How far away is neosils product?

its called osh … , right?

its in phase II as long as i know. so in phase II a or II b? does anybody know? how long does phase III need?

so to sum it up, when we expect it if everything goes right?

i cant wait for it.

actually i think until hair multiplication is perfected and affordable that will need 5-10 or even 15 years from now.

so for people who still got some hair or didnt loose it that far back, its THE option. i think its anyway THE product which should help you with your hair until you get HM.

its no cure probably - how i think and how many think - but its a really nice option which i would like to have.

so how long to wait for it?

It took pfizer 3 years to bring rogaine foam to the market from the start of phase 3. Any faster than that is most unlikely. If neosil starts phase 3 next year, we will be able to buy it in 2011.

I thought you shaved your head and forgot about hairloss ??? I am surprised to still see you here…One day you are saying “forget about hairloss guys and go live your life, its no big deal”…giving us all a condesending pep talk and the next day you are all upset saying “I know how you guys feel…” I think you have bigger problems than hairloss (a split personality)…And where do you come up with your numbers of 5, 10, or 15 years ???..

» I thought you shaved your head and forgot about hairloss ??? I am surprised
» to still see you here…One day you are saying “forget about hairloss guys
» and go live your life, its no big deal”…giving us all a condesending pep
» talk and the next day you are all upset saying “I know how you guys
» feel…” I think you have bigger problems than hairloss (a split
» personality)…And where do you come up with your numbers of 5, 10, or
» 15 years ???..

i dont have a split personality. but im between denial and accepting it. thats why seem like a split personality.

well actually, ya im between denial and accepting. that doesnt make it easy.

i want to have hair again, like everyone else in here too.

anyway i already have a buzz cut again.

i come up with numbers of 5,10,15 because then it will be affordable and good.

» It took pfizer 3 years to bring rogaine foam to the market from the start
» of phase 3. Any faster than that is most unlikely. If neosil starts phase
» 3 next year, we will be able to buy it in 2011.

$ years? wow, lets hope my hair holds up until then. :frowning:

helpme, and this is your “full head of hair”:

“in fact thx to treatments” :expressionless:

» helpme, and this is your “full head of hair”:
» Haarausfall - Allgemeines Forum : Allgemeines zum Thema Haarausfall » so sehen meine haare jetzt aus
» “in fact thx to treatments” :expressionless:

i never said i have a full head of hair. never ever.

so please tell us what u want to say!