The cold winter will add more difficulties to your wig maintenance, such as arid indoor heating and extreme weather conditions. But if you get the proper care tips, caring for a human hair during winter can be an easy thing.
Keep your human hair moisturized
The cold and harsh winds can easily strip the moisture from your wigs, then your wigs will become dry and frizzy and more likely to tangle. It is essential to apply hair conditioner after shampooing your human hair wigs. If your wigs are extremely dry, you can use some hair oil to lock in the moisture.
Wash less
Wigs tend to be cleaner in the cold winter than the hot summer, so you can minimize the washing frequency, especially if your human hair wigs are lace wigs. Lace wigs, like wear and go glueless wigs and m cap wigs, require more caution to avoid damage and prolong the lifespan.
Properly dry your human hair wig
Once your human hair wig has been washed, you’d better dry it properly before you go out, because a wet wig is more likely to be frozen in cold wind, and this can lead to hair strand breakages.