosley offering it, we can finally have a different bosley commercial that we see on tv, and hopefully it’s soon

» Yes, aderans is a part of bosley and it will be this company that washenik
» said would be the original distribting network, but you have to go back to
» wasenik’s Toyko investor presentation and listen to where he discusses the
» “ready made” platform. He also says that when the technology is adopted it
» could also become available thru a dermatologist, thru a bosley license
» agreement etc. So that’s ouside the bosley circle. Plus I don’t care if it
» would only be bosley offering it, we can finally have a different bosley
» commercial that we see on tv, and hopefully it’s soon
» »

Bosley licensing its procedure to “mere” dermatologist is something that would just throw even more fuel into the fire for HT surgeons – they are sure to oppose this, and Washenik’s announcement of that would be one just one more big reason for them to try to slow down ARI’s and other HM trials.

» » Yes, aderans is a part of bosley and it will be this company that
» washenik
» » said would be the original distribting network, but you have to go back
» to
» » wasenik’s Toyko investor presentation and listen to where he discusses
» the
» » “ready made” platform. He also says that when the technology is adopted
» it
» » could also become available thru a dermatologist, thru a bosley license
» » agreement etc. So that’s ouside the bosley circle. Plus I don’t care if
» it
» » would only be bosley offering it, we can finally have a different bosley
» » commercial that we see on tv, and hopefully it’s soon
» » »
» Bosley licensing its procedure to “mere” dermatologist is something that
» would just throw even more fuel into the fire for HT surgeons – they are
» sure to oppose this, and Washenik’s announcement of that would be one just
» one more big reason for them to try to slow down ARI’s and other HM trials.

I wouldn’t hold onto every word these doctors or scientists say as the Bible, these things change by the minute.

BTW, it is stupid to believe that they would only license to dermatologists and exclude HT surgeons, what good does that do? It makes absolutely no sense at all. And please don’t tell me they hate HT surgeons so they want to drive them out of business, that’s childish. If I were the licensor, I would license my technology to businesses that are most likely to succeed, and naturally that would be anyone providing a treatment or solution for hair loss, including HT surgeons of course.

» » » IMO retiring Iron Man would be a far more effective solution overall.
» »
» » banning his ass wouldn’t do any good right now. We need IronMan in the
» » section, but if you could ban him from the Hair Multiplication section
» that
» » would be nice.
» Iron Man is a staple at hairsite, great reference guy to the community.
» He’s the oil in the engine most of the time, he has diplomatic immunity
» here, lol

i could not disagree more… did you frequent this forum before Iron Man came around? Discussions were a lot more civilized and topics could be discussed without Iron Man’s constant disruptive attacks… A lot of good people have left the forum due to the way things are today.

I am afraid roger_that is correct. it is the truth that certain clinics try to slow the process down, i will put out some remarks on which you can see which clinics do this.

stetaments like

  1. may cause cancer
  2. direction of hair growth

are indicators of such clinics. btw dos this sound familiar? ye it does, its the same that happens to gho right now, here the statements are like this

  1. he splits hairs
  2. hairs are thinner

the slwoing down process btw is correct, i can tell you that first hand but without going to much into details for different reasons. just pay a little attention to what happenend lately and since a few months before

  1. clinics lowered their fees or made them disappear from their websites (lure tactics)

  2. every tiny bit of criticism got deleted

  3. clinics showed onl cases with over the top Graft counts like 6000 and more

etc etc

those are indicators that they now start to have a big sale on FUT and FUE to get as many customers as possible and the tone got more and more agressive.

isnt anyone surprised that Armani for example shows hairlines without before pictures and those pictures are always the same patients?

and now take a look at gho, he doenst promote his stuff (except his homepage) and more and more happy patients turned out in forums and present their cases. Naaaaa anyone catch m drift here?

Gho for example doesnt put his whole effort into heavy advertising or agressive bs crap, nope he let the patients do the talk because he knows in the long run they will speak, especially hen someone talks bs about HST.

wake up baldies, the transplant industry fuc*ed you around for at least 10 or more years. and as my before posting friends said "everyone who went to FUT or FUE today has a BIG BIG problem in the long run.

