"histylhair", seems like a good and simple solution?!

I am from Holland and during my search for a solution to camouflage my ht-scar I found the website www.histylhair.com.

This English company is specialized in imitating hair follicles through a special micro pigmentation technique. Their website gives lots of information and example photo’s.

The technique is not only used for scars but it seems that it can also recreate a decent and natural (buzzed/shaven) new hairline.

I was curious and contacted the company. One of the owners, Ian, answered my questions quick, very friendly and extensively. (by the way, his email is ian@histylhair.com).

You can also download an extensive brochure from their website with extra information and photo’s. What do you think of their technique/results on behalf of their website and brochure?

Is there is anyone that has experience wit histylhair? I am curious, so please let me know.
