Intercytex Phase 2 Unsung Hero\'s

I have been reading this forum for some time, I must admit this is the most interactive forum discussing on HM. So I am jumping in the wagon. I must admit I will be bald one day, thus the information and your opinion is very usefull. I don’t just read your comments for my personal use; I also read your comments for understanding the potential of the new generation of cell regenerative technology.

All of your comments (some emotional, some technical, some are concerns, some are hope) are useful to determine what is so greatfull about the cell regenerative technology. I am amaze that with little information Intercytex is giving out, the forum can be so lively.

I am just wondering if this hype on HM, is similar to the hype on Hair Transplant. Can you imagine when the first company of Hair Transplant was promising full set of hair in the 60’s. Were people so ancious for the arrival of Hair Transplant? After, year of experience with Hair Transplant we can now say it is a butcher way of hiding bald spots.

In order for the HM to be a success, I think, the scaring must be to a minimal, the look and feel must be realistic (size, length, quantity and direction). Otherwise, bald people will still be unsatisfied and will continue to hope.

Don forget, the goals is to be able, lower your head in public when pickup something, impressing your girlfriends, regretting your ex’s decision of leaving you, stop felling-up your hair with your hands, concentrating on playing billiards rather that find the best position of your head to hide your bald spot, stop having people informing you that you have a bald spot (like if you did not know), and so.

Any failure to attempt to fix the realistic look of hair, is not worth any amount of money or waiting. I this case, accepting your hair loss (with or without scaring) is the best solution, this can only be done by trimming (level 1) your head. Thus, HM must be better than HT.

Base on the quantity of money being invested in Intercytex, we know it will arrive in the short future, but the success will only depends on if they can make you feel good. I would just like for them to give us more information (photos to be precise), because at this point, we are just speculating.

Finaly, I shave my head to all the braves who have the courage to participate in Intercytex Phase 2. All the bald people in the world conceder them as unsung hero’s for this venture (this giant leap).


Good Post.

Regarding the comparison you made between first generation hair transplants and first generation HM I must admit I had similar concerns for a while. But I now consider them to be different beasts. One is a highly regulated, officially tested procedure and the other was (is) an unregulated procedure that has a terrible reputation after years and years of dreadful results.

Plus, we have the internet nowadays! When HM does finally get here there will be ample evidence from the start, on sites like this, that will allow people to form their own opinions.

At a minimum, HM will be a useful adjunct to HT if the consistency issues get ironed out. IOW, right now, people are so hard up for hair to use as a filler material, they are resorting to putting pubic hair on their heads (hair from stomach etc. is really nothing more than pubic hair). So while the early forms of HM might not be perfect, they should be a far cry from what is currently available.

Keep in mind that the only thing HM need do to become a wildly successful money maker is to either be a useful adjunct to HT or a somewhat better replacement. From there, it can continue to evolve. Thus, I’m betting HM will be released on the market sometime after 2010 and become a very big money maker. It will require some years to mature, but relatively speaking, it will initially represent quite a breakthrough.

And despite my feelings of HM probably having some initial limitations, from there the sky is the limit :slight_smile:

» At a minimum, HM will be a useful adjunct to HT if the consistency issues
» get ironed out. IOW, right now, people are so hard up for hair to use as a
» filler material, they are resorting to putting pubic hair on their heads
» (hair from stomach etc. is really nothing more than pubic hair). So while
» the early forms of HM might not be perfect, they should be a far cry from
» what is currently available.
» Keep in mind that the only thing HM need do to become a wildly successful
» money maker is to either be a useful adjunct to HT or a somewhat better
» replacement. From there, it can continue to evolve. Thus, I’m betting HM
» will be released on the market sometime after 2010 and become a very big
» money maker. It will require some years to mature, but relatively
» speaking, it will initially represent quite a breakthrough.
» And despite my feelings of HM probably having some initial limitations,
» from there the sky is the limit :slight_smile:

ya good post. i think too it will become like that. (or i hope). but noone in this world should count with hm.

you cant say it enough, its still not certain, even if it was certain, then you should anyway try to accept your hairloss.

sorry to go a bit off-topic. i think too, like the first poster said you should accept your hairloss. and you should learn to like it. there are many ways to do so. i suggest most people in here are completley bald? so well , for them i, too, suggest shaving. and this building up muscles thing is good too.

i think normal people dont see a bald shaved guy in a that bad light. maybe its still better , especially for young guys , to have a full head of hair. but i think its not that much of a problem for the normal people who dont have to do with hairloss. with that i mean women, men who dont have hairloss and men who are ok with their hairloss. and that are most people.

i think most bald guys have problems with their baldness in some way. but for the most its minor.

i truly think, if you are bald and shave it, but act normal , pretty normal - confident, friendly, not like a freak…then its ok. then people should respect you for who you are.

sorry , i cant speak out of experience. i can only say what i experienced with my hair. i got a nw 2 hairline and diffuse thinning, but not that bad. i still can style my hair. thats a good thing. well, i can tell you, i hided baldness for more than 3 years. now i show it how it is.

i didnt get one negative comment since i do so. only my mum and a girlfriend of mine, and oh ya, my dad, say that it looks like normal hair.

well, for everyone of you, my baldness is still visible, because you guys know where to look for.

true, its maybe other for completley baldness. but still i would say if you act normal , just pretty normal like i said above , you shouldnt have real social problems. which shows that its in your head.

ok, everyone knows that, but you cant say it often enough. sure on the other hand its still a cosmetical problem and everyone wants to look as good as possible.

so well, i dont know how you guys are up, i suspect that some are pretty happy with their life and just want a little cosmetical improvement. others are pretty depressed how you can tell by their posts.

i think these guys should think about it and make it better. and i dont mean getting a hair transplant, which you sure can, i dont have anything transplants, but the most important thing is to be fine with yourself.

the most in here are probably anywhere between that , i guess.