In need of clarification about a technical aspect of HST

In the FAQ part of Ghos site ( he uses the graft terminology to explain how many grafts can be transplanted in a single section:


The number of grafts required depends on your degree of baldness and your wishes. Additionally, the number of hairs that can be transplanted depends on the size of the donor area and any scars present. Propensity for bleeding, hair colour and skin structure are also factors. In a normal procedure, some 2,520 grafts (average 2-3 hairs per graft) can be transplanted in a treatment day.


On a given treatment day, 30-35 grafts per cm² can be placed (in a completely bald area). In a subsequent session, this density can be increased, up to a maximum of approximately 50 grafts per cm².

Well, I thought he was extracting hairs one by one given the fact that he needs to be extremely precise? If so, why use the term grafts to explain the procedure?

» In the FAQ part of Ghos site ( he uses
» the graft terminology to explain how many grafts can be transplanted in a
» single section:
» The number of grafts required depends on your degree of baldness and your
» wishes. Additionally, the number of hairs that can be transplanted depends
» on the size of the donor area and any scars present. Propensity for
» bleeding, hair colour and skin structure are also factors. In a normal
» procedure, some 2,520 grafts (average 2-3 hairs per graft) can be
» transplanted in a treatment day.
» On a given treatment day, 30-35 grafts per cm² can be placed (in a
» completely bald area). In a subsequent session, this density can be
» increased, up to a maximum of approximately 50 grafts per cm².

» Well, I thought he was extracting hairs one by one given the fact that he
» needs to be extremely precise? If so, why use the term grafts to explain
» the procedure?

Interesting. He says he can do up to 50 grafts per cm2 (which would be about 100 hairs per cm2). So maybe Gho can be a solution for a diffuse thinner.

» In the FAQ part of Ghos site ( he uses
» the graft terminology to explain how many grafts can be transplanted in a
» single section:
» The number of grafts required depends on your degree of baldness and your
» wishes. Additionally, the number of hairs that can be transplanted depends
» on the size of the donor area and any scars present. Propensity for
» bleeding, hair colour and skin structure are also factors. In a normal
» procedure, some 2,520 grafts (average 2-3 hairs per graft) can be
» transplanted in a treatment day.
» On a given treatment day, 30-35 grafts per cm² can be placed (in a
» completely bald area). In a subsequent session, this density can be
» increased, up to a maximum of approximately 50 grafts per cm².

» Well, I thought he was extracting hairs one by one given the fact that he
» needs to be extremely precise? If so, why use the term grafts to explain
» the procedure?

Why did you think he was doing hairs 1 by 1? He extracts the grafts 1 by 1.
My recipient is bang on about 30 - 35 grafts a sq cm.

» Why did you think he was doing hairs 1 by 1? He extracts the grafts 1 by
» 1.
» My recipient is bang on about 30 - 35 grafts a sq cm.

Because he needs to very precisely make a longitudinal cut on each hair, no? If he takes out the whole graft I dont see how it can be possible? Maybe its obivous and Im missing something but I just cant understand how its possible right now.

Also, big big (grafts) were your session?

» » Why did you think he was doing hairs 1 by 1? He extracts the grafts 1 by
» » 1.
» » My recipient is bang on about 30 - 35 grafts a sq cm.
» Because he needs to very precisely make a longitudinal cut on each hair,
» no? If he takes out the whole graft I dont see how it can be possible?
» Maybe its obivous and Im missing something but I just cant understand how
» its possible right now.
» Also, big big (grafts) were your session?

Someone please correct me if I get this wrong, but I think it’s like this:

He takes the entire top 1/3 of the graft, but leaving the dermis behind, I think if the extraction tool was wider, then the dermis would also be taken. So in effect he is extracting every hair in that follicle/graft.

It’s way more technical than that of course, maybe someone can give a better explanation. You might want to read page 3 in particular on this pdf gho paper

I had 700 in my first procedure and 700 in my 2nd. I’m also doing a further 1400 minimum which I’m booked in for.

Are you booked in yet or still toying with the idea?

