I think I know why Dr. Hitzig wants to use bone stem cells

combination of two things: bone stem cells are good at adapting to the environment they are implanted into. Also, bone stem cells have been approved for implantation.


» combination of two things: bone stem cells are good at adapting to the
» environment they are implanted into. Also, bone stem cells have been
» approved for implantation.
» http://archive.truthout.org/article/adult-stem-cell-treatment-ready-human-testing?print

Why haven’t more doctors jumped on this?

» » combination of two things: bone stem cells are good at adapting to the
» » environment they are implanted into. Also, bone stem cells have been
» » approved for implantation.
» »
» »
» http://archive.truthout.org/article/adult-stem-cell-treatment-ready-human-testing?print
» Why haven’t more doctors jumped on this?

They wait to see results and then they are like flies all over it