Intercytex and Aderans: One and the Same?

So this is what we know:

  1. Bosley and Aderans Research Institute are part of the same company
  2. In 2004, Interctex agreed with Bosley to have exclusive first-negotiation rights for ICX-TRC
  3. Beginning around 2004-05, Aderans has done nothing in publicizing or even updating research on their HM procedures/products
  4. Aderans Research Institute is developing the more experimental 2-cell rather than Intercytex’s 1-cell HM

So what does this mean? If you connect the dots it appears Aderans Research Institute and Intercytex are basically one and the same: both are research institutes providing HM products for Bosley, and in almost all likelihood are sharing information on HM procedures. Accordingly, Intercytex is producing a first-round HM product for Bosley, while Aderans is working on a second-round HM product for Bosley. This also explains why Aderans Research Institute is doing nothing on the public relations front, for Bosley does not want to detract investors away from Intercytex until their first-round HM product comes to the market.

Another way to think about this is that both Bosley and Aderans believe that Intercytex has a viable first-round HM product that will come out sooner than we realize. And Ken Washenik probably doesn’t give a sh*t because he will still get paid a lot and have a full heard of hair regardless.

All the best,