If ICX, and Dr. Kemp, are wondering why some investors are a little cool, and message boards a little dreary regarding their product, its this:
IF your a research company, you should state we intend to start a trial on this date, X.
The trial will last until this date, Y.
We will release results from this trial on this date, Z.
IF ICX had shot up guys with their best protocol last September, when we were all led to believe they did, the trialees would have either had success by now, or not. But we would KNOW it if ICX released the information.
They could have said, “hey 5 trialees grew some pretty signifigant hair, 5 so-so hair, and 5 had no response”. Then we’d know that they have a product that works for some, a little for others, and zilch for some. So it needs further work.
However, when we find out that instead of 20 men got shot up, only 9 did, and in groups of 3 on different dates, and the website hasn’t even been changed to reflect this, you feel mislead.
And Adearans, fucck dont even get me started on them.