» Someone please correct me if I get this wrong, but I think it’s like this:
» He takes the entire top 1/3 of the graft, but leaving the dermis behind, I
» think if the extraction tool was wider, then the dermis would also be
» taken. So in effect he is extracting every hair in that follicle/graft.

» It’s way more technical than that of course, maybe someone can give a
» better explanation. You might want to read page 3 in particular on this pdf
» gho
» paper

Taken from that paper: “Extraction of the partial longitudinal follicular units (grafts)”

Key word here is longitudinal (the “cut” is perpendicular to the surface of the head), as opposed to transversal (the cut is paraller to the surface of the head). Or am I getting it backwards??

» I had 700 in my first procedure and 700 in my 2nd. I’m also doing a further
» 1400 minimum which I’m booked in for.
» Are you booked in yet or still toying with the idea?

Why such small sessions? Wasnt the 2,500 number available back then?

And yes Im toying with the idea. I will be in Europe in september and Im looking forward to having a consulting with Gho clinic while I am there. Depending of how the conversation goes and after they study my case I will make the decision to book something or wait more.

» Taken from that paper: “Extraction of the partial longitudinal follicular
» units (grafts)”
» Key word here is longitudinal (the “cut” is perpendicular to the surface of
» the head), as opposed to transversal (the cut is paraller to the surface of
» the head). Or am I getting it backwards??
» »
» » I had 700 in my first procedure and 700 in my 2nd. I’m also doing a
» further
» » 1400 minimum which I’m booked in for.
» »
» » Are you booked in yet or still toying with the idea?
» Why such small sessions? Wasnt the 2,500 number available back then?
» And yes Im toying with the idea. I will be in Europe in september and Im
» looking forward to having a consulting with Gho clinic while I am there.
» Depending of how the conversation goes and after they study my case I will
» make the decision to book something or wait more.

Well the way I understand it the cut is perpendicular, but I think it matters just as much how deep the cut is made! I think what’s also important is that he leaves the outer area of the dermis, hence the perpendicular/longitudinal cut. I’m trying to think of a good analogy here:

I imagine it’s like a toilet roll, he just takes out a perpendicular cut like the hollow part of the toilet roll except he doesn’t burrow to the very bottom, I think he only goes downwards to a shallow point, maybe the upper third, leaving the outer part dermis and the bottom 2 thirds of the middle section (hollow bit of the toilet roll). In this hollow part consists of the 3 hairs and a small section of the dermis.

Yes 2500 was available, but I wasn’t allowed it. Believe me I wanted it. He seems to prefer to work on the conservative side especially in the first procedure and especially a patient like me who has been turned away from other clinics due to my scarring alopecia. It’s a complicated case with complications. The last 700 I had done took much longer than the first 700 I had, simply because I was bleeding a lot more in the recipient scarred area.

The fact that I’m having 1400 done on the next procedure will mean I will have 2800 holes in my head, I think Gho worries that too high a graft count will mean more harm than good. I obviously disagree because I’m desperate to get all my hair back, but he is ‘The Dr’!

by the way I may well be wrong about the 1/3 2/3 bit, but the rest I think is correct, only reason I say this is because the hair is growing back after two days after extraction. And if he entire hair from top to bottom was taken then I would expect it to take much longer to emerge again, simply because of the rate of hair growth per day!

» Yes 2500 was available, but I wasn’t allowed it. Believe me I wanted it.
» He seems to prefer to work on the conservative side especially in the first
» procedure and especially a patient like me who has been turned away from
» other clinics due to my scarring alopecia. It’s a complicated case with
» complications. The last 700 I had done took much longer than the first 700
» I had, simply because I was bleeding a lot more in the recipient scarred
» area.
» The fact that I’m having 1400 done on the next procedure will mean I will
» have 2800 holes in my head, I think Gho worries that too high a graft count
» will mean more harm than good. I obviously disagree because I’m desperate
» to get all my hair back, but he is ‘The Dr’!

Interesting, the way you put it seems like you talked directly with Gho himself? I thought pacients would deal only with the trained doctor since Gho would be just too busy nowadays?

And how long was the break between those two sessions and why you are eligible for a 1400 session now if you wasnt back then?

