Intereview with dr Garza

You’re changing the topic, my point was, we need to first have something that works, then we can talk about clinical trials. It is worthless to talk about how long it will take or what phase it will start unless the procedure works.

Anyways, how do you know the compound hasn’t been found yet? If it is a compound that is already approved, they will not need to go through the full barrage of clinical testing.

[quote][postedby]Originally Posted by Aran Linvail[/postedby]
How do you know it hasn’t been found yet?[/quote]

Well, maybe you know of a secret they’re hiding?

Although it would be VERY unsusual for a biotech firm trying to raise money to keep something of that magnitude secret.

I have no insider information on Follica, so I can’t speculate.

HM operations that can grow terminal hairs on human scalps don’t have funding problems. Period.

We don’t know for a fact that they have any funding roadblocks. But if they do, I take it as good evidence that they can’t produce anything terminal on humans.


Cots told us about it = it is probably not practically useful to us, nor is it anywhere near their current work.


But has anyone in the MPB world actually tried wounding experiments while on doxycicline? I haven’t been paying much attention but I don’t know of anyone who has pursued that. Say, wounding followed by 9 days of doxy + a few weeks of topical lithium gluconate, for example.

I dunno. Probably another dead end. I guess it falls under “If it worked then Follica would be much farther ahead than they seem to be.”

In regards to clinical trials:

Does anyone know if a company enrolls patients and starts a trial, must that information be made public? I saw that Roger That had searched but only located information on one clinical trial from Follica. We know for a fact that they’ve completed at least two by now. Is their a database which can be searched for that information?

They clearly need to submit an application and get approval from a bioethics committee before commencing experimentation on humans, so, i would expect that this information is out there somewhere, right?

Off topic from Follica, but i discovered this clinical trial using WNT signalling for MPB going on in Australia. Company called Samumed. Trial started recruiting in June of this year, with the last patient to be enrolled in November.

Here is a link to the companies website, which is far from informative

Doxycycline is not a potential topical btw. The mice they used were transgenic mice designed to respond to it, afaik.

Personally, I’ve given up hope on follica, histogen (what the heck have they been doing?) and replicel. I’m waiting on Mwamba to report back on doubling, and then my other hope is with Pilofocus. Realistically, those are the only treatments that can become available in a reasonable time frame. If those don’t pan out, i’ll be declaring the birth of a new era in MPB research… the dark ages. Viva La Wig![/quote]

Maybe they can concentrate making the hair tattoo more realistic because lets face it, we aint gonna see real hair reproduction in our lifetime. They will be replicating arms and legs before a freakin hair follicle

I guess Follica’s another one to write-off then, like the rest of the self-publicists sigh

Or Cotsarelis could suddenly hit the right existing drug that does the trick, Follica could be FDA-approved within 3 or 6 years, and we could be doing it ourselves/overseas in less than that.

We just don’t know.

You made a declarative statement that people had tried and it didnt work. thus the burden of proof is on you. I wouldn’t call it a burden though, I was just asking politely out of interest, as, I could only find one poster who tried it and seemed to be amazed at its success.

that poster seemed to disappear, so, I dont know. I doubt it works too but I haven’t seen anyone raelly try

I have only ever declared that wounding + lithium alone won’t work. I haven’t tried that one but multiple people have experimented with lithium on wounds in the past.

(I am also a strong believer that nothing which already existed 100 years ago is going to work on wounds by itself. That affects my view on something like Lithium. IMO the “burden of proof” is definitely on any substance that has existed since preindustrial times.)

I was bringing up doxycycline because that was what they used on the mice to radically increase FGF-9. I had not realize the mice were custom engineered to respond to doxycycline that way and normal humans would not.

I dunno what else would ramp up FGF-9 levels. Perhaps increasing PGE2 with Minox or something would help. I recall something about PGE2 and FGF-9 going up concurrently.