If i block COX-2 i\'m also block PGE2 / PGF2 and pgd2

i read Scientific article
that his conclusion for prevent Hair Loss was

that we need surpress pdg2 but also increase productin of PGE2 / PGF2 increase

Quote from the article
"It is more likely that a number of end factors contribute to hair loss with factors like PGD2 inhibiting hair growth and others such as PGE2 and PGF2 promoting it," he said. “PGD2 inhibition may emerge as part of a combined approach used in combination with agents that work via different mechanisms . . . as a more effective approach to hair loss treatment.”

I’m trying to understand what happening in my body when I drink / take supplements :

Grape Seed Extract

How it exactly affects ON :

Could you specify
which supplements or foods increases the production of PGE2 / PGF2
And which foods or supplements inhibit and reduce the producing of PGD2

From what I have studied omega-6 is converted to AA and it is converted to cox-2 And it produces the
PGE2 / PGF2 and PGD2
I’m confused how i can block the PGD2 But to produce PGE2 / PGF2

if i block PGD2 i’m also block PGE2 / PGF2 - and This problem

please helpppppppppppppppppppppppp