@Hey HairSite …

… is it really true that you have the smallest balls on this planet?


On one hand you edit and/or delete my posts, …

… and on the other hand you allow a completely USELESS idiot like hairman2 (who is CLEARLY unable to calculate 1.5 x 1.5 like the well-known idiot Spanish DUD) to call me “dumbest user” ???

I think the LEGIT question is, WHO is the dumbest hair loss board “Administrator” on this planet??

Hairsite, would it be possible to restrict Iron_Man’s activity to 1 post per day? That would be a good relief, but at the same time, we would avoid the sad decission to ban him completely… (well, maybe it wouldn’t be so sad anyway :slight_smile: )

» … is it really true that you have the smallest balls on this planet?
» http://www.hairsite.com/hair-loss/board_entry-id-88485-page-0-category-1-order-last_answer-descasc-DESC.html
» On one hand you edit and/or delete my posts, …
» … and on the other hand you allow a completely USELESS idiot like
» hairman2
(who is CLEARLY unable to calculate 1.5 x 1.5 like the
» well-known idiot Spanish DUD) to call me “dumbest user” ???
» I think the LEGIT question is, WHO is the dumbest hair loss board
» “Administrator” on this planet??

» Hairsite, would it be possible to restrict Iron_Man’s activity to 1 post
» per day? That would be a good relief, but at the same time, we would avoid
» the sad decission to ban him completely…

Damn good question - how about banning an idiot who post almost 10 years useless BS like Spanish Dud?

okay, I am afraid 1 post per day would be to much.
Lets make it 1 post per week. :slight_smile:

» » Hairsite, would it be possible to restrict Iron_Man’s activity to 1 post
» » per day? That would be a good relief, but at the same time, we would
» avoid
» » the sad decission to ban him completely…
» Damn good question - how about banning an idiot who post almost 10 years
» useless BS
like Spanish Dud?

» okay, I am afraid 1 post per day would be to much.

I think much too much per day for a completely USELESS user like you - seriously.

» … is it really true that you have the smallest balls on this planet?
» http://www.hairsite.com/hair-loss/board_entry-id-88485-page-0-category-1-order-last_answer-descasc-DESC.html
» On one hand you edit and/or delete my posts, …
» … and on the other hand you allow a completely USELESS idiot like
» hairman2 (who is CLEARLY unable to calculate 1.5 x 1.5 like the
» well-known idiot Spanish DUD) to call me “dumbest user” ???

so you were not pretending not to understand??? OMG!!

» I think the LEGIT question is, WHO is the dumbest hair loss board
» “Administrator” on this planet??

» » okay, I am afraid 1 post per day would be to much.
» I think much too much per day for a completely USELESS user like you -
» seriously.

at least I can multiply, divide, and calculate grafts per cm2 :slight_smile:

» at least I can multiply, divide, and calculate grafts per cm2 :slight_smile:

Not really - but other users know about you life …


Could you please add IM (for IronMan) next to JB (for JamesBond) on your intelligent site?

I miss James Bond, his posts were always ‘must read’ material.

» I miss James Bond, his posts were always ‘must read’ material.

You know Skywalker, if Destiny and Fate would be fair, they would give us a cure next year only so that we dont have to read SD and IM Fightings anymore, they are worser then hair loss and cancer combined

IM & SD have a relationship that has lasted longer than many marriages - and nobody could say that a lack of communication is a problem in that ‘marriage’ :smiley:

» IM & SD have a relationship that has lasted longer than many marriages -
» and nobody could say that a lack of communication is a problem in that
» ‘marriage’ :smiley:

We are still working on - or do you think we should contact something like a marriage advisory service? :expressionless:

you still have failed to explain what exactly was wrong with Spanish Dude’s calculation… he used the figure 2.25 cm^2 at all times…

simply claiming that we can’t calculate 1.5 x 1.5 doesn’t make it true… in fact the entire thread was quite an embarrassment to your intelligence, because you went on raging against an accurate calculation…

» … is it really true that you have the smallest balls on this planet?
» http://www.hairsite.com/hair-loss/board_entry-id-88485-page-0-category-1-order-last_answer-descasc-DESC.html
» On one hand you edit and/or delete my posts, …
» … and on the other hand you allow a completely USELESS idiot like
» hairman2
(who is CLEARLY unable to calculate 1.5 x 1.5 like the
» well-known idiot Spanish DUD) to call me “dumbest user” ???
» I think the LEGIT question is, WHO is the dumbest hair loss board
» “Administrator” on this planet??

» you still have failed to explain what exactly was wrong with Spanish Dude’s
» calculation… he used the figure 2.25 cm^2 at all times…
» simply claiming that we can’t calculate 1.5 x 1.5 doesn’t make it true…

nope - he just did it one time, and I couldn’t see it when he posted it. But it doesn’t matter, because his posts in this thread are full of errors anyhow. For example …

2.25 / 2 = 1.0 or what??

I wonder why he sticks so on the 1 cm² number. How much FU’s (1 - 4 hairs bearing GRAFTS) has the average Causcasian on the back of his head? 100 FU’s/1.0 cm² ?? I, for instance, have ~77/1.0 cm² within the occipital donor area and that is pretty good (actually normal) on the average.

Ok, and now try to harvest 57 grafts/1.0 cm² from a guy with just 77 grafts/1.0 cm². Cool. No way (!!) for leaving at least 1 graft in between in such a too small area.

» » you still have failed to explain what exactly was wrong with Spanish
» Dude’s
» » calculation… he used the figure 2.25 cm^2 at all times…
» »
» » simply claiming that we can’t calculate 1.5 x 1.5 doesn’t make it true…
» nope - he just did it one time, and I couldn’t see it when he posted it.
» But it doesn’t matter, because his posts in this thread are full of errors
» anyhow. For example …
» 2.25 / 2 = 1.0 or what??
» I wonder why he sticks so on the 1 cm² number. How much FU’s (1 - 4 hairs
» bearing GRAFTS) has the average Causcasian on the back of his head? 100
» FU’s/1.0 cm² ?? I, for instance, have ~77/1.0 cm² within the occipital
» donor area and that is pretty good (actually normal) in average.

do you have 77 grafts per cm2? thats exactly what the trialists on the JDT had on average.
348.6 hairs in 2.25 cm2, that is 155 hairs per cm2, or approx 77 grafts per cm2 (considering 2 hairs per graft on average).
Gho extracted 57.7 grafts out of 77 grafts available per cm2. Thats 75 percent of the available grafts aproximately.

You should read my edited/complete post …

» You should read my edited/complete post …

I think my reply is also valid for your edited post.
On the JDT, Gho harvested 57 grafts per cm2, from 77 grafts per cm2 available before extraction. He didn-t leave 1 graft between two extractions.

» or do you think we should contact something like a marriage advisory service?

I don’t think the counsellor would get a word in edgeways…

Spanish Dude is going to ring the HASCI clinic to find out about the discrepancy between the Gho technique as described with Spencer Kobren and the extraction density in the JDT document so there is no need to argue about it, just wait for Spanish Dude to report back.

And Skywalker is going to forum school where they teach how to post in the correct branch in a tree thread.

» » or do you think we should contact something like a marriage advisory
» service?
» I don’t think the counsellor would get a word in edgeways…
» Spanish Dude is going to ring the HASCI clinic to find out about the
» discrepancy between the Gho technique as described with Spencer Kobren and
» the extraction density in the JDT document so there is no need to argue
» about it, just wait for Spanish Dude to report back.

No Skywalker is correct.

You keep coming with your conspiracy theories all the time and attack people and argue about small numbers, but you dont have the guts to give a phone call to HASCI? How ridiculous are you, btw your acting is one of the key points, why i wont ever post a telephone transcript because you would get new fuel for your X Files stuff, where i have to say that i more belive in X FIles stuff then your theories