In germany we have a saying " Das ist das Ende der Fahnenstange" and thats how it is

» BTW, it is stupid to believe that they would only license to dermatologists
» and exclude HT surgeons, what good does that do? It makes absolutely no
» sense at all. And please don’t tell me they hate HT surgeons so they want
» to drive them out of business, that’s childish. If I were the licensor,
» I would license my technology to businesses that are most likely to
» succeed, and naturally that would be anyone providing a treatment or
» solution for hair loss, including HT surgeons of course.

OK, let’s take an average large American city as an example. There are, say 10 HT surgeons/clinics in town, plus Bosley. Under your scenario, Bosley licenses the HM to all 10 of those clinics… Which puts them all on an even footing with Bosley! Pretty stupid on Bosley’s part, I would say, as they’ve just handed all their competitors their only competitive advantage.

Oh no, you say? They wouldn’t license it to all 10? Then where do they draw the line as to who gets picked and who sinks? Price point for the license? Then it would have to be so high as to exclude, say, half the clinics… Which means the other half effectively die.

Pretty strong advantage for Bosley now, eh? It puts them in the catbird seat.

Washenik’s talk is mainly about licensing to DERMS, not HT surgeons… And even that part of his talk may be just blowing smoke for now. Of course, by promising to license to dermatologists, it does bring this big and powerful group of docs in as a new ally, to counter the clout of Bosley’s HT competitors.

I’m afraid the people who always say that Bosley will license to all its rival HT clinics just don’t have a real understanding of American business. Bosley is going to issue cheap, friendly licenses to all its direct competitors… Then they all hold hands, dance in a circle and sing “Kumbaya”, right?

It doesn’t work that way.

» In germany we have a saying " Das ist das Ende der Fahnenstange" and thats
» how it is

yes but we need to make them walk the road FASTER. We need more support.

» » In germany we have a saying " Das ist das Ende der Fahnenstange" and
» thats
» » how it is
» yes but we need to make them walk the road FASTER. We need more support.

You are right, but who is gonna support baldies who wanna get HST? Only a handful of forum users and silent people who go to gho and never visit a forum.

You wont get support from hair loss forum veterans like topcat (becuse he is long overdue in terms of being a normal person)

No Support from most baldies here because they simply fall for ht clinic lies all the time

The only support you get is science and time, because in a few years there is no more FUT or FUE but a whole bunch of butchered people from 2012 who then will cry and ask people like you and me

" WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US BACK IN 2012 " especially when you say that you had multiple HSt sessions done, a dense NW2 hair line and the option to come back for more. believe me you will get hate mail and death threats.

while those out of business clinics will laugh their as*es off like they do today, as an example Rassman, he sells tattoos and he laughs everytime someon comes for this because its eas money and when he is gonna retire (will come soon) he made money to blow on whatever floats his boat.

guess what i bet a lot of surgeons with hair loss would go to gho with their money and not to a befrieded FUE or FUT surgeon thats the truth cold and clear

to become NW6 isnt a problem its only limited to time and money nowadays, but only if you choose your start correctly and not connected to FUT or FUE.

take a look at the german hair loss forum, what can you see in patient documentations? they are critical of FUT and dont accept arguments like “better yield” and they ask questions about donor regeneration. i think at a certain point back in time (gc`s case) a lot of german users counted one and one together and cancel their FUE appointment.

i mean do you personally think that those german/european clinics have much customers nowadys? the german forum is big and has a lot of users, but guess what there are only one or two cases in a two to three month span for each clinic, some clinics dont even have a single case and the push their old cases from 2010 or earlier.

and now lets take a look at this chines dutch guy who simply dont use advertisement or agressive marketing, this little guy is booked up till kingdom comes an whats more important with a lot of “wiederholungstäter” patients who come for a second or third run or watever their plans are

how many traditional clinics do we know that can keep a high graft count on later sessions or increase the number like gho will do in gc´s case? yes correct almost NONE.

