I this male pattern baldness

Hi All,

I have had a very slowly growing bald spot at the top back of my head (over to the right hand side) for years. I always thought is was due to the fact that I have had stiches in and around that area three times… so thought it was the growth of scare tissue.

While the bald spot is still growing very slowly, I am now thinning quite a bit in the front. I’ve looked into male attern baldness, and everything I read says that hair loss in the fron starts from the sides of the front. My hair is thinning in the center. In fact, it is very thick on the sides. Could this still be male pattern baldness, or is it something else I should be concerned about.

Thanks in advance.

Go to a dentist and have your teeth checked.

There is a link between unhealthy teeth and hairloss (and joints).

» Go to a dentist and have your teeth checked.
» There is a link between unhealthy teeth and hairloss (and joints).

could you post where you read about this thanks…

» » Go to a dentist and have your teeth checked.
» »
» » There is a link between unhealthy teeth and hairloss (and joints).
» could you post where you read about this thanks…

must have been an article in the anti-semetic press from which bugler gets his conspiracy theories about 9/11 and jewish world-domination.

» » Go to a dentist and have your teeth checked.
» »
» » There is a link between unhealthy teeth and hairloss (and joints).
» could you post where you read about this thanks…

I read snout it sometime ago and thinking back when I had prlblemas with my teeth I lost more hair.

I was at the dentist some days ago and we were talking about this issue and he told me that there was a soccer player who had always problems with his joints but once he cured his teeth the joints problems were gone.

I have also observed by my experience that scalp problems are related to prostate causing it trouble. Some years ago I had to pee very often but since I started doing scalp massage (again) and using dermaroller that problem was gone. My scalp was causing trouble to my prostate somehow.

Health issued are not isolated but affect other body parts.

pd: sorry for the retarded above me trolling the message.

Baldness is the state of having no hair or lacking hair where it often grows, especially on the head. The most common form of baldness is a progressive hair thinning condition called androgenic alopecia or “male pattern baldness” that occurs in adult male humans and other species. The amount and patterns of baldness can vary greatly; it ranges from male and female pattern alopecia (androgenic alopecia, also called androgenetic alopecia or alopecia androgenetica), alopecia areata, which involves the loss of some of the hair from the head, and alopecia totalis, which involves the loss of all head hair, to the most extreme form, alopecia universalis, which involves the loss of all hair from the head and the body.

» » » Go to a dentist and have your teeth checked.
» » »
» » » There is a link between unhealthy teeth and hairloss (and joints).
» »
» » could you post where you read about this thanks…
» I read snout it sometime ago and thinking back when I had prlblemas with
» my teeth I lost more hair.
» I was at the dentist some days ago and we were talking about this issue
» and he told me that there was a soccer player who had always problems with
» his joints but once he cured his teeth the joints problems were gone.
» I have also observed by my experience that scalp problems are related to
» prostate causing it trouble. Some years ago I had to pee very often but
» since I started doing scalp massage (again) and using dermaroller that
» problem was gone. My scalp was causing trouble to my prostate somehow.
» Health issued are not isolated but affect other body parts.
» pd: sorry for the retarded above me trolling the message.

I think you should be sorry for your BS and mis-information Mr Buglar, however you are entitled to your opinion.

» I think you should be sorry for your BS and mis-information Mr Buglar,
» however you are entitled to your opinion.

I think you should be sorry for your lack of brain.
However you are entitled to not having brain.

“I’ve looked into male attern baldness, and everything I read says that hair loss in the fron starts from the sides of the front.”

I don’t know where you have been looking into this Baldy101, but it is complete and utter rubbish. Many many men (including me) thinned at the crown first.

Sounds like you have bog standard male pattern baldness to me :frowning:

» Hi All,
» I have had a very slowly growing bald spot at the top back of my head
» (over to the right hand side) for years. I always thought is was due to
» the fact that I have had stiches in and around that area three times… so
» thought it was the growth of scare tissue.

Please don’t take anything you see on here as medical advice.

I suggest you first and foremost see a dermatologist just to be sure this is not a symptom of a larger problem.

Thereafter, if you wish, post a picture of your head on here. It could be alopecia areata (not male pattern baldness) or it could be male pattern baldness or it could be something else alltogether like a thyroid problem or who knows what.

But first go see a dermatologist and he/she may get some bloodwork done if its not immediately recognizable as MPB.