(sorry for so many questions but your experiences are very valuable for us!)

» Interesting, the way you put it seems like you talked directly with Gho
» himself? I thought pacients would deal only with the trained doctor since
» Gho would be just too busy nowadays?
» And how long was the break between those two sessions and why you are
» eligible for a 1400 session now if you wasnt back then?
» (sorry for so many questions but your experiences are very valuable for
» us!)

The consultation is with Gho and the Tel calls were with Gho.

On the morning of the HST, Dr Gho is first to greet you after the receptionist of course. Gho introduced me to his 2 other technicians who also flew to London with him. They usually All come to london on a Monday and Tuesday, I’m not sure if that’s every week, maybe every other. Before the procedure starts he takes photos.

Anyway Gho then leaves his technicians to do pretty much all the work (extractions and recipient), but for some reason Gho takes over when it comes to hair lines. I had about 50 grafts going near the front area and Gho was called by the technician to do this section. Gho keeps coming into the treatment room every hour or so checking how everything is, mostly speaking dutch to his ‘techs’ and asking how I’m feeling etc. After the procedure, he sits you down, takes more photos and explains the after care process and meds.

Next time I’m actually booked in for 2 days. 700 each day. On the first day the procedure won’t start until 10am, that’s because they travel on the morning from Holland to London. The 2nd day’s procedure starts at 8am I think it is. So I’m hoping this will leave more time to do more grafts. I’m pushing for 1700 total.

» »
» » Yes 2500 was available, but I wasn’t allowed it. Believe me I wanted it.
» » He seems to prefer to work on the conservative side especially in the
» first
» » procedure and especially a patient like me who has been turned away from
» » other clinics due to my scarring alopecia. It’s a complicated case with
» » complications. The last 700 I had done took much longer than the first
» 700
» » I had, simply because I was bleeding a lot more in the recipient scarred
» » area.
» »
» » The fact that I’m having 1400 done on the next procedure will mean I
» will
» » have 2800 holes in my head, I think Gho worries that too high a graft
» count
» » will mean more harm than good. I obviously disagree because I’m
» desperate
» » to get all my hair back, but he is ‘The Dr’!
» Interesting, the way you put it seems like you talked directly with Gho
» himself? I thought pacients would deal only with the trained doctor since
» Gho would be just too busy nowadays?
» And how long was the break between those two sessions and why you are
» eligible for a 1400 session now if you wasnt back then?
» (sorry for so many questions but your experiences are very valuable for
» us!)

Gho is not researching, he is dealing with day to day running of hasci. Including consultations. I’m curious, why do you think he is busy with other things?

» Gho is not researching, he is dealing with day to day running of hasci.
» Including consultations. I’m curious, why do you think he is busy with
» other things?

Well his website and the man himself states that he is involved in researching and staff training as well. Why do you think this doesnt represent the reality?

» The consultation is with Gho and the Tel calls were with Gho.
» On the morning of the HST, Dr Gho is first to greet you after the
» receptionist of course. Gho introduced me to his 2 other technicians who
» also flew to London with him. They usually All come to london on a Monday
» and Tuesday, I’m not sure if that’s every week, maybe every other. Before
» the procedure starts he takes photos.
» Anyway Gho then leaves his technicians to do pretty much all the work
» (extractions and recipient), but for some reason Gho takes over when it
» comes to hair lines. I had about 50 grafts going near the front area and
» Gho was called by the technician to do this section. Gho keeps coming into
» the treatment room every hour or so checking how everything is, mostly
» speaking dutch to his ‘techs’ and asking how I’m feeling etc. After the
» procedure, he sits you down, takes more photos and explains the after care
» process and meds.
» Next time I’m actually booked in for 2 days. 700 each day. On the first
» day the procedure won’t start until 10am, that’s because they travel on the
» morning from Holland to London. The 2nd day’s procedure starts at 8am I
» think it is. So I’m hoping this will leave more time to do more grafts. I’m
» pushing for 1700 total.

Cool! Gc in the future I definetly would like to make you some more questions when I book something with Gho. Is there a way we can keep in touch other than in HairSite in case you stop posting often here? E-mail maybe?

» » The consultation is with Gho and the Tel calls were with Gho.
» »
» » On the morning of the HST, Dr Gho is first to greet you after the
» » receptionist of course. Gho introduced me to his 2 other technicians who
» » also flew to London with him. They usually All come to london on a
» Monday
» » and Tuesday, I’m not sure if that’s every week, maybe every other.
» Before
» » the procedure starts he takes photos.
» »
» » Anyway Gho then leaves his technicians to do pretty much all the work
» » (extractions and recipient), but for some reason Gho takes over when it
» » comes to hair lines. I had about 50 grafts going near the front area and
» » Gho was called by the technician to do this section. Gho keeps coming
» into
» » the treatment room every hour or so checking how everything is, mostly
» » speaking dutch to his ‘techs’ and asking how I’m feeling etc. After the
» » procedure, he sits you down, takes more photos and explains the after
» care
» » process and meds.
» »
» » Next time I’m actually booked in for 2 days. 700 each day. On the first
» » day the procedure won’t start until 10am, that’s because they travel on
» the
» » morning from Holland to London. The 2nd day’s procedure starts at 8am I
» » think it is. So I’m hoping this will leave more time to do more grafts.
» I’m
» » pushing for 1700 total.
» Cool! Gc in the future I definetly would like to make you some more
» questions when I book something with Gho. Is there a way we can keep in
» touch other than in HairSite in case you stop posting often here? E-mail
» maybe?

Don’t worry I’ll be here.

why some clients can have 2000-2500 grafts extracted on a day while others cant when we know that even Nw6/7 have 2000-3000 avilable grafts in donor via FUE?

What criteria is used, besides price per grafts drops to 2.5 euro after you pass 1800 grafts…bang for buck instead of flying there for small session

» why some clients can have 2000-2500 grafts extracted on a day while others
» cant when we know that even Nw6/7 have 2000-3000 avilable grafts in donor
» via FUE?
» What criteria is used, besides price per grafts drops to 2.5 euro after you
» pass 1800 grafts…bang for buck instead of flying there for small session

it depends on some particular (each person) variables that can affect the ability to extract the graft in the right way and also allow the correct healing process.

In GCs case, for example, he mentioned he had scarring alopecia and big propensity to bleed, and this makes the work more complicated and even led him to be turned down by other HT docs. In his case Gho wanted to start using a more conservative approach and this make sense. You can always go for another HST in the future but if you do something wrong and lose precious donor material there is no way to fix it.

» » » The consultation is with Gho and the Tel calls were with Gho.
» » »
» » » On the morning of the HST, Dr Gho is first to greet you after the
» » » receptionist of course. Gho introduced me to his 2 other technicians
» who
» » » also flew to London with him. They usually All come to london on a
» » Monday
» » » and Tuesday, I’m not sure if that’s every week, maybe every other.
» » Before
» » » the procedure starts he takes photos.
» » »
» » » Anyway Gho then leaves his technicians to do pretty much all the work
» » » (extractions and recipient), but for some reason Gho takes over when
» it
» » » comes to hair lines. I had about 50 grafts going near the front area
» and
» » » Gho was called by the technician to do this section. Gho keeps coming
» » into
» » » the treatment room every hour or so checking how everything is, mostly
» » » speaking dutch to his ‘techs’ and asking how I’m feeling etc. After
» the
» » » procedure, he sits you down, takes more photos and explains the after
» » care
» » » process and meds.
» » »
» » » Next time I’m actually booked in for 2 days. 700 each day. On the
» first
» » » day the procedure won’t start until 10am, that’s because they travel
» on
» » the
» » » morning from Holland to London. The 2nd day’s procedure starts at 8am
» I
» » » think it is. So I’m hoping this will leave more time to do more
» grafts.
» » I’m
» » » pushing for 1700 total.
» »
» » Cool! Gc in the future I definetly would like to make you some more
» » questions when I book something with Gho. Is there a way we can keep in
» » touch other than in HairSite in case you stop posting often here?
» E-mail
» » maybe?
» Don’t worry I’ll be here.

ok, no prob!

How long you had to wait between the 1st and 2nd sessions?