a funny thing i witnessed with fomer gho haters, they are now very silent and i think some of them cried, not because of hair loss but because they believed their clinics and have now a bigger problem.

but here is the math for you, take a shaven NW6 guy, multiply his whole donor area four times and put it on his bald area, its at least dense NW2 but only doable with gho.

now assume the same thing but with a patient who had FUT or FUE or both. Yep it will be a long way down the road with no option for ever shaving again. even Gerald Joling cant shave his head without exposing his scar

» » BTW, it is stupid to believe that they would only license to
» dermatologists
» » and exclude HT surgeons, what good does that do? It makes absolutely no
» » sense at all. And please don’t tell me they hate HT surgeons so they
» want
» » to drive them out of business, that’s childish. If I were the
» licensor,
» » I would license my technology to businesses that are most likely to
» » succeed, and naturally that would be anyone providing a treatment or
» » solution for hair loss, including HT surgeons of course.
» OK, let’s take an average large American city as an example. There are, say
» 10 HT surgeons/clinics in town, plus Bosley. Under your scenario, Bosley
» licenses the HM to all 10 of those clinics… Which puts them all on an
» even footing with Bosley! Pretty stupid on Bosley’s part, I would say, as
» they’ve just handed all their competitors their only competitive
» advantage.
» Oh no, you say? They wouldn’t license it to all 10? Then where do they
» draw the line as to who gets picked and who sinks? Price point for the
» license? Then it would have to be so high as to exclude, say, half the
» clinics… Which means the other half effectively die.
» Pretty strong advantage for Bosley now, eh? It puts them in the catbird
» seat.
» Washenik’s talk is mainly about licensing to DERMS, not HT surgeons… And
» even that part of his talk may be just blowing smoke for now. Of course,
» by promising to license to dermatologists, it does bring this big and
» powerful group of docs in as a new ally, to counter the clout of Bosley’s
» HT competitors.
» I’m afraid the people who always say that Bosley will license to all its
» rival HT clinics just don’t have a real understanding of American business.
» Bosley is going to issue cheap, friendly licenses to all its direct
» competitors… Then they all hold hands, dance in a circle and sing
» “Kumbaya”, right?
» It doesn’t work that way.

I know how businesses are run that’s why I said it doesn’t make sense to speculate that Bosley will exclude HT surgeons.

In the licensing business, your revenues come from license fee + royalty payment. It doesn’t make any difference whether the licensee is a HT doctor or a dermatologist, it is just a number to Bosley. The goal is to sign up as many licensees as possible.

» Concerning my post from 2010, “The NEWS that is
» coming”…

» That post was based on real information (unlike most of Iron_Man’s posts…

Let me look…

Ahh, I can see - a guy named Paul Harvey says “STAND BY FOR NEWS!!!”

So if I get it right, your NEWS report thread, which is based on real information, should let us know that we should stand by for news in future - or as soon as scientists call YOU - right?

» For Iron_Man – I understand why you are bumped up my post. You are trying
» (desperately) to show that I, too, make useless posts on this board…

What exactly do you mean with “I, too, make useless posts” ?
Do you think it is necessary to mention this?

By the way - how about your hair science institute visits in October, 2011 …

… and later you mentioned you will visit them in spring 2012? Or do you have new plans, data and/or news from the scientists who call you?

The only support you get is science and time, because in a few years there is no more FUT or FUE but a whole bunch of butchered people from 2012 who then will cry and ask people like you and me


And you probably think there weren’t Gho supporters saying this same stuff 5 years ago. And 10 years ago.

» The only support you get is science and time, because in a few years there
» is no more FUT or FUE but a whole bunch of butchered people from 2012 who
» then will cry and ask people like you and me

» And you probably think …

Who is “you”?
Why do you useless bald bitch quote stuff which is NOT related to my post??
Where did IronMan posted stuff in this thread like “The only support…” ??

Seems that after so many years you bitch don’t even know how to post or how to cite other users correct - what an asshole …