Heres to show nice result with out frontloading thousands of grafts

» This is a much better video document, and I think it’s a very good result.
» However, I have one comment about the before and after clips. In the entire
» before clip, he was just holding his hair back, but in the after clip there
» is no such shot. I’m wondering how his hair would’ve looked before the HT,
» if he had just let it hang loose; he did have thick hair in the front, only
» his temples have recessed. I’m NOT saying this tricky or deceptive, but
» it’ll be easier compare if the after clip had shots with the patient
» holding his hair back like he did in the before clip.

As the hair is being combed right back, pause it, and the effect is the same as holding it back

And there are no plugs.
The patient did not sign a butt protecting waiver, ( nor does he have to post favourably due to a sneeky contract clause )

If there were plugs he could take action against me , post unfavourably etc and there is nothing I could do to stop it

Genuine posters and readers will understand the significance of what I just said

The nasty company shills will play it down, or claim such measures are “unnecessary”

As previously explained, the video was shot in film HD making the file too big and hence fuzzy on the net. We are working on a conversion and then a much longer clearer video will be shown.

Dr Ray Woods

Dr. Woods, do you expect more regrowth after 8 months? 1000 sounds good to my wallet but I was hoping this guy would get a little bit more density.

Iron Man,

Your “Pluggy” comment is very important IMO, not because it makes Dr. Woods look like a ‘Plugger’ by any means, but because it suggests to me something about how illusions work in HT, both in a good sense (volume, when then really isn’t much) and a bad sense (gaps, pluginess, when the hair might have been dispersed appropriately). In your ‘freeze-frame’ you highlight an area, that running from left to right, appear to show six very vertical ‘storks’; they appear to look like six mini-plugs popping right out of the head, like a typical 1980s transplant (or in many places, unfortunately a 2010 job) I would be quite surprised if Dr. Woods makes a habit of inserting multiple grafts into single slits - although many clinics practice this, and yes, it most definitely helps illusion of volume, as long the storks are never isolated, no wind and rain and the hairspray is on just right! So why does it look pluggy? Well, IMO I think it is simply the way the stars line up so to speak, at that particular moment. As the density of HT hair is no where near anything like nature can produce, combined with the courseness of the donor hair, there will inevitably be times and angles when hairs form into ‘groups’ as we look at the scalp form a certain angle. It can be noticeable when hair and scalp contrast is high. Finally, I don’t know squat about technology and photography, but doesn’t digital resolution effect that too, so that borders and thin lines appear